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Ja nemaldos, kādreiz iekš blackmetal.ru.lv varēja mp3 vilkt, bet, man šķiet, ka tie laiki jau sen garām. Tā kā čeko vien TM galveno lapu un vandies pa DC.

The Crownless King
(dziesma tipa par Aragornu no O pavēlnieka ;)

Mūzika - Jester, Rasa, Hater, Majesty, Morgueldar, Kaladun
Vārdi - Morgueldar

"In black their empire fell in spite of sorcerous spells and its ruins were devoured by the Sea. Yet its line of kings remained and thus did not fail the ever-strongest race of rulers in the world. For year their power was vane yet they did prevail and from void raised again a new domain. But then its enemy returned and never since then did battles cease on the borders of their realm. And then the last king fell though did he leave he an heir. But their blood was mingled long, the king's mark was lost and out knowledge then passed
the last kings and heirs to the throne."

Grandson of a troll-slain king
Half-orphaned by an orc-arrow
In the valley of the elves (the firstborn folk)
Was raised the last king of the crown (tall and wise in eldar lore!)

Soļņiks: Jester

Defekts (02:46): Demolition Records (:(

On a quest to reforge the shards of the sword
Broken on the mails of the dark one
To rekindle the flame of a dwindled star
To unite and lead the legions of seven
To claim again the lordship of West
- The guardians of immortal path
With wizards walk he must and labour hard
And wisdom gain

(Gandalf sampls)
Reforged shall be blade that was broken
The crownless again shall be king!

When he returned
Clothed in silver and white
By Evenstar was seen
And their troth was made
- Two stars cleft together in a wondrous romance!

Here is Aragorn son of Arahtorn
Chieftain of the Dunedain of Arnor
Captain of the host of the West
Bearer of the star of the North
Wielder of the sword that was broken

The Dwarven black-smiths reforged the sword
In their caverns deep with their hammers of old
And a jewel he was gifted to shield off the dark
And as bearer of Elfstone did him the men hark

Through the caverns of dread
And veils of mirkwood green
He passed under the timeless stare
Of the eyes of the dead

And lead the oathbreakers
To extinction of their pledge
With honour did wield
His heirloom unto a long glory!

Yet battle were to be fought
And sieges uplifted
The dark lord wrestled in mind-bending match
Via crystal orbs of magical mark
The path to be cut cleft through to the crown
And evil destroyed
Armies ambushed
And help conferred to their allies in war

No more the crownless king
And they were wed in the tower of Sun
Under its morning rays
The Queen of Even and King of Dawn!

Elessar of the line of Valandil
Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Numenor
Shall he be king?

True king he was of an elder race
And a beauty yet greater revealed in his face
For six-score years on a carven throne
He reigned and the land was again adorned
Daudz lejupielādējama LV metāla (bez lirikas) ir šeit:

vaidzēs lejupielādēt, sen nau dzirdēts, man tas dragons of war mētājās kaut kur kasetē....sorry nopiratizēju to jūsu demo, ierxtīju b pusē Christ Agony.
P.S. un vāciņš ar man kopēts..:))
ja nu kādam baigi patīk Dragons of War, bet nav oriģināla, man vēl ir kādas 4-5 oriģinālās kasetes (ar sietspiedi + 4-krāsu 4-atvērumu glancētu vāciņu ar bildēm un tekstiem :) īpašiem jaunās paaudzes heresiarh frīkiem paglabāts. ne jau visi bija around ap 1998-2000. gadu. tā kā, ja kāds gribētu turēt šitādu reliktu, kontaktē uz adresi manā profilā. 1 kasete - 1.50 Ls (tikpat cik 98ajā :)
Tādā pašā cenā arī Mythical Beasts and Mediaeval Warfare kasetes versija (to gan ir daudz, ja ņem 2, atdošu pa 2 Ls :))) slidena siekalaina atlaižu sistēma tāsakot. viss, vairāk nerunāšu
Jedrit vai miciit, nefolk - varbuut vari iedot veel kaut ko no heresiarh? Ilgi mediiju...
Nu ja! Tur par drakoniem tak ir!
ko ta vēl, vairāk jau nekā it kā nav, tikai tas instrumentālais rehearsal tape 2000
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