Online shop!!
Man jums paaris jautaajumi!!
1.Vai kaadam ir interese iegaadaaties orginaalos CD, dazaaadu stilu(protams metal:)),izcelsmes utt, tepat latvijaa?
2.Cik daudz naudinas juus buutu gatavi maksaat par disku?
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Vecīt = novēlu tev laimīgi nobankrotēt :)
Es jau ar to nodarbojos no 1996 gada un esmu sapratis jau sen - tas ir beztolkshows :)
Kā arī - varēji labāk bildi nelikt profilā no Behemoth - jo savādāk te ātri tevi iznesīs cauri :)
1.diski ar oriģinālo DC++ uzlīmīti;
2.a Tu tos diskus mums dosi par tādu cenu par kādu mēs vienosimies?
Veel viena utopiska ideeja...
naudinju sagribeejs nopelniit :)
Neaizmirsti ka tepaat Latvijaa notiek tehnologiju buums... katram sevii cienosham metaalistam ir 200 GB uz cieta diska pilni ar likjem bez personas paziimem...
he,he, nu visu jau taapat nevar dabuut DC++, un ja ir iespeeja par diezgan mazu cenu dabuut taa jau ir gaumes lieta, klausiities shaubiigas kvalitaates mp3, vai veidot normaalu kolekciju!
Estragon, naudinu es taapat labu varu nopelniit, taa kaa vaariities uz "nabaga metaalistiem" nav ne mazaakaa veeleeshanaas,kaadreiz jau pieriebsies klausiities vienus un tos pashus izpildiitaajus no saviem 200GB:)))tu biji tas, kas meeginaaja notirgot savu mp3 kolekciju??

Ne es tas nebiju... sen censhos klausities un atbalstit tikai origjinaalus ieraakstus (ar iznjemumiem protamzzz :)...
shaubiigas kvalitaates mp3... hehe kursh te mums par kvalitaati rupeejas? :)
un no 200GB esosha materiala nepieriebsies klausiities, jo katrs sevii cienoshais metalists savu kolekciiju ik pa laikaam papildina...

" taa jau ir gaumes lieta, klausiities shaubiigas kvalitaates mp3, vai veidot normaalu kolekciju!" - diemzzel ta nav gaumes lieta... ta ir kultuura...
Bija jau man posts par to originaalo disku buushanu. MP3 ir los kodeks. Paliek deecii paaris raroti WAV un Monkey's audio. Ir cilveeki, kuriem nav vienalga, vai vinju favoriiti staav uz cietaa diska 320kbit kur pie labas aparatuuras var saprast ka skanja ir apgriezta diezgan "pieklajigi" vai arii ir normaali diski. Reaali es buutu ar mieru shkirties no 5Ls mazumaa njemot un no 4Ls virs desmit cd ja runa ir par originaalajiem nevis krievijaa spiestajiem kaut gan arii dazhi labi originaalie no polijas naak.
!!! Starpcitu man labu laiku jau ir kaaada doma kas attiecas uz dc++ un ODc. Vareetu uztaisiit kaadu hubu kuraa buutu tikai raroti WAV diski un shaares limits apmeeram 20GB. Nezinu ko Juss domaajat par sho domu bet manupraat tas vareetu buut diezgan normaals pasaakums. Vareet tur uztaisiit registraaciju pirms tam paarbaudot filelist
nu luuk par to jau arii ir runa, ka ir iespeeja dabuut tos underground grupu ierakstus sheit latvijaa par pienemamaam cenaam, protams es saprotu, ka vairaak pa 5iiti neviens par disku maksaat negrib!!
Labi, kad uzzinaashu konkreetaakas cenas un pieejamaas muuzikas listi, tad doshu zinu!!
Negribaas ar neko dariit, ja tam nav nekaadas jeegas!!
To KIRPUSS - izlasi vēlreiz, ko es rakstīju augstāk...
Sonnenmensch, nu es jau taa kaa negrasos iegruust naudu 1000 diskos un peec tam gaidiit kameer kaads tos nopirks, nu ja nebuus nekaadas atsauciibas, tad nebuus, neko dariit:)
Es jau taa kaa netaisos ar shito maizi pelniit,he,he!!Vnk varbuut kaadu interesees kaut kas vairaak par 100-200 labi zinaamaam grupaam pasaules meerogaa!
Novēlu veiksmi... nopietni...
nu saakumam var vienkaarshi nodemonstreet tautai listi, un ja kaads kaut ko gribees, tad pasuutiit, nu redzees kaa buus!!
būtu man nauda pirktu tikai orģinālos, bet takā man ne santīms kabatā klausos abšaubāmas kvalitātes mp3 :DD
Vinterorg pirmos divus (Vintersorg un Till Fjalls) un Ensiferum'a Ensiferum, Iron, Demo II, Hero In a Dream un Tale of Revenge droshi njemtu
roof, tad ko Tu njemies ar CD, vinnilu jaapeerk! pietam, taa ideja par rarotiem waviem <- HA HA HA. padomaa, kurs njemsies un skiros savu shaari speciaali tam hubam un paareejos failus citiem hubiem? pietam, rar`otu, ko nevar ne pats klausiities un citos hubos no taa jeega nekaada?
taa doma man no viena huba kuraa vajadzeeja vienu folderi nodeeveet kaut kaadaa tur vaardaa, samest iekshaa rarotu metaalu un tad registreeties.Tiesa chakars paliels ar to raroshanu utt un tieshaam jau neviens to dariit neies. Citos hubos labi tas ka shaare liela. Man personiigi ir 10 sararoti cd un vinjus diezgan biezhi kaads arii nolaadee :D nolaadee gan jaa :D ja sagribas kaadu no tiem klausiit tad ielieku cd bet tas taa.
Par to vinnilu doma man bija :D Bet tas ir taads padaargs prieks. Leetaakais Pioneer viniila atskanjotaajs ap kaadiem 120 kaut gan ok, var jau veco kaut kaadu dabuut bet probleemas jau saakas ar pashaam plateem jo tos limiteetaas tiraazhas operatiivie nelieshi panjem uzreiz un izker biezhi vien un paareejie man taapat pa daargu buutu.Tachu kaadreiz gan es shito domu iistenoshu ja finanses atljaus
Sonnenmensch, kurš tad ir tas Tavs kantoris?...

Kirpuss, old school/stoner doom vienmēr naudiņa atradīsies... Ja kas no tāda ir, atmeilo; nav liaka bieži te sēdēt...

Pateicoties dažiem "umņikiem", kuru dēļ man bija sava veida problēmas ar likumsargājošiem orgāniem un autortiesību aizsardzības kantori, gadus 3 atpakaļ, esmu aizgājis pagrīdē... Nācās kārtejo reizi saskarties ar cilvēku tupumu, kuri nesaprot, kas ir undergrounds un kas ir popmūzikas diski RIMI lielveikalā...
Nu, un kas man no tā bij jāsecina? :) Tirgo Tu vēl tos diskus, vai nē?
Ja ir kāds katalogs vēl, atsūti uz meilu... Varbūt būšu pircējs.
Mans spektrs bija un ir palicis TRUE UNDERGROUND, tu tur neatradīsi grupas ar lieliem vārdiem. Vai tev vēl ir interese????
Nu, ņemot vērā, ka man jau ir pāris simti vienību no tādām baismām, gan jau, ka varēs vēl ko piepirkt klātu...
Underground - ne-underground; galvenais, ka izprintētā lapelē ietītu mēslu par mūziku netirgotu, kā bieži gadās...
Nu ir man sarakstinsh ar viena liebla pashreizeejo piedaavaajumu, ja ir interese, tad varu kaadam aizshut uz emailu!!nav daudz, bet mosh kaads kaut ko pamana savai gaumei!
Lūdzu atsūti man, mails ir profilā :)
COMA VOID – StormKing Twilight CD
WAYD – Barriers CD
INNER WAR – The Profane Vulgar CD
INTO THE GORE – Pain Must Be Amplified CD
TONKA - ...This Present Darkness ... CD
RAVENDUSK – Shadowcast CD
PROTEST – About Human Idols CD
DESCEND – Requiem Of Flame CD
CHOPCORE – Bloody Little Mess CD
DRACONIS SANGUIS – Between Insanity And ... CD
MALEFACTOR – Death Falls Silent ... CD
SECRETUM – Happy Happy Killing Time CD
KIJU – Nothing To Play For CD
PROTEST – Have a Rest, Please CD
WAYD – Decadance CD
SEEDS OF SORROW – Immortal Junkies CD
CASKETGARDEN – This Corroded Soul of Mine CD
DYSANCHELY – Secret Of The Sun CD
MANATARK – Chaos Engine CD
EVIL DIVINE – Dawn before the Dawn CD
GALADRIEL – World under World CD
Abandoned in the Forest of Weariness (The Call of Fairie) CD
HYPNOS – Demo(n)s CD
AVULSED – Gorespattered Suicide CD
GALADRIEL “Empty Mirrors of Oblivion” DCD
AVULSED “Seven Years of Decay + Bloodcovered” DCD
AVULSED “Yearning for the Grotesque” digi CD
Nu tā šeit ir uz šo brīdi pieejamo cd saraksts, cena ir tieshaam pievilciiga un pats arii veeleetos iegaadaaties dalu no shitaa, siikaaku aprakstu kas ir kas un cenniku varu izsuutiit uz emailu!!
Pievilciiga cena = nu loti leeti, tikai jaapasuuta 50 cd uzreiz:))
taa kaa tauta dodiet zinu, veelaak vareetu arii dabuut kaadus promo diskus!!nu tip taa kaa par velti!
Ar tiem 50 cd es domaaju, ka tie var buut dazaadi, un taapeec, lai man nebuutu jaapasuuta arii tos kurus man nevajag, vai arii tos kurus man vajag vairaakos exemplaaros, vareetu sabiidiit vienu pasuutiijumu uz vairaakiem cilveekiem:))
Hmm, no šitā saraksta mani varētu interesēt Descend un Casketgarden.
Intar, tu lieto to mailu, kas tev profilaa, vai kaadu citu??
Un man, lūdzu, Pandemia.
Stonerosis uzsit man uz epastu, aizsuutiishu tev visu sarakstu ar cenaam un aprakstiem!!
Daram taa, ka liidz 20 datumam izsakam savas veelmes un tad es apkopoju visu, sareekinu un taisam pasuutiijumu, tikai luugums, ja kaads ko nopietni grib pasuutiit tad rakstat uz emailu, kas profilaa!!
Nu karoch pasuutiju, tie kas rakstiija man uz mailu, informeeshu, kad CD buus pie manis:))
cerams, ka vairaak par nedeelu taa padariishana neaiznems, kaut gan ar pastu kaa ar biteem - neko nekad nevar zinaat:)
Nu pashlaik uz vietas man ir shitie CD:
MAP 023 COMA VOID – StormKing Twilight CD 2.50
MAP 026 INNER WAR – The Profane Vulgar CD 2.50
MAP 027 INTO THE GORE – Pain Must Be Amplified CD 2.50
MAP 029 RAVENDUSK – Shadowcast CD 2.50
MAP 032 DESCEND – Requiem Of Flame CD 2.50
MAP 033 CHOPCORE – Bloody Little Mess CD 2.50
MAP 034 DRACONIS SANGUIS – Between Insanity And ...2.50
MAP 036 MALEFACTOR – Death Falls Silent ... CD 2.50
MAP 039 KIJU – Nothing To Play For CD -2.50Ls
MAP 040 PROTEST – Have a Rest, Please CD 2.50
MAP 041 WAYD – Decadance CD 2.50
MAP 044 SACROSANCTUM – Fragments CD 2.50
MAP 045 DYSANCHELY – Secret Of The Sun CD 2.50
MAP 047 EVIL DIVINE – Dawn before the Dawn CD 2.50
MAP 043 CASKETGARDEN – This Corroded Soul of Mine CD-1Pcs
MAP 054 PANDEMIA - Riven CD- 4.50
MAP 028 TONKA- ...This Present Darkness ... 2.50
Stonerosis, raksti uz mailu, ja gribi to Pandemia disku, tas ir tikai 1 gab!!
Intar, auuu, mailaa skaties??
CD REVENANT "The Burning Ground"
(Official CD of these legendary masters of Death Metal from the US!! This CD contains 74 min gathering stuff from all their
demos & EP's from '87 to '93. All remastered and coming with a killer booklet with liner notes, photos, flyers... A must have!!)
CD MORPHEUS DESCENDS "Ritual Of Infinity + Adipocere"
(Re-issue of the '92 classic debut of this american band that plays a heavy, dark and crushing brutal Death Metal in the vein
of INCANTATION & BAPHOMET/BANISHED. Includes their 5-song 7"EP'91 as bonus. An essential masterpiece!!)
CD THE HERETIC "Gospel Songs In E Minor"
(3rd album of this awesome spanish band of high-class symphonic Black/ Death!! Lovers of bands like ARCTURUS, COVENANT,
EMPEROR and even DEATH & DISSECTION will love this on their dish!! Top quality design, production and musicianship!!)
CD ADRAMELECH "Terror Of Thousand Faces"
(Long awaited 3rd album of these finish masters of nordic Death Metal. Always true to their sound, this album delivers 10
doses of fast, heavy and aggressive Death. Their most extreme offering to date!! A cult band without any doubt!!)
CD HOUR OF PENANCE "Pageantry For Martyrs"
(Second album of this totally awesome italian band!! Their debut was a must, but this 2nd effort crushes everything on it path!!
A perfect mixture of HATE ETERNAL & NILE but performed in a masterly way with a killer production!!)
CD MASACRE (col) "Total Death"
(4th album of this legendary Death Metal act from Colombia. Their first effort sung in english and produced by Erik Rutan!!
Brutal and pounding Death Metal influenced by MORBID ANGEL, MONSTROSITY... Truly killer stuff!!)
CD ZUBROWSKA "Family Vault"
(2nd album of this awesome french band that plays an unique mixture of brutal Death with Metalcore. Just imagine some DYING FETUS & CEPHALIC CARNAGE mixed with CONVERGE & THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN. Mastered in New Jersey at West West Side Music!!)
CD HUMAN MINCER "Devoured Flesh"
(After their highly acclaimed debut, this spanish foursome returns with an incredible album of pure brutal Death
Metal that has nothing to envy to bands like SUFFOCATION, GORGASM, DISGORGE (usa)...)
CD DEFACING "Spitting Savagery"
(Debut album of one of the most impressive brutal Death Metal bands of today!! Hailing out from Chile, this
act gathers the best elements of bands like CRYPTOPSY, BRODEQUIN & DISGORGE (usa) and play it the tightest way!!)
CD DISGRACE "Grey Misery" (Album+ep+demo)
(Official re-issue of the cult debut album from '92 of this legendary finnish Death/ Grind band together with
their 7"EP from '91 and demo '90. Pure old school stuff for lovers of CARCASS, FUNEBRE, DEMILICH, XYSMA...)
CD VISCERAL DAMAGE "Garden Of Mutilation"
(Demolishing debut of this spanish band of twisted, technical and intense ultra-brutal Death Metal like mixing
IMMOLATION, INCANTATION and DISGORGE (mex). A relentless work of punishing brutality!!)
CD ANVIL OF DOOM "Deathillusion"
(First album of this talented spanish band that plays a hi-class melodic & aggressive Death Metal influenced by
CD FUNEBRE "Children Of The Scorn" (+demos)
(Official re-issue of the only album released in '91 by these legendary finnish Death Metal gods!! Includes their demos '89 & '90 as bonus!! Fucking heavy & dark stuff with a killer guttural vocals!! A true classic available again!!)
CD VIDRES A LA SANG "Vidres A La Sang"
(Astonishing debut of Spain's most promosing band in 2004!! Brutal, intense and punishing blackened Death Metal influenced by bands like AETERNUS, MORBID ANGEL, IMMORTAL...)
CD PAGANIZER "No Divine Rapture"
(5th album of this killer swedish band!! Faster and more brutal than ever!! If you're into the best old school
swedish Detah Metal in the vein of GRAVE, VOMITORY, GOD MACABRE, CARNAGE... this is a must!!)
CD GODÜS "Hell Fuck Demon Sound"
(Debut album of Spain's most rotting Black Metal band ever!! Mystic, cold and holocaustic Black Metal in the vein of DARKTHRONE, JUDAS ISCARIOT, ISVIND, ZYKLON-B... Only for the extreme!!)
(3rd album of Ireland's most extreme act!! 16 songs of pure Grind/Death mixing both old school touches a la TERRORIZER/
NAPALM DEATH, BRUTAL TRUTH and newest stuff like NASUM/ REGURGITATE. Recorded in Sweden at Soundlab with Mieszko (NASUM)!!)
CD KRONOS "Colossal Titan Strife"
(Awesome 2nd opus of France's most brutal outfit!! Incredible progression since their first album. Hyper-fast and technical drumming, catchy riffs, brutal vocals... and perfect production!! For lovers of CRYPTOPSY, MONSTROSITY, SEVERE TORTURE...)
CD ZUBROWSKA "One On Six" (Excellent debut of this french band that plays a technical, aggressive and brutal, yet catchy Deathcore with touches in the vein of DYING FETUS, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, CRYPTOPSY, CONVERGE, CEPHALIC CARNAGE...)
CD VERMINOUS "Impious Sacrilege"(Awesome debut of this swedish combo 100% devoted to the late 80's swedish Death Metal in the vein of GROTESQUE!! Fast, evil and furious as fuck!! This album will become a classic!!)
CD HOUR OF PENANCE "Disturbance" (1st album of the best and most brutal band from italy!! If you're into hyper-blasting modern Death Metal in the vein of HATE ETERNAL, NILE, MISERY INDEX and GORGASM... this album will blow you away!!)
CD USER NE "Tarantos" (2nd album by this awesome band from Spain!! Absolutely brilliant and original mixture of Epic & Pagan Black with Doom, Death and folk elements. The band is formed by 14 members. You've never heard anyhting like this before!!)
CD DISGORGE (mex) "Nechrolocaust" (3rd album of these mexican gods of the most devastating ultra-brutal Gore Death/Grind on planet earth!!
Undoubtely their best album ever with a much better production!! They're killing again!!)
(Exclusive distros: Mexico/Disgorge - Germany/Perverted Taste)
CD HUMAN MINCER "Embryonized" (Brutal Death from Spain in the vein of US bands like DISGORGE (usa), SUFFOCATION, DEVOURMENT, PYREXIA...
Not your typical ultra-twisted and senseless brutal Death. This has killer riffs all the way!!)

CHRIST DENIED "Drink... Drink The Blood"
Including tracks from their previous split CDs, unreleased material and cover versions from PYREXIA, GOREAPHOBIA &INFERNAL MAJESTY, this Spanish murder machine is ready to strike back with another dose of Christ hating brutality
at its best! Features one of the sickest vocal patterns ever, courtesy of Mr. Dave Rotten (AVULSED)!.
Taa nu reku veel ir iespeejams kaut ko dabuut!!
Orienteejoshaa cena 6Ls par CD!!
nu tad keriet kungi un daamas!!

katalogs veel nav pilniigs, bet liidz naakoshnedeelai buus!!
blja, ka nevaru normaali uzrakstiit:
un neaimirstiet - ka tas bus lielakais Latvijas undergrounda distro!!!!!!
Taatad tiem, kas nepaspeeja via nevareeja iegaadaaties Sky Forger koncii Ledo Takas CD, ieksh distro var dabuut!!
Kā arī pēdējie jaunumi uz Evil Distro:

APHOOM ZHAH /BY/ - CD - Symbol of New Aeon
Raw black metal with trashy oldstyle parts and opening song with keys which made this track like Burzum's "Det Som Engang Var" song atmosphere clone...
Possession 2005, price 10€/6Ls

KARNA /RU/ - CD - Diabolic (Soundtrack For My Nightmares)
Truest nightmare... stanic black ambient in some vein of early Cold Meat Industry bands. One of the style pioneers in Russia since 1993, known also as Moriturus in these times.
Possession 2004, price 10€/6Ls

COMATOSE VIGIL /RU/ - CD - Not a Gleam of Hope
4 extremly long compositions of funeral doom metal in truest style traditions, and drummer also as vocalist. Dark silver cover!
Marche Funebre 2005, price 10€/6Ls

SCRATCHING SOIL /RU/ - CD - War Experience
Black metal with some death metal riffs, but just some! Fast and extreme stuff. Feat member of ex-Thy Repentance.
Stygian Crypt 2004, price 10€/6Ls

AUTUMN /RU/ - CD - Chernye Krylia
Dark doom metal with melancholic atmosphere and tears rising melodies. Like My Dying Bride, Anathema but performed on native language.
Stygian Crypt 2000, price 10€/6Ls

AUTUMN /RU/ - CD - Chernye Krylia
Dark doom metal with melancholic atmosphere and tears rising melodies. Like My Dying Bride, Anathema but performed on native language.
Stygian Crypt 2000, price 10€/6Ls

PAGAN /BY/ - CD - …and Darkness is Above All
Dark and depressive black metal, possibly musically this is mix of Burzum and Betlehem... but who knows...
Possession 2000, price 10€/6Ls

SOULCIDE /BY/ split NUCLEAR WINTER /RU/ - CD - Misanthropy / Beyond the Nought
Godless Dark Metal versus Dark Ambience & Black Nuclear Metal, 60 min, for fans of true and extreme underground and bands like Burzum and Thy Repentance…
Possession 2004, price 10€/6Ls

UDUMBAL /BY/ - CD - Ahi Budhnya
Mix of ritual industrial with dark/black metal. Can be described also like a some kind of mix between Beherit and Diabolous Rising.
Possession 2000, price 10€/6Ls

KRUK /BY/ - digi-CD - Drowned in a SwampHeart of Evrope
Harsh sounding Pagan metal. KRUK is "Black Abyss of Pain and Disgust to modern world". Some kind of "the best of", containing demos of 97 and 98. All in excellent quality. Recomended.
Possession 2005, price 10€/6Ls

GRIFTEFRID /SE/ - MC - Blodlyse
Pagan Viking metal with true sounding atmosphere. Probably one of the best ever designed tape release, coloured cover, packed also in special hard cover sleeve, all with lacquer, chrome tape.
Au-To-Dafe 2004, price 5€/2,50Ls

SVARDENVYRD /CZ/ - CD - Obyčej Slunovratu
Moravian heathen metal horde with their first long-playing disc based mainly on solid middle times with accoustic melodies, singed in native language... DVD package.
Naga Prod 2005, price 9€/6Ls

HEIDEN /CZ/ - CD - Tinne
2nd album, more influenced by Celtic myths, diverse vocals. Set of seven songs which is sung by native language chants beauty of nature and pagan culture heritage....
Naga Prod 2005, price 9€/6Ls

VA - CD - Wood Brothers
Compilation dedicated to the "Wood Brothers" Hymns from: Skyforger, Hate Forest, Loits, Nokturnal Mortum, Obtest, Astrofaes, Tharaphita, Must Missa, Urskumug and Drudkh!
Elegy Recs 2005, price 10€/6Ls

KORIUM /SL/ - CD-R - Mrazivá Noc Prináša Pokoj
Debut demo album of one man black metal project with keys lyrically based on nature and winter time, b/w printings.
2003, price 5€/2Ls

REMMIRATH /SL/ - CD-R - Smrt Pútnikova
Black metal based on nature themes with atmospheric / catchy passages, acoustic and solo parts, pro b/w printings and sticker on disk.
Krologh Prod 2005, price 5€/2Ls

TANIST /IT/ - CD-R – The Powerblack Creature
Reissue of demo 2001. High quality music, black vs pover metal, powerful and amazing guitar solos, excellent atmospheric key passages, like in progressive metal bands… As bonus video, all made with pro quality.
2004, price 5€/2Ls
re kaa smuki sametaas kopaa :)
Ir inaacies CD Interfector "The force within"
Iesaku, tieshaam laps, te buus paariitis recenziju:

Iguut var ieksh:
fuck, ienaacies;ieguut:)
nu taa saitaa veerojami dazi uzlabojumi/uzprishinaajumi lietotaaju ertiibai:)
There will be information about Evil*Distribution's releases.
Sorry, no info right now...

/me aiztur elpu.... .... .... nu? kas? kas buus? latvieshi, es ceru, ja?
Aptuveni pec mēneša būs "kaut kas".
Jā, tajā grupā ir latviešu izcelsmes muzikanti.
Jaunumi uz Evil Distro:

APHOOM ZHAH /BY/ split ŠMIERCIESLAU /BY/ - CD - Eternal Pain / Biessmjarotny Czorny Mietal
True sounding slavonic black metal against fast black metal with some oldstyle trash sound.
Possession 2000, price 10€/6Ls

KALI YUGA /RU/ split VARHORN /RU/ - CD - Aham Kali / Vookhoo the Raven
First one cold shamanic black metal originally recorded in 1997, second - slavonic black metal, produced by Podonok, known from Nuclear Winter and originally recorded in 2000.
Possession 2005, price 10€/6Ls

LIHOLESIE /RU/ - CD - Vast Homeland
On native language as Лихолесье - Родные просторы. Excellent mix of heathen dark ambient and neofolk based on slavonic myths. Recommended!
Stygian Crypt 2005, price 10€/6Ls

PAGAN /BY/ - CD - The Last Circle of the Abyss… to the Coming
The last album before band split-up, true black metal with influences of middle 90-ies Norwegian sound.
Possession 2004, price 10€/6Ls

ZMROK /BY/ - CD - Svjatlom Zaginuūszaga Dnja
True and harsh black metal with woman as vocalist and guitarist! Including demo of 2002 - Blukanni U Čiemry.
Possession 2005, price 10€/6Ls

NETTLETHRONE /TR/ - CD-R - Blueprint
Amazing and well performed Death metal (of still unsigned band) with brutal and also melodic parts from Ankara.
selfreleased 2004, price 5€/3Ls

FOLKEARTH - CD - A Nordic Poem
Folk/epic metal project by 14 musicians of bands over Europe like: Trymheim, Nae'blis, Yggdrasil, Broken Dagger, Forefather, Eluveitie, Ravenclaw, Hrossharsgrani.
Stygian Crypt 2004, price 10€/6Ls

Iegūt var iekš':
Leenaa garaa tiek pievienoti mp3 sampli jaunumiem un arii daziem "vecajiem" cd,taa lai naf kaa ar kai maisaa:)
Luuk jums patiesa peerle no black metal sceenas:)

ar visu mp3!!
SUPRANATURALKOOLAIS BANKROTS, veciit, bet katram briiva izveele!
Ir dabonams AVULSED " Reanimations" limiteetaa versija, kas buus pa visu pasauli tikai 300 exmp!!
siikaak skatiit, kas tas ir ieksh

buus arii ieksh !!
supernaturalkoolais bankrots ir arī dažam, kam tīk iepirkt labu mantu uz CD :((((( Tur jau arī tās kakiņas. No Estragona paņēmu 5 gab., dabūju pēc tam ar pliku dupsi skraidīt apkārt. Pilnīgi neticējās, ka Cock And Ball Torture "Sadochismo" nav izķerts. Tik daudziem tā patīk, tā patīk, bet nieka 5Ls par savu mīļumiņu nolikt nu nekādi neies. Nez... man kautkā iekšā sēž tāda pārliecība, ka tiešām laba mantai ir jānoziedo tās paris kapeiciņas ik pa laikam, neskatoties uz vājprātīgajiem mp3 kalniem. Nav jau arī jāķer viss pēc kārtas. Var iečekot, ko un kad var izdevīgi ieņukāt. Nekur dienās neliksies, kad vajadzēs kārtīgu muzīkas sistēmu saštukot. A tur jau atšķirību jutīsi manāmu. Tā kā es vakarnakt pie Jankas ne jau tās izcilākās tumbiņsistēmiņas atklāju, ka Ulver "Silencing The Singing" ir tādas vietiņas, kādas iepriekš nemaz nebiju dzirdējis uz savām kaku ausīm. Atbraucu mājās, uzlieku kaku ausis galvā un no sākuma samulstu, kādā dibenā esmu iestūmies. Nu bet tas tā... tehnikas offtopiks.
Runajot par "kakām" - tur jau ir tā fiška, man ta ir bieži nācies saskārties ar ne-metāla mūziku, piemēram ar Industriju (īsto industriju), kaut man mājās aparatūra nav nekas eksluzīvs un arī nav nekāds mēsla, tad paklausoties dažus labus industrijas diskus mājās un pēc tam klubos ar 10 reizes jaudīgaku aparatūtu, ir nācies atrast tādas fiškas mūzikā, par kurām mājas apstākļos nebija nemazākās nojausmas...
Tāpēc ja vēl salidzināsim ar MP3... vinkārši caureja pilnīga... Tāpēc jau tie MP3 ir, kā informatīvie materiāli, lai pēc tam, ja kas ir sirdij reāli tuvs - iegādātos arī istu CD un saņemtu bezgalīgu orgasmu... Taču, kā zināms, tad te publika pamatā nodarbojas ar īslaicīgu onanēšanu, visu klausoties tikai MP3 un pēc tam izspļaujot pa brīdim, kādi redziet viņam albūmi ir....
albumi :DDDDDDD
cik liela kaudze ar suudiem ne viss albumiem...
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