ārkārtīgi jauki.
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Neziniet kas tas ir? Tulīt uzzināsiet. Tā ir mājaslapa, kur cilvēki raksta par saviem nežēlīgākajiem dzīves FAIL trešajā līmenī. FML nozīmē F*ck my life. Traki palasīt, kā cilvēkiem notiek, šeit daži piemēri.

Today, I was sitting in class and I fell asleep during the lesson. I was wearing sweatpants and had an erection. My teacher came up to me and grabbed my penis. She thought it was my phone. FML

Today, I wanted to have a good lunch with my wife before fasting for my surgery which I may not survive, she decided getting her hair cut was more important. I ate alone. FML

Today, I saw an elderly man fall in a crosswalk, so I jumped off my bike to help. As I helped him across, the light turned green. At that point I noticed my phone had fallen out of my pocket in the street and was run over by several cars. I then watched across a 6 lane street as someone stole my bike. FML

Today, my husband dropped me off at work, ten minutes later I got a text saying" I just dropped the b*tch off I'll be there in a few baby, miss you". I asked him about it he said he "I dont know what youre talking about Megan". My name isnt Megan, not even close. FML

Today, my teenage stepdaughters, as a punishment for refusing to buy them iphones, told my wife they saw me in town kissing an attractive blonde and grabbing her ass (all invented). She believed it and i'm single. I've been faithful and feeding the whole family for 10 years. FML

karoč, riktīgs fun. var palasīt, kad nav nekā īpaša, ko darīt.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
+1 no manis, riktīgi labs.:D
Today, I decided to give my virginity to my boyfriend of four months, because I told him I loved him. Two minutes after he'd pulled out, he grabs his cell and mass texts "I FINALLY GOT LAID!". FML
:D:D:D:D:D:D he grabs his cell and mass texts "I FINALLY GOT LAID!". WTF.
Today, I was kicked out of my parents house. I was sleeping in my truck bed because I had nowhere to go. I awoke to a "beep beep beep" noise. I was being towed while sleeping in the truck bed. FML

omg. :D
Today, I had to break the news to my husband that I had miscarried our first child. To which he replied, "Thank God" and told me he wanted a divorce. FML
muahahahaha ... te jau no smiekliem nomirt var :D
jū, šito saitu jau man pirms kādiem 3 mēnešiem ierādīja.
ideāli noder tad, ka tev liekas, ka tieši tava dzīve riktīgi iesūkā. tad var aiziet, palasīt un saprast, ka tev tomēr iet baigi labi :D
bāc ku labs

Today, my grandparents were staying over my house for a couple of nights. As I was walking to my bathroom in the middle of the night, I noticed their door was open, and my grandfather was awake. I tried to say 'Hi' to him, but he didn't hear me. I then noticed that he was masturbating. FML

Today, while the kid I was babysitting was in the bathroom, he called to me "I need some help in here." Worried I ran to the bathroom and asked him what was wrong. He needed me to wipe his butt. As if that weren't gross enough, just as my hand was under his butt, he pooped again and laughed. FML

Today, there were no more seats on the bus I was taking home, which meant I had to stand. I noticed that a creepy guy sitting in front of me had a boner, so I took a few steps back. Suddenly the bus went through something like a speed bump, which caused me to fall and sit on the man's lap. FML

Today, I was working at a day care center. A 5 year old boy came up to me telling me he wanted to eat my face. Confused, I asked him why. He said, "Because your face looks like pizza." FML

Today, I moved out of my apartment and thought it would be nice to leave the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom for the next tenant. I later got a notice from the management that I was being charged $50 for leaving behind "personal items." FML
Today, the real estate guy came with potential buyers to visit my house. He opened my bedroom while I was wanking. FML
Today, my boyfriend invited me over so I went, not thinking anything of it. To my surprise, he broke up with me. I was pretty upset, and as I was leaving his mom hands me a box. When I got home I opened it. His mom baked me a break up cake. FML
Today, I was writing a huge paper for a class as our last grade. My dog starts scratching himself. He hit the power button on the computer. Nothing was saved. FML
Today, my boyfriend of 2 years took me to get a tattoo done with his name on. He paid for it. After it was done he told me it was over between us and he thought it'd be a nice reminder of him for me. FML
Today, my mom talked about how it's interesting how there's so many different size of penises. She also told me that since she's doing hormone therapy she's able to orgasm a LOT more. We were stuck in stop and go traffic for 3 hours. When I turned on the radio, she turned it off and talked more. FML
Today, I confronted my fiance and told him I knew his 'little secret'. I had suspected that he had been ruining his wedding diet by eating pizza at the office. He replied that the affair with his secretary had only been going on for a couple of months. FML
Today, I went to the store to buy groceries. I didn't care how I looked, so I wore an old shirt that said, "Thousands of my potential children died on your daughter's face last night." I ran into my girlfriend's parents at the store. FML
bāc, par šito es riktīgi smējos :D

Today, I was watching tv on the couch. My mom then kicked me off so she could lie down. Exhausted, I asked if I could sit at the end. She said no. A minute later she called the dog to come sit with her. As I was sitting on the ground, my mom told me to move because "the dog can't see the TV." FML
Today, was my wedding night. We had decided to wait until marriage to have sex. When I undressed and smiled at my new wife, she burst into tears and cried, "please don't make me do this." FML

"RuncisRenars, šodien, plkst. 03:13

Today, my boyfriend of 2 years took me to get a tattoo done with his name on. He paid for it. After it was done he told me it was over between us and he thought it'd be a nice reminder of him for me. FML"

Tas tips noteikti ir latents pidars vai "transpersona", jo uz šitik rafinētām cūcībām spējīgas ir tikai sievietes.
Ā, nekur jau nav sacīts, kāda dzimuma ir teicējs, tā ka varbut tas tips pat nav latentais.
Today, I got an invitation to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. We broke up because "he didn't believe in marriage." FML

Today, my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. We haven't had sex yet. FML
Today, I was cleaning out my bedside table when I came across some condoms I bought on my 18th birthday, to use the first time I had sex. They expired five years ago. I'm still waiting for my first time. FML
Veca lieta, tadad skatāmies www.mylifeisaverage.com/

ir franciski ar tads pasakums ka la vie de merde - suda dzive...
Today, I was talking this guy I'm dating and stated that the only reason I am with him is because of what he buys me. I was joking. He then responded that he doesn't care because the only reason he is with me is because I give good head. He was serious. FML
Today, my fiancé and I were cuddling in bed talking about our future wedding coming up. He leaned over seductively to tell me he got a present for me to ‘use’ on our wedding day. It was a pack of breath mints. FML
Today, I began to choke on a large pill while my mom was in the room. Hoping that she would help me, I began to make a lot of noise. After she completely ignored me, I threw my body over a chair, saving my life. At this point my mother asks me to shut up because she can't hear her friend. FML
Today, my dog was watching me and started to have a hard-on… for half an hour. FML
Nav tādas dienas, kad es neizgāztos. Bet...ir jautri, ne vienmēr man pašai, bet apkārtējiem - noteikti ;P
Tu par karaoeke runā ? :D
HAAA HAAA HAAA! Irony var taisīt savu saitu :D
Te bija viena tēma par virtuālā seksa iznesēju. gribējās uzrakt bet nevar sameklēt Tas bija zvērā
Today, my fiance was performing oral on me. I was really getting into it, when I heard him start making a "Waka waka waka waka" noise. When asked, he confessed to pretending to be Pacman. FML

:D :D :D :D
Jā, karaoke tai skaitā :D Nāks vecums, noteikti aprakstīšu savu biogrāfiju vairāku krājumu grāmatās zelta vākos ar sudraba maliņām ;P Ja protams kaut ko vēl atcerēšos =]
Failures jau parasti neaizmirst. :D
Tie, kas failo, aizmirst gan, bet citi maitasgabali no rīta atgādina :D
Nē, nu jā, tas jau no kondīcijas atkarīgs. :D
Today, I did a 3 hour long assignment for school. I was bored so I gave it the title "F***ing Assignment for a F***ing Teacher." I went downstairs only to discover that the printer was out of ink. So I sent it to her email, then I realized that I didn't change the title. FML
chrislMl, vakar, plkst. 17:01

"Failures jau parasti neaizmirst. :D"

Dzīvē, kas ir gara feilu ķēde, aizmirst savus feilus brīdī, kad gribi tos aprakstīt izklaidējopšos memuāros, būtu tikai likumsakarīgi :D

Tagad mammīte dēlēnam varēs piedraudēt: Nepildīsi mājasdarbus, iesim braukt ar karuseli! ;P;P
ĀAAA psc labā mutterīte (tā mož i vecākā māsa??) :D mazais kārtmens karuseļos! :D
Today, I had to take a dump. While looking for a book to read, I sneezed. The force of the sneeze caused me to shit my pants. The glob of dung then ran down my leg before falling out of my shorts onto my carpet, all in less than 5 seconds. Nothing in my life has prepared me for this. FML

:D :D :D
Viss, ko es varētu teikt šajā sakarā, ir jau izteikts šajā video:
njā, iekš video viss pateikts īsi un konkrēti :D
Jā, ar šķaudīšanu dirstkāres laikā ir jāpiesargās. Īpaši caurejas gadījumā.
Ar prātu tai lietai jāpieiet. Stingra kontrole. Prāta trenniņš. Harmonija. Nekādu negaidītu momentu.
lol, ja tā svecīte būtu japāņu ražojuma, tad droši vien tā arī būtu domāts.
Ar to svecītes bildi var tēstēt - kurš ir skatījies porņus un kurš nav. Es rēcu ...
Tagad arī latviski!


"Pamēģināju nāsīs iebāzt austiņas, jo viens draugs man teica, ka tad varot dzirdēt mūziku pa muti ārā, protams, dzirdēt neko nevar. Tagad arī austiņās ir sabojājušās mitruma dēļ."
Today, I lost my virginity, I think. Does it still count if she left halfway through, laughing? FML
par šo tēmu


oh, John...
eu es varu atdabūt niku - RuncisRenars?
Kopā ar banu...
^ forša cepure
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