
Viena no garšīgākajām recenziju krātuvēm. Šad tad ielienu uzlabot sev garīgo. Bet nu "hatemail" sadaļa pārsit pušu visu. Es vakar no viena tur gandrīz apkritu, ku labs.

Re ku ir:

To: Teufel
From: Eddy Shearyadi
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 02:53:17 +0700
Subject: Greetings from Indonesia

Hi Teufel (is that your real name??? Sorry to ask!)

I think you should keep your current logo, it's nice and simple one, it doesn't have to be brutally look to describe what is your site dedicated to, but you can arranged a new different look of your web site appearances which I can help you to find out, interested?


PS: I like your current site style also! So....????

Teufel responds:
Hi Eddy, is that your real name? I'm just curious, do you find it difficult to exist without oxygen reaching your brain? I'm actually surprised you haven't demanded something for free yet, but I'm sure that time will come. I can see it now. "Hi Teufel, it me Eddy, I want help you with Tomb. We metal brother! We thrash for SATAN! I KILL FOR SATAN! HAIL SATAN! You send me free shirt and cd and I tell all my friend about Teufel Tomb. METAL FOREVER, BROTHER!" I hope you lose a limb stepping on a land mine.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
ā-ā, un intervijas tur arī ir līmenī! Forša lappa. Siltiņ jo siltiņ iesaku...
normāla lapele,sadaļa hate mail uzjautrina :)
Jeee beibi!!!! Shamais ir labais par Cradli :

The only reason you should listen to this band is because you're a young, straight male, trying to pick up young goth girls. You should openly realize and admit to yourself that the music is terrible and you're only doing it for the chicks. If that is the case, I commend you, and congratulate you and the next time you're with a goth girl, I want you to think of this moment, and just remember that she is the reason you're doing this, that she is the reason why you dyed your hair, wear all black and wear black nail polish, and I want you to jam your fingers in her pussy and treat her like the dirty whore that she is. Of course, if you're a male and you listen to Cradle Of Filth purely for the music, I have a feeling that the only finger banging you'll be partaking in will be involving your prostate while eyeballing the Cradle Of Filth poster over your bed.
oo jā. kāds tur kaut ko vērtīgu atrada? cik palasīju, nopratu, ka tur sēž mataini detušņiki nevis muzikanti un raksta savas ūber recenzijas.

"ja albūmā nav agresijas, ātrs temps... ... ... ... ... , tad - huiņa" tāda aptuveni tā doma. Un kur paliek muzikalitāte? ā pareizi! tas taču ir metāls, tur nemaz nevajag, pietiek, ka ir kaut kādas frekvences, štrunts uz pārējo.

nu kredli protams .. tā ir lēta ziepju opera. tur nevar nepiekrist.
...ierunaajaas muzikants. Taa lapa piedaavaa jautri pavadiit laiku. Ko tieshi tu nesaprati no "Šad tad ielienu uzlabot sev garīgo" ?
Un starp citu šitais "ja albūmā nav agresijas, ātrs temps... ... ... ... ... , tad - huiņa" ir pilnīgas muļķības. Ja kādā recenzijā uzkāpa kādam tev mīļam albumam, nu tad sorī, ņem un raksti hate mail, mhe mhe...
tie džeki tur izklausās/izlasās diezgan augstprātīgi. bet tas ir kaut kāds psc klausīties tos n-tos albūmus un vērtēt. ķip viņiem tur pa to maksā?
Starp citu rekur mans nekro režīms - >> im2.draugiem.lv/img/41/41813/large_...

Tikai es vēljoprojām nevaru iebraukt, kas ir tas Durex :(
ha ha trīsreiz izpuļķētais bez durex... tagad jau vari atslābt, nu jau viss ir aiz muguras (tiešajā vārda nozīmē)...
labi prezervatiivi
tieshaam labi? es visaadus citus izmantoju, bla!
ehhhh ... prezervatīvu laiks... man vislabāk patika mellie Lifestyle, kaukā viņiem tās smēres nebija tik kairinošas, kā arī nakts spēlēs varēja biedēt partneri... rrrr
Fiu... prezervativi - necishu gumijas smaku ...
Tad jau labak pa senchu modei, ar aitas zarninju :)
Sonne piebrauc pie kādas nelielas fermas un uzjautā saimniekam: vai Tev, Saimniek, aitas arī aug? Kāta kāta... Sonne: Vai varētu divas minūtes ar viņām pabūt vienatnē? ... * rokā sažņaugtais nazis un nepacietība norāda uz vakarā gaidāmajiem procesiem... >:))
Protams, arī stingā bikšupriekša liek saprast rezultātus.
un ne velti pēc tam Saimnieks tajā naktī nolikās guļamistabā ar kundzi pasērst.. bla ku pēc tam viss bija sārts...
ganjau paakjim pasham sataisiiti, uzliek shnabi un viss
Starkweather "Croatoan"..

"Oh God, the clean vocals are horrible. The delivery sounds like a drunken Mike Patton channeling a male Bjork while furiously masturbating to a porno of himself furiously masturbating to another porno of himself deep-throating a microphone while fucking Bjork in the ass in front of a giant Faith No More poster."

aaaaaaaaaaaa ... es gandriiz apraudaajos no smiekliem :D:D:D
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