
Before we will indulge in our favourite thing to do, that is announcing bands for our 25th anniversary, first let’s get to some technical stuff many of you have been asking about since the first day after the fest. In the upcoming couple days we are going to update the eshop with most of the festival optional services like stands, VIP camps, parking, hotel packages etc. Watch out or follow our social media!
And now the thing we are all looking for the most! Just before we reveal the freshly confirmed bands, let’s recap those you already know about from the festival guide.

The metal diva MYRKUR had to cancel her appearance this year due to her pregnancy and her show was cut short by the fire fighters' intervention the year before. Next year will be the year, when you will finally be able to enjoy her show to the full! The true Norwegian avant-garde masters MANES also had to cancel due to health issues last year and we can confirm, that they will present you their vision of rock, electronic and metal fusion in 2020.
ASPHYX shall return and the legendary voice of Martin van Drunnen will resonate through the walls of our fortress alongside the pure death metal that ASPHYX have been executing since 1987. Next band on the list shall rise the BPM considerably. DARK FUNERAL will present the Swedish way of blasting yet melodic black metal.
More good news on the way and inbound from Canada – for the first time ever – you will face the evil invaders with malicious intent as the legendary RAZOR will violently restitute the reign of shotgun justice over the domain of speeding thrash metal! This legendary band toured the world with Slayer or Motörhead but never betrayed the underground spirit. Get ready for pure 80s hostilities! The 80s have also spawned death metal and one of its pioneers, who were the first to introduce keys and space themes into the genre. Mike Browning now resurrects the original NOCTURNUS vibe and continues the spirit of „The Key“ in acclaimed album from 2019 „Paradox“. Witness NOCTURNUS AD seizing the throne!
To fully appreciate life, you also need to be aware of death. And nobody can bestow upon you the funeral atmosphere better than EVOKEN, the forerunners of the funeral doom genre. The last band you are already aware of are HENTAI CORPORATION, representing the local scene. Their eccentric mix of crossover rock'n'roll with bizzare pop-rock and lively shows are a celebration of life, coming from the exactly opposite direction than the band above.

And now let’s move to the fresh signings! Nothing is gonna revive Dimebag or Vinnie Paul…BUT we still have Phil and he is buried under requests to get the fans some taste of the good ol‘ times. Now he has finally granted the fans their wish and we can hereby confirm, that Brutal Assault 2020 will host PHILIP H. ANSELMO and THE ILLEGALS playing a PANTERA set! Get ready for „Mouth for War“, „Broken“ or „Walk“ and other immortal classics!
The Canadian pioneers of deathcore DESPISED ICON shall also return with their double vokill dictate and cannonball force of their metal-hardcore mix! Pure pressure, blasting drums and short ripping songs, that is one of the best bands in today’s grindcore, WORMROT from Singapore. See them once and become an instant believer!
Brutal Assault brings you hardcore attitude… and ATARI TEENAGE RIOT bring you digital hardcore! Come to reset your chip with their revolting unrestrained energy and tekk-rythmics!
And with our last band on the announcement we are returning to point where it all started for many of us back in 1982. Building up steam - nuclear screams / warheads are ready to fight! Black leather hounds - faster than sound / metal our purpose in life! You got it right, they are back and you shall lay down your soul to the gods rock'n'roll on the altar of VENOM!

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It’s still just October but we are already announcing a second massive batch of bands! It’s twenty new names total and we will start with the more underground acts.

The war poets 1914 are coming from Ukraine to deliver their sludge-ish take on of black / death metal blend. For the next band we stay in black metal waters but geographically we move all the way to Singapore to DRACONIS INFERNUM with their blistering old school black. Black metal is also a part of the SIGH portfolio. But as is customary with the Japanese, they add a lot of unique weirdness to the mix including flutes and saxophones. Another underground gem that also features a brass section are Italians OTTONE PESANTE. They have built their unique sound exclusively on a trumpet and trombone accompanied by furious drums. This trio will bring an avant-garde devil-may-care attitude to the fortress. The same will be true about the avant-garde black metal chaosmongers PENSÉES NOCTURNES. As far as extravagancy in metal goes, the country of Gallic rooster is always a guarantee of a great experience. FRONTIERER, a quintet from the United Kingdom or more precisely from Scotland, will also represent a non-standard cut. Expect the energy of The Dillinger Escape Plan, dissonant riffs ala Car Bomb and hammer fist sound. The death metal powerhouse MASS INFECTION have both technique and brutality. They draw from both American school and European school, bet on speed and hellish melodies. It’s definitely gonna get hot with AUTHOR & PUNISHER. Industrial metal, drone, noise.. just tremendous power of sound that will drop you to your knees. When talking about world-class avant-garde, you certainly cannot avoid mentioning Norwegian masters ARCTURUS. We are always excited about their progressive black-ish show fronted by the voice of ICS Vortex and backed by the drums of Hellhammer (Mayhem). Now a band we are extremely excited about - BEYOND CREATION! We have been working on bringing their brilliant technical death metal for a long time and finally we’ve succeeded. There will be no shortage of technical approach and complicated structures with deathcore intruders RING OF SATURN either, as they are gonna present the upcoming album "Gidim". The explosive but songful metalcore of the Englishmen WHILE SHE SLEEPS belongs to the top class of the genre. And the same can be said of American thrashers HAVOK, whose work offers not only old school but also modern approaches to songwriting. Modern outlook and futuristic visions of industrial alternative metal will be imposed on the masses by STATIC-X! Their revived line-up after the demise of the singer Wayne kills live. And the same goes for the current line-up of CRADLE OF FILTH, who are experiencing a second peak. And you will experience the peak, because they will bring "Cruelty and the Beast" in its entirety! VADER have 35 years of experience under their belt and they are battle-hardened veterans, who simply belong to Brutal Assault. Especially when They will bring "De Profundis / Litany" show! Only 5 years younger are NECROPHOBIC, one of a kind band focused on melodies in blackened death metal from Sweden. We stay in Scandinavia with Norwegian savages KVELERTAK. They like to merge genres. Black metal, hardcore punk, heavy metal… this is gonna be a wild ride! TOXIC HOLOCAUST will unleash short-burst thrashing onslaught and finally we are finishing with another Czech premiere. We always welcome Nergal in our fortress with open arms. This time, however, he does not come with Behemoth, but arrives in a hat with the melancholic songs of ME AND THAT MAN.

Bands: 1914, Arcturus, Author & Punisher, Beyond Creation, Cradle of Filth, DRACONIS INFERNUM, Frontierer, HAVOK, Kvelertak, Mass Infection, Me And That Man, NECROPHOBIC, Ottone Pesante, Pensées Nocturnes, Rings of Saturn, SIGH (official page), Static-X, Toxic Holocaust, Vader a While She Sleeps

The line-up for 2020 is growing strong. With this new batch of bands we will already have over 40 artists (33% of the lineup)!

Let's start with fulfilling of the wish of many of you with the finest Caligorenia hurricane CATTLE DECAPITATION, which will bring a unique combination of technical death metal and grindcore with an exceptional voice-slaughter on top of that and with new highly anticipated album „Death Atlas”! The next name will please the fans of pressurized modern metal sounds. SHADOW OF INTENT play melodic and symphonic deathcore and with their third album „Melancholy” their star continues to rise! The fourth album of deadly thrashers FUELED BY FIRE is expected to be out next year, so we can expect not only an energetic show full of massive mosh-fueling riffs but also new songs over the BA stage!

Let's change continents and move to Sweden. One word - KATATONIA! Dark moods, melancholic tones, progressive approach and Jonas Renkse' singing. This string of associations needs to immediately spring into mind of any fan of one of the most atmospheric bands ever, as KATATONIA returns to Brutal Assault! FEVER 333, the next band on the list is known for its unique sound and boasts daring and electrifying rock fever-ish rhythms. They were nominated for a Grammy for their debut EP and they mingle with hip-hop, punk, post-hardcore, metal and electronics or drum'n'bass in their music. LIFE OF AGONY is also a band you won’t mistake for any other. Their crossover style has drawn from alternative metal, grunge and hard rock and Mina Caputo lends the band her characteristic voice. Other experimental group that likes to mix-up all kinds of genres (prog, jazz, death, fusion, punk, hardcore…) are PSYKUP! Think of these experimenters as of a French answer to projects of Mike Patton - especially the craziest ones - so fans of Mr. Bungle or Fantomas should become alerted and remember a new shortcut „Ctrl + Alt + Fuck”!

We shall not forget the dark side of power of corpse, so we will finally summon the mechanics of hell and their stroboscopic black metal to create the singularity of evil among the towering walls of our fortress. Get ready for devilish epic projection, streaming sounds of inferno and a show that is gonna shoot you up to „Planet Satan”. MYSTICUM are coming! The other side of the darkness will be revealed by a band that is beyond good and evil with its extravagant atmosphere. Mad rhythms, furious tempo, screaks, black metal inside out, violent jazz. The dissonant (death / black) metal triumphs beyond the limits of common understanding. Clear decadence. IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT!

Bands in this update: Cattle Decapitation, FEVER 333, FUELED BY FIRE - OFFICIAL, IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT, Katatonia, Life Of Agony Famiglia, Mysticum, Psykup, Shadow Of Intent
Here comes a little Christmas present!

Does Christmas time terrorize you with all the omni-present carols? How about we add some real TERROR?! Yep, one of the heaviest and most popular bands on the scene shall return to the crime scene where they shot the „Spirit of Sacrifice“ video two years ago. Another band that knows a lot about the spirit of sacrifice but this time for death metal is one of the most influential bands of the genre. Let’s see what is gonna be your cause of death after OBITUARY are done with you!
Call it blackgaze, shoegaze or post-something, but only ALCEST can conjure up the soul-grabbing atmospheres that you can find on their latest output Spiritual Instinct. Another band to cover our fortress in its unique sound will be FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, one of the most important EBM acts that has also helped to set direction for the electro-industrial scene. The next act on the list also likes to indulge in the use of electronics, but its experimental sound stems from noise rock and grind. That being said, you easily cannot put any genre label on them. And when we reveal they come from Japan and also utilize weirdo vocals you’ll be able to make the connection that we are probably talking about MELT-BANANA!
At Brutal Assault we can’t ever have enough death metal, especially when certain Frank Mullen is behind the microphone. And especially when he shall be fronting the show for the last time. Yep, the crème de la crème of US death metal SUFFOCATION shall rip BA apart with Frank for the last time in 2020! It is said that our next band inspired the sound of Pantera by the dawn of 90s, however then they didn’t release anything for 27 years. Until this year. And they’re back in a great shape, so we are sure EXHORDER and their new album "Mourn the Southern Skies" will make an impact next summer.
Now let's get some atmosphere back into the mix. NAILED TO OBSCURITY make the death/doom wheels turn with their strong melancholic melodies while Greg Mackintosh connects the next two bands. PARADISE LOST keep the flame of English gothic doom / death alive and on top of that Greg's morbid alter-ego STRIGOI takes over the reins of his black-ish graveyard old school death/crust/grind output after the demise of Vallenfyre.

Have a rocking holiday and a great New Year full of heavy music!

Bands in this update #5: Alcest, Exhorder, Front Line Assembly, Melt-Banana, Nailed to Obscurity, Obituary, Paradise Lost, Strigoi, Suffocation and Terror
Vēl pa lēto var paspēt nopirkt :)

As we've informed you on Monday, at the strike of midnight we will stop selling the first edition of early-bird tickets. From 1st February 2020 we are launching the second edition of early-bird tickets for €106; these will be available until 30th April 2020 or until the overall stock lasts.
Also expect another line-up update on Monday!
Par biletem - gribetos sogad aizbraukt, bet vel isti nezinu vai tie datumi brivi - 50/50. Kadas ir iespejas uz vietas dabut biletes?
Uz vietas, cik saprotu, pilnīgi nekādas.
Pagājšgad bija sold-out mēnesi pirms festa. Nezinu, kā ar cerībām no rokas dabūt.

Par Waken - (tas gan 5+ laikam gadus atpakal) ta viens pazina visu laiku braukaja un uz vietas no citiem, kas netiek vai kas tur, pardod biletes pie ieejas pirmaja festa diena + par izdevigaku cenu vel
Nu, ja tevi apmierina braukt tur ar pietiekami lielu opciju vispār netikt iekšā, tad vari tā darīt :) Es labi atceros gadījumu, kad atgriezos Helsinkos no ekspedīcijas Ālandu salās un nākamās dienas naktī bija jāņem prāmi no Helsinkiem uz Tallinu. Biju dzirdējis, ka Somija ir trvelande, bet ielās mataino skaits bija neparedzēti augsts. Izlasīju, ka esmu ietrāpījis uz Tuska open-air trešās dienas vakaru, kurā uzstāsies arī Dying Fetus, kurus tobrīd klausījos austiņās. Aizgāju, dabūju biļeti no džeka, kam bija pārāk lielas paģiras pa 30 eur, dzīvajā noskatījos Dying Fetus, Nile un Slayer, pēc tam skrēju uz prāmi, pēdējā brīdī arī paspēju. Bet nu paļauties uz šādiem gadījumiem laikam nevajag :)
Palasiju pagajusa gada temu:

, 2019. gada 3. jūlijā, plkst. 09:26
hm.. 2 biļetenus vajadzētu. Nu gan jau tur uz vietas varēs dabūt (vismaz iepriekš gadus čomi, kuri bez biļetēm brauca, vienmēr dabūja), bet 100% uz to paļauties arī nevar.

Nu pienemsim netiek ieksa pirmaja/otraja diena - kas tur notiek apkart? Ir tur kda pilseta/pasakumi - iznemot festu?
Pagājušogad BA biļetes uz vietas no rokām varēja dabūt. bet 100% paļauties uz to, protams, nevajadzētu. Lieks stress tikai.
Es gan beigu beigās biju dabūjis tepat no vietējiem bāleliņiem caur FB .
To tavu komentaru ari pamaniju (tikai pec tam), ka uz vietas easy vareja dabut. Kadas cenas, uz vietas tirgo? Kas tur apkart notiek ap vestu?
Nu hujsviņu zin pa kādām cenām tirgo, negāju klāt neprasīju DD . Domāju, ne lētāk par oriģinālo cenu (ja vien nav izpirkts un kasēs vēl ir). Apkārt viss zajebis, tuss sit augstu vilni 24h/diennaktī no otrdienas līdz sestdienai ieskaitot.
a kur problēma nopirkt biļeti tagad? Ja nesanāks aizbraukt, varēs vienmēr pārdot tālāk kādam pēdējā brīža braucējam (man vienreiz tā gadījās).
Kā uz vietas tā tirgošana izpaužas? Kāds stends vai vienkārši, kāds staigā un piedāvā?

Ja varētu arī tā, bet nav vēlme (un pat nezinu vai būšu LV) tur ņemties ar tirgošanām u.t.t.
Kadas prognozes? Kad atcels?
Pēc loģikas vajadzētu atcelt, jo Vācija līdz 1.sept. aizliegusi končus, bet Vācijā gandrīz puse no Eiropas festiem notiek - festu tūrē nepabrauksi ...
Protams ka atcelts, nu znatoki - stastat, kad? un ieliekat "-"
Pārcelts uz 2021. Biļetes derīgas. Var mierīgi pirkt arī tagad (no kāda padsmitā maija būs 2021.gada noformējums pieejams)
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