Stabbing the Drama
Es te novilku jaunaa Soilwork albuuma "Stabbing the Drama" promo izdevumu. Divreiz noklauiijos un saaku domaat kaa lai daudzmaz skariigi izsaka, ko es par to domaaju, bet tad atradu recenziju kas praktiski tiiri labi pateica visu manaa vietaa:

Written by requiem99 on December 13th, 2004

This is just too much. I liked Soilwork when everyone else hated them (ignoring Figure Number Five all the while) but now I’ve had it: This band is gay. Stabbing the Drama proves what everyone else has been saying for years: Soilwork is Slipknot in disguise, with more melody and a lot more talent, but under the veneer, a batch of retarded donkey fuckers just the same. The music on this disc doesn’t really deserve a zero, because it is actually listenable if you aren’t a metal fan and don’t care that this is an affront to everything our scene stands for, but as a metal fan and critic, I refuse to give it even enough points to denote listenability, as this is the kind of disc that casts a black pall on everything else done by melodic death metal bands from the Gothenburg scene.

One of Soilwork’s redeeming qualities was that, in the past, despite some of their more questionable influences, they still managed to write some good riffs and stay mostly metal, most of the time. Not anymore. They are still writing pretty good riffs, but their status as a metal band is hereby officially revoked. Every single song on this disc has a nu-metal chorus with clean vocals and angst. Every single one. Many of the songs even have simplistic 2-3 chord nu-metal riff patterns even a tree sloth with Down Syndrome could master, and if that weren’t bad enough, any semblance of a real metal guitar solo is gone. They attempt a couple of solos, but they are halfhearted pieces of shit, obviously written with an eye toward mainstream radio where people don’t want to hear anything they can’t themselves play. “Complicated instrumentals? Hell nah dawg, makes me feel incompetent when I hear people who are far more talented than I am.”

People said the latest disc by In Flames (backhandedly referred to as N’Flamez by most sceners) was a wad of homosexual nu-noise, but I didn’t see it. At the very least, there was something to redeem on it, but here, there isn’t. This is an eternally damned pile of putrid nu-core rubbish that Soilwork should be ashamed to have ever recorded; I know I’m ashamed to have listened to it. Nuclear Blast worships the dollar, and now Soilwork worships nu-metal cock. I hope it never ceases reaming your tight Gothenburg sphincters, sellouts.

Originally written for
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Labi teikts! Noteikti jāpaklausās!
A man Pofig, man ļoti patīk!!!!
2 dziesmas paciest vareeju no taa alb
...if you aren’t a metal fan and don’t care that this is an affront to everything our scene stands for...

...this is the kind of disc that casts a black pall on everything else done by melodic death metal bands from the Gothenburg scene.

Ja veel agraak vinjiem bija lieliski (vai vismaz labi gjitaaru solo) katraa dziesmaa, tad tagad kaut kas taads paspiid labi, ja divaas vietaas. Un visur dominee tie radio hiitu vokaali. Un growls ir labaakajaa gadijumaa nosaucams par haardkorisku Pantera atdarinaajumu. Taads nekaitiigs un nopuleets. Un tas man nepatiik ne kaa metaala fanam, ne kaa vienkaarshi muuzikas klausiitaajam, ne kaa vispaar dajebkam.
Iekavaas bija jaabuut tikai "vai vismaz labi". Kljuuda
Jā, šo recenziju arī jau pirms kāda laika lasīju. Pirms tam biju dzirdējis tituldziesmu, un spriežot pēc tās, nākas tikai piekrist recenzijas autoram, un nerodas ne mazākā vēlme noklausīties visu disku. MA forumā tēma par šito saucās "new exercise in masochism":DD
Es visu albuumu noklausiijos divreiz. Negribeeju paljauties uz pirmo iespaidu. Bet vajadzeeja. Jau no pirmajaam skanjaam bija skaidrs, kas par kuukaam tur buus, bet es cereeju, ka to visu vismaz buus interesanti klausiities. Ai ai...
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