Torture playlist

Gathered from evidence obtained through various reports, leaked interrogation logs and the accounts of soldiers and detainees, a list of the top 24 songs strategically used on military prisoners in Iraq was recently made public, according to Mother Jones Magazine's website.

Among a list of such musical luminaries as EMINEM, METALLICA and AC/DC (as well as non-luminary Barney The Dinosaur), was DEICIDE, coming in at number one with the song "Fuck Your God" from 2004's SCARS OF THE CRUCIFIX.

When word of this info first got to DEICIDE drummer, Steve Asheim, the only thing he could really say was "It's cool. If we're upto military standards of audio abuse, it makes me feel like DECIDE's doing our part for the troops." Of course this moment is not the only history that Asheim has with the armed forces. "My dad was a marine, as were my uncle and grandfather;" says the DEICIDE skinsman. "I didn't follow in their footsteps since I was so busy with the band thing, but I'm glad I was eventually able to contribute somehow."

Some of the tactical circumstances where prisoners may have heard "Fuck Your God" include sleep deprivation and interrogation disorientation. While some may see this information as a shock, other readers of the source article have taken a slightly different view of the situation. Commented one reader of the source article, "Honestly, the barney theme song is more disturbing than DEICIDE's F**k Your God."
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Hahah, Barney gan ir mauka.
eu bet nu tas gan nav cilvēcīgi likt klausīties tādus drowning pool un dope :(
Drowning Pool vienmēr ir sakarīgs rock/metal, tā kā nevajag.

Sekos haijatolas atbildes trieciens: 100mlj gadā tiks ziedoti Black Metal blicēm. -Fuck the blood of Christ- tiks pasludināta par Irānas himnu ... m/
Bee Gees-stayin alive- no tā topa man liekas ir visbriesmīgākā.
manuprāt visefektīvākā tiem prisoneriem būtu nevis Deicide, bet gan Eminem dziesma Kim - tā ir toč vājprātīga, iesaku noklausīties.
BoD - tikpat labi jau viņi arī to Deicide gabalu varētu par himnu pasludināt.
Diez vai viņi (Irāņi) priecātos par dieva kā tāda zaimošanu. Bet kristiešu dieva zaimošana gan aizietu uz urrā ...
LOL, Bentons laikam galīgi sapisies paurī:

"Glen Benton, vocalist and bassist for death metal legends DEICIDE, claims to have seen a Sasquatch or Bigfoot in a Florida state forest.

In the latest issue of Terrorizer magazine, Glen tells the tale of one strange night in the middle of nowhere, where he believes he saw "the Florida Sasquatch":

"I see this big fuckin' thing lurched down on the side of the road... It's this big grey thing... it fuckin' clears the road in one fuckin' leap, 'ROOOOAHHR!' then into the woods."

Glen describes following the creature into the woods in his jeep: "This thing's snapping down trees left and right. All around was a smell like the inside of a dumpster... This thing looked like a primate of some sort. Fuckin' huge eyes, but like part-orangutan and part-chimp."

After calling Florida Wildlife, the area was checked and tracks are said to have been found. Glen's experience was documented as an official sighting.

Was it really a Sasquatch that Glen Benton witnessed that night? One thing's for sure, it had to be something pretty weird for it to scare the man who some people call the Devil incarnate."

:D :D :D
Vai tad Bentonam kādreiz ir sajēga bijusi?
Cik ir gadījies redzēt šamo kādās filmās, tad viņš vienmēr shitu muld.
A moš Mušu Ķēniņš bija atnācis savu mīļo dēlu sabučot. A tas viņu ar F vārdiem sagaidīja ... :D
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