2025. gada albumi
Parādījies pirmais singls no SAOR - "Amidst the Ruins", kas iznāks 7. februārī. Manuprāt, kā vienmēr lielisks.

Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Vācijas sladžmeistariem MANTAR arī februārī albums gaidāms.
nu kā tur teica? - king is dead, long live the king! (?)

Batushka ir miris un PATRIARKH ir dzimis!

Polish black metal icons PATRIARKH (formerly Batushka) embark on a dark and ominous pilgrimage as they unveil the next single from the upcoming concept album, ПРОРОК ИЛИЯ (Lat. PROROK ILJA), out on January 3, 2025 via Napalm Records. Accompanied by an official music video, the new song, entitled “ВЕРШАЛИН IV” (Lat. WIERSZALIN IV), weaves the sacred-inspired vocals of Eliza Sacharczuk with liturgical melodies, building into a storm of dark choirs and unforgettably intense harsh vocals.



un te live:

Tas ir kurš? Trve, unTrve vai superTrvu BABUSHKA?

Pa lielam jau pofig, pēc debijnieka, neko jēdzīgu nav izspieduši - vēcina tik smerdekļus un ūjina...

Batushka (a.k.a. Батюшка, Batyushka, Барфоломей's Batushka, Bartłomiej Krysiuk) Black Metal Poland
Batyushka (a.k.a. Batushka, Батюшка) Black Metal Unknown
Μπατουσκα (a.k.a. Batushka, Batouska) Black Metal Unknown
Батюшка (a.k.a. Batushka, Batyushka, The Original Batushka, Христофор's Batushka, Krzysztof's Batushka) Black Metal Poland
Батюшка (a.k.a. Batushka, Batyushka) Black Metal United Kingdom
Kur mātuška skatās...
^ Tiešām! Sieviešu parodijgrupa par visām Batushkām zem nosaukuma Matushka — to tie savstarpēji konkurējošie Барфоломей un Христофор vadītie patriarhāti būtu pelnījuši.

Un, protams, to arī izdotu Napalm Records, jo tam leiblam laikam nav vērts nosūtīt linku uz savu demo, ja tur skatuves priekšplānā negorās vismaz viena jaunkundze.
^^^ Patriarkh ir "netrū" Baķuška - tiesā vinnēja ģitārists (Hristofors jeb Drabikowskis), un vokālista versijai nācās nomainīt nosaukumu.
Savukārt tas, ka "pēc debijnieka neko jēdzīgu nav izspieduši" bija neizbēgami. Atliekot malā prātošanu par to, kas ir jēdzīgs un kas nav, un vai debijnieks tāds ir...
Uzreiz bija skaidrs, ka Batushka pēc būtības ir "one album wonder". Nākošais ieraksts jebkurā gadījumā bija gaidāms, ka "nebūs tas" - vai nu tas būs pārlieku līdzīgs pirmajam, vai pārlieku atšķirīgs, tāda sakarīga vidusceļa nemaz nebija. Vienīgais, ko bija grūtāk uzminēt - ka realizēsies abi šie scenāriji.
Tā, ko es te redzu? Feikās batuškas propoganda? KUR SKATĀS ADMINISTRĀCIJA?
Čaļi noteikti domāja, ka baigo zelta āderi atraduši - nu tik štancēs, nu tik būs...
Es tieši šo uzskatu par īsto, kur galvenais ir ex-HERMH vokālists.
January 2025
3.01 Paleface Swiss - Cursed - Deathcore
3.01 Aeonian Sorrow - From The Shadows [EP] - Funeral doom metal, Melodic doom metal
3.01 Patriarkh - Пpopoк Илия - Black metal
3.01 Lord Agheros - Anhedonia - Extreme gothic metal
3.01 Faidra - Dies Irae [EP] - Atmospheric black metal
3.01 Gonemage - Entranced By The Ice Storm [EP] - Experimental black metal
5.01 Lumnos - Na Santa Paz Da Aurora [EP] - Atmospheric black metal
6.01 Bergthron - Neu Asen Land - Progressive black metal
6.01 Obscure Sphinx - Emovere - Doom metal, Post-metal, Sludge metal
8.01 Plaguewielder (USA) - In Dust & Ash - Blackened sludge metal
9.01 Barshasketh - Antinomian Asceticism - Black metal
10.01 Tremonti - The End Will Show Us How - Heavy metal
10.01 The Halo Effect - March Of The Unheard - Melodic death metal
10.01 Beriedir - Liminal Spaces - Progressive metal
10.01 Wyatt E. - Zam​ā​ru Ultu Gereb Ziqquratu Part 1 - Drone doom metal
10.01 FaithXtractor - Loathing & The Noose - Death metal
10.01 Grafjammer - De Tyfus, De teerling - Black metal
10.01 Ex Deo - Year Of The Four Emperors [EP] - Symphonic death metal
10.01 Mourn The Light - The Magic Is Calling [EP] - Doom metal, Heavy metal
10.01 Elyose - Évidence - Gothic metal, Industrial metal
14.01 Rudra - Antithesis - Death metal, Thrash metal
15.01 Greh - Dysphoric Devotion - Doom death metal, Blackened sludge metal
17.01 Tokyo Blade - Time Is The Fire - Heavy metal
17.01 Grave Digger - Bone Collector - Heavy metal
17.01 Hazzerd - The 3rd Dimension - Thrash metal
17.01 Necrodeath - Arimortis - Blackened thrash metal
17.01 Sarcator - Swarming Angels & Flies - Blackened thrash metal
17.01 Hesperia - Fra Li Monti Sibillini (Black Medieval Winter Over The Sibylline Mounts) - Atmospheric black metal, Pagan black metal
17.01 Thy Kingdom Will Burn - The Loss And Redemption - Melodic death metal
17.01 Onirophagus - Revelations From The Void - Death doom metal
17.01 Drown In Sulphur - Vengeance - Deathcore
17.01 The Big Deal - Electrified - Hard rock
17.01 Aevum (ITA) - Kaleidoscope - Symphonic metal
17.01 Dragonknight - Legions - Power metal
17.01 Mourir - Insolence [EP] - Black metal
17.01 Häxkapell - Om Jordens blod Och Urgravens Grepp - Blackened folk metal
17.01 Shedfromthebody - Whisper And Wane - Shoegaze, Doom metal
17.01 Teramaze - Desire Colours N Lust [EP] - Progressive metal
20.01 Putred - Megalit Al Putrefacției - Death metal
21.01 Pentagram - Lightning In A Bottle - Doom metal
21.01 Retador - Earëndel - Thrash metal
21.01 Membaris - Black Plasma Armor - Black metal
24.01 Avatarium - Between You, God, The Devil And The Dead - Doom metal
24.01 Wardruna - Birna - Ambient, Neofolk
24.01 Harakiri For The Sky - Scorched Earth - Black metal, Post-metal
24.01 Fleshbore - Painted Paradise - Technical death metal
24.01 The Great Old Ones - Kadath - Ambient, Atmospheric black metal
24.01 Unreqvited - A Pathway To The Moon - Atmospheric black metal, Depressive black metal, Post-metal
24.01 Mogwai - The Bad Fire - Post-rock
24.01 Thin Lizzy - Acoustic Sessions - Heavy metal
24.01 Voidfallen - The Rituals Of Resilience - Melodic death metal
24.01 Labyrinth - In The Vanishing Echoes Of Goodbye - Progressive power metal
24.01 Bonfire - Higher Ground - Hard rock, Heavy metal
24.01 Tormentor Tyrant - Excessive Escalation Of Cruelty - Death metal
24.01 Ice War - Feel The Steel - Heavy metal, Speed metal
24.01 Sacrifice - Volume Six - Thrash metal
24.01 The Ferrymen - Iron Will - Heavy metal
24.01 Century - Sign Of The Storm - Heavy metal
24.01 Bumblefoot - Bumblefoot... Returns! - Progressive hard rock
24.01 À Terre - Embrasser La Nuit - Post-metal
24.01 Irae - Promiscuous Fire [EP] - Black metal
24.01 Scitalis - Maledictum - Black metal
24.01 Umbersound - If The Flies Could Sing - Death doom metal
31.01 The Night Flight Orchestra - Give Us The Moon - Hard rock
31.01 Great American Ghost - Tragedy Of The Commons - Hardcore, Metalcore
31.01 Confess - Destination Addiction - Metalcore, Nu metal, Thrash metal
31.01 The Hellacopters - Overdriver - Hard rock, Sleaze rock
31.01 WarWolf - The Final Battle - Heavy metal, Power metal
31.01 Maceration - Serpent Devourment - Death metal
31.01 Shrieking Demons - The Festering Dwellers - Death metal
31.01 Kilmara - Journey To The Sun - Heavy metal, Progressive power metal
31.01 Blackslash - Heroes, Saints & Fools - Heavy metal
31.01 Relics Of Humanity - Absolute Dismal Domain - Brutal death metal
31.01 Pyre - Where Obscurity Sways - Death metal
31.01 Revenge - Violation.Strife.Abominate - Black metal, Death metal
31.01 Selvans - Saturnalia - Atmospheric black metal, Folk metal
31.01 All That Remains - Antifragile - Melodic metalcore
31.01 Burn Down Eden - Dismal Epiphany - Melodic death metal
31.01 Lunar - Tempora Mutantur - Progressive metal
31.01 The Wave And The Particle - Electric Sheep - Industrial rock, Symphonic metal
31.01 Plague Of Stars - Extinction - Gothic doom metal
31.01 Consumption - Catharsis - Death metal
31.01 Unreal Overflows - Slaves Of The Inhuman Future World - Technical death metal
31.01 Kuusuo - Curse Still Lingers On [EP] - Atmospheric black metal
24.01 Thin Lizzy - Acoustic Sessions - Heavy metal

hm, nebija ne jausmas, ka šie pat ir MA iekļauti - nekad nav klausīti, ja neskaita 34 koverus
3.01 Aeonian Sorrow - From The Shadows [EP] - Funeral doom metal, Melodic doom metal

šis tik 2025.02.07. būšot ārā
Prognan man ir 2024.gada TOP augšgalā, bet par jaunā albuma apjomu (133min) man nav pārliecības. Aprīlī būs fiziskos formātos, bet strīms jau no 3.janvāra:

The release date corresponds to 84 years since the invasion of the German army into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Official English translation:
The People Will Gild It All
1. Directive 25
2. A Bloody Fairytale
3. Black Bridge
4. Draksenić
5. Leader
6. The People Will Gild It All
7. Bloody Peonies
8. I Gave All My Sons Under the Flag
9. Battle at Kozara Mountain (pt. I)
10. Sleep in a Silent Stone Dream (pt. II)
11. A Small Piece of Heaven (pt. III)
12. The Dead Speak, But Only the Stones Hear

Jaunais Deafheaven moška atkal būs vecajās sliedēs atpakaļ.

Eluveitie gan stabili tur savu stilu - vakardienas koncerts Palladiumā bija lielisks. 25. aprīlī iznāks "Ànv".


28. februārī jauns aukstuma vilnis no Sibīrijas mežiem. GRIMA - "Nightside"

Manai gaumei ar katru albi GRIMA paliek sudiigaaks un suudiigaaks :)
February 2025
4.02 Sarkasm - Carnival Of Atrocities - Death metal
2.02 Seventh Station - On Shoulders Of Giants [EP] - Progressive metal
2.02 ArsGoatia - Agitators Of Hysteria - Black metal
1.02 Antiquus Scriptum - Phenomena (The 7th Seal) - Black metal, Viking folk metal
1.02 Second To Sun - Thunderbolt [EP] - Black metal
1.02 Ergholae Somptator - À Cor Et À Cri - Black metal

6.02 Storm Death - Chaos Will Reign! -
7.02 Thundermother - Dirty & Divine - Hard rock
7.02 Days Of Jupiter - The World Was Never Enough - Alternative metal, Hard rock
7.02 Aeonian Sorrow - From The Shadows [EP] - Funeral doom metal, Melodic doom metal
7.02 Dream Theater - Parasomnia - Progressive metal
7.02 Ereb Altor - Hälsingemörker - Pagan black metal, Doom metal
7.02 Jinjer - Du​é​l - Progressive metalcore
7.02 Unreqvited - A Pathway To The Moon - Atmospheric black metal, Depressive black metal, Post-metal
7.02 Majestica - Power Train - Power metal
7.02 Saor - Amidst The Ruins - Atmospheric black metal, Folk metal
7.02 Obscura - A Sonication - Progressive death metal, Technical death metal
7.02 Saber - Lost In Flames - Heavy metal
7.02 Marko Hietala - Roses From The Deep - Folk, Hard rock, Rock
7.02 Pathogenic - Crowned In Corpses - Djent, Extreme progressive metal
7.02 Phrenelith - Ashen Womb - Death metal
7.02 Noctambulist (NED) - Noctambulist II: De Droom - Post black metal
7.02 Inborn Suffering - Pale Grey Monochrome - Death metal, Doom metal
7.02 Morast - Fentanyl - Black metal, Death metal, Doom metal
7.02 Legado De Una Tragedia - Lovecraft - Symphonic power metal
7.02 Black .44 - Bloodlines - Stoner metal
7.02 Di'Aul - EvAAvE - Stoner metal
7.02 Norilsk - Antipole - Death doom metal, Funeral doom metal
7.02 Klaw - Gods And Creators - Thrash metal
7.02 Lesath - Cold Silence - Atmospheric black metal
7.02 16 - Guides For The Misguided - Sludge metal
7.02 Sidewinder - March Of The Eternal Heretic [EP] - Crust punk, Death metal
7.02 Impending Doom - Towards The Light [EP] - Deathcore
7.02 Macabra - Etsaman - Death metal
7.02 Ameokama - I Will Be Clouds In The Morning And Rain In The Evening - Doomgaze, Shoegaze, Noise rock

14.02 Love Is Noise - To Live In A Different Way - Alternative metal
14.02 Lacuna Coil - Sleepless Empire - Alternative metal
14.02 Apocalypse Orchestra - A Plague Upon Thee - Doom metal, Medieval folk metal
14.02 Dawn Of Solace - Affliction Vortex - Doom metal, Gothic metal
14.02 Hangman's Chair - Saddiction - Gothic doom metal
14.02 Pothamus - Abur - Post-metal
14.02 Mantar - Post Apocalyptic Depression - Sludge metal
14.02 Ginger Evil - The Way It Burns - Hard rock
14.02 Bleeding Through - Nine - Metalcore
14.02 Crazy Lixx - Thrill Of The Bite - Glam metal, Hard rock
14.02 Dynazty - Game Of Faces - Melodic power metal
14.02 Löanshark - No Sins To Confess - Heavy metal
14.02 Kryptan - Violence, Our Power - Atmospheric black metal
14.02 Vermilia - Karsikko - Atmospheric black metal, Pagan black metal
14.02 Novarupta - Astral Sands - Post-metal, Blackened sludge metal
14.02 Decline Of The I - Wilhelm - Black metal, Post-metal
14.02 Mantric Momentum - Alienized - Melodic heavy metal
14.02 Savage Lands - Army Of The Trees - Alternative metal, Heavy metal
14.02 Raven - Can't Take Away The Fire [EP] - Heavy metal
14.02 Black Narcissus - There Lingers One Who's Long Forgotten - Post-rock, Post-metal
14.02 Obscureviolence - Refuting The Flesh - Black metal, Death metal
14.02 Scorpion Child - I Saw The End As It Passed Right Through Me - Hard rock
14.02 Carcolh - Twilight Of The Mortals - Doom metal
14.02 Mastord - Lemmon Lintu - Progressive metal
14.02 With Blood Comes Cleansing - With Blood Comes Cleansing - Deathcore
14.02 Chaos Inception - Vengeance Evangel - Death metal
15.02 Coma Cluster Void - Absurd Romanticism - Progressive death metal, Math metal
16.02 Day40 - The Yellow Emperor [EP] - Thrash metal
18.02 Fractured Insanity - Age Of Manipulation - Brutal death metal

21.02 Voidfallen - The Rituals Of Resilience - Melodic death metal
21.02 Horizon Ignited - Tides - Melodic death metal
21.02 Scour - Gold - Black metal
21.02 Killswitch Engage - This Consequence - Melodic metalcore
21.02 Incantvm - Maleficia - Experimental black metal
21.02 Gràb - Kremess - Black metal
21.02 Abduction (UK) - Existentialismus - Black metal
21.02 Manntra - Titans - Folk metal, Industrial metal
21.02 Nachtblut - Todschick - Melodic black metal
21.02 Vultures Vengeance - Dust Age - Heavy metal
21.02 Twins Crew - Chapter IV - Heavy metal, Power metal
21.02 Airforce - Acts Of Madness - Heavy metal
21.02 Mean Mistreater - Do Or Die - Heavy metal
21.02 Bong-Ra - Black Noise - Breakcore
21.02 The 7th Guild - Triumviro - Symphonic power metal
21.02 Armory (SWE) - Black Star [EP] - Speed metal
21.02 Indian Nightmare - Banished Into Endless Chaos [EP] - Punk, Heavy metal, Speed metal
21.02 Wren - Black Rain Falls - Sludge metal, Stoner metal
21.02 Wrekmeister Harmonies - Flowers In The Spring - Drone, Post-metal
21.02 Enbound - Set It Free - Power metal
21.02 Sarkom - Exceed In2 Chaos - Black metal
21.02 Retromorphosis - Psalmus Mortis - Technical death metal
21.02 To Obey A Tyrant - Frigore Inferni [EP] - Blackened deathcore
21.02 Voodus - Emanating Sparks - Black metal
21.02 Pissgrave - Malignant Worthlessness - Death metal
21.02 Cross Bringer - Healismus Aeternus - Blackened hardcore
21.02 Homeskin - Soul Washed Bleach - Avantgarde metal, Black metal
21.02 Mitochondrial Sun - Machine Dialectics - Atmospheric black metal
21.02 Soul Syphon - Reality Is Bleak [EP] - Metalcore
21.02 Shepherds Of Cassini - In Thrall To Heresy - Post-metal, Progressive rock
22.02 Debridement - Mutation - Brutal death metal
23.02 Vertebrae Fetish Totem - Rituals - Death doom metal
25.02 Délirant - Thoughteater - Black metal

27.02 Schavot - Verstrikt In Halflicht - Black metal
27.02 Tubal Cain - Slime Abyss - Black metal
28.02 Grima - Nightside - Atmospheric black metal
28.02 Architects - The Sky, The Earth & All Between - Hardcore, Metalcore
28.02 Brainstorm - Plague Of Rats - Power metal
28.02 Avantasia - Here Be Dragons - Symphonic power metal
28.02 Year Of The Cobra - Year Of The Cobra - Doom metal, Psychedelic rock
28.02 Enemy Inside - Venom - Alternative metal
28.02 Crown Of Madness - Memories Fragmented - Death metal
28.02 Robin McAuley - Soulbound - Heavy metal
28.02 Havukruunu - Tavastland - Black metal, Folk metal
28.02 Serenity In Murder - Timeless Reverie - Symphonic black metal, Symphonic death metal
28.02 Chemicide - Violence Prevails - Thrash metal
28.02 Udo Dirkschneider - Balls To The Wall - Reloaded - Hard rock, Heavy metal
28.02 Naxatras - V - Psychedelic rock, Stoner metal
28.02 Arion - The Light That Burns The Sky - Power metal, Symphonic metal
28.02 Bronco - Bronco - Doom metal
28.02 Dimman - Consciousness - Gothenburg metal
28.02 Timecode - La Ruptura Del Equilibrio - Death metal
28.02 Cannibal Accident - Disgust - Grindcore
28.02 Toughness - Black Respite Of Oblivion - Death metal
28.02 Frightful - What Lies Ahead - Death metal, Thrash metal
28.02 Hirax - Faster Than Death - Thrash metal
28.02 Red Eye - III - Doom metal, Stoner metal
28.02 Cryfemal - Puro Carbon [EP] - Black metal
28.02 Cloakroom - Last Leg Of The Human Table - Shoegaze, Post hardcore
28.02 Vacuous - In His Blood - Death metal
28.02 Christian Mistress - Children Of The Earth - Heavy metal
28.02 Sivyj Yar - A Scarlet Sunset Over The Horrid Abyss - Atmospheric black metal, Pagan black metal
28.02 Venomous Echoes - Dysmor - Black metal
28.02 Sepulchral Curse - Crimson Moon Evocations - Blackened death metal
28.02 Grave Infestation - Carnage Gathers - Death metal
28.02 Spiders - Sharp Objects - Hard rock, Heavy metal
28.02 Hevisaurus - Maailmankiertueella - Heavy metal, Power metal...
^^^ pag, aizvakar ir bijis Eluveitie koncerts Palladiumā, un tas jāuzzina tikai tagad?
^ tā gadās :D

Ja kas, šovakar MP ir TesseracT, ja nu tādas lietas interesē.
un 25.bebruārī būs "Living The Dream Together Tour 2025: Tarja Turunen & Marko Hietala". Tik negribās €60 nolikt ...

piķosi, piķosi, nekur tu neliksies.
^ kā tā - nekur neliksies? Vienmēr var mīksto uzlikt.
Sorrow Plagues džekam jauns projekts - CORRODING SOUL. Tāds pats labs atmo(post)bleķis

Izklausās, ka arī CREMATORY vismaz virzās veco sliežu virzienā. 2. maijā iznāks "Destination".

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