Komentari par so pedejo albumu no vinu puses kas cik es saprotu ir pedejais kas no sis grupas vispar bus.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
ARTIST: Ministry
TITLE: Adios...
LABEL: 13th Planet/Megaforce
GENRE: Industrial
BITRATE: 214kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 1h 07m total
RELEASE DATE: 2009-03-31
RIP DATE: 2009-03-31

Track List

1. Let's Go 5:09
2. Watch Yourself 5:14
3. Life Is Good 4:20
4. The Dick Song 5:43
5. The Last Sucker 6:30
6. No W ... 3:01
7. Waiting 5:12
. Worthless 4:1
9. Wrong ...5:14
10. Rio Grande Blood 4:34
11. Senor Peligro 3:50
12. Lieslieslies 5:21
13. Khyber Pass 8:46

Release Notes:

Ministry will release a live CD and DVD, both entitled "Adios" recorded during
their Final World Tour 2008! The CD/DVD features live-recordings and
performances from Serbia, Warsaw, Los Angeles, Chicago, Germany, Czech Republic
and Slovenia. The CD will be released in late March, while the DVD won't be out
until May as it will contain a LOT of bonus-material, on which MINISTRY are
still putting the final touches.

Progenies of thumping, seminal industrial metal whose legacy can still be heard
ringing loudly in everything from Rammstein to Red Harvest. It's hard to believe
that this is their swansong, their last album release, and indeed Ministry go
out in style tonight with this album! When Ministry pulls out the big guns it is
tantamount to a revelation. The world needs bands like Ministry to be a razor
sharp thorn in the side of conservatism, and one of the few bands who truly
exuded the kind of punk ethic that's bandied about by so many but actually lived
by so few! Good bye Ministry!

Ministry's long goodbye continued with Adios...Putas Madres, a live album that
followed a remix collection, a covers comp, and even a charity single for the
Chicago Blackhawks, all of which were released after leader Al Jourgensen
announced he was dismantling the band for good. But if you ever think Ministry
could be among those who milk their retirement announcement for all it's worth,
this is far from being a cheap cash-in. If you go by their fickle Internet
forums, it may not even be a gift to the fans, at least not the ones who only
covet the middle sliver of the band's long discog. The material here is pulled
from Ministry's last three albums, a hitless George W. Bush-hating concept
trilogy that alienated some longtime fan club members -- known as the Piss Army
-- while still yielding a high amount of prime material. Adios contains arguably
the best songs from the three, pumped up to maximum volume with both the guitar
crunch and percussion blasts raging harder than before. It's exactly the formula
used on their last live album, Sphinctour, and those familiar know it works, as
long as you love both the source material and relentless pummeling that would
make most tap out early. Even if there's no consoling the fans who wanted a
career-spanning kiss-off or one more go with the mid-period hits, Adios is a
worthy fringe release, worth the attention of anyone who thought final studio
album The Last Sucker absolutely destroyed.
Bet pats ta ko domā?
like somebody cares.
Esmu klausijies tikai dazus gabalus ka ari nav bijusi velme iedzilinaties sis grupas dailrade varbut ka tagad japaklausas vairak.
Zinu ka sie veiksmigi nemas pa industrialo pusi.
pēdējais viņiem jau bija... būtu labāk palasījis release notes
Bobij, tad kālab rosini diskusiju par tēmu, kas tev, pēc paša teiktā spriežot, ir samērā vienaldzīga?
Tapec ka bija doma ka teoretiski te radisies interesanta diskusija un varesu iecekot kadu sakarigu ministry video.
Tak bļ mēģini kādreiz domāt līdzi ko dari. Pamēģini, kaut uzzīmē varbūt uz lapiņas kā tas izskatītos, ja tagat visi mestu k-kādu mistisku grupu recenzijas, kuras paši nav dzirdējuši un vispār nekāda sajēga ko spēlē. Stādies priekšā?! Pamēģini reiz pats ko izdomāt un uzrakstīt nevis Copy -> Paste, bļ. Kaut pāris vārdiņu mēģini izpiest, teiksim man patīk jo tur skaisti puši spēlē vai tas vokāls man liek sev pieskarties. Bļ cik tev gadu, ko tev vecāki draugi saka par tādu tizlošanos? Pašam riebums neuznāk uz sevi? Bļ kur prāts tev... nah.
Kāpēc bobij, kāpēc!?

Bļ vājprāts.
Bļe... sakarīgu video sagribējās... WTF!!??? Bļ tev tak tāpat nav ko darīt sēdi youtubā un skaties tak visus to Ministry videoklipus pēc kārtas...
Jesus Builtt My Hotrod - vienīgais labais songs no visas garās grupas daiļrades
kārtējais Copy/Paste bobja izpildījumā

Par pašu apvienību baisa škrobe, ka tā arī neredzēju viņus dzīvaja
kapec teret laiku rakstot ja ta laika es varu uztaisit metala torentu.
varbūt tad neposto te un iegūsi sasodīti daudz laika kuru varēsi veltīt savam trekerim un citiem brīnumdarbiem.
A tu vienmēr aizbildinies ar ko tik stulbu?
Marle tas nav nekas stulbs bet diezgan cienijams underground bezalgas darbs.
Butu pieveris knabi alkan un ari darijis ko lietas laba.
Pagaidam gan mani kartejo reizi izbanoja no filebox jo uzedos vienam 17 gadigam pokemonam ar niku blower par to ka vins lika svesas Lat relizes pie tam vecas bez noradem uz relizu autoru.
Ka ari propagandeja narkotisko halucugenu iegusanu un apstradi.
Tapec pagaidam ieturesu pauzi paskatisos kadi trakeri paradisies.
nah tu taisi bezjēdzīgas tēmas par lieliskām grupām? tā taču ir zaimošana jau.

Filth Pig ir lielisks albums, kā arī Dark side of the Spoon, ja tevi tas interesē. Now get lost!
Nahuj tur raksti nah tema pie tik lieliskas grupas.
Vot iblis tu tads runci.
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