Christian Fundies
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Kārtējo reizi var pārliecināties, ka stulbumam nav robežu.

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Quote# 62318

No, God's Penis is not a biological organ. I never said God's Penis was the same as man's penis. Obviously it wouldn't be. That is why I pointed out God has a Holy, Righteous Penis. That is to say, it's not the same as man's corrupted, fleshy one.

As I said when this subject first came up, once again: Penises are not just for sex & peeing. It is only because man is evil that he thinks of penises exclusively in those terms.

Man is made in the image of God the Father. That is the primary reason why man has a penis.

You cannot insert your evil prejudicial ideas of man's penis onto God - which is exactly what you are doing. God's Penis is not equal to man's penis. It's really not hard to understand.
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Quote# 70784

The very first human intercourse was a rape, women have a hymen. Every intercourse after that is still a "rape" because women still have hymens. Women are not supposed to be poked by men, they were all lesbians until one day a freak of nature was born and he got saddled with "God". All men are women first when they develop in the womb, they just have overgrown clits. Female ejaculation contains trace amounts of semen and that's how the ancient female reproductive system reproduced before men "raped" them.

In essence, all sex is rape. Am I going to complain? No, I have a gun to shoot down any "rapist" that enters my home.
Quote# 71989

[about indigenous populations]

How is it that when the Spaniards, the French, the Portuguese, and the British went to colonise different islands around the world? How would the people have gotten there if there were no airplanes? The distances would have been too far for that many people to take a boat, so how did they get there? Did the land masses just "magically" move, such as your flawed theory of plate techtonics says? Did humans once have wings and then lose them through "natural selection"?

If you can't answer this, then there is no other logical explaination than God did it and that Jesus Christ is the Lord.
omfg, really.
Never underestimate idiots in large crowds.
Šitas izsaka visu:

That's the beauty of Heaven... we can leave our brains behind.
^ tas ir apmēram tas pats, kas šis:

Quote# 60994

[This is not one of those fake church signs: it's the real thing, taken in Arkansas.]
"All men are women first when they develop in the womb, they just have overgrown clits."

Nezinu, vai visi sākumā ir sievietes, bet tā gan ir taisnība, ka penis un vagīna/klitors attīstās no viena un tā paša "pirmorgāna" embrija agrinajās stadijās.
Vispār tur valda liela radniecība un saskaņa:
"As I predicted you like banging the rape drum. Yes, I know that rape is bad but you have to admit that there are a lot of worse things, like terminal disease, loss of a limb, or despair. I know it’s humiliating but when it’s over it’s over, not like cancer.

Yes, a Christian woman suffers less from rape than another woman. Are you asking me if I think rapists should go after Christian women? Well if they do they will be faced with the strength and will of the Lord and may even come to His side when they see how little their pathetic abuse can do to a woman of faith!

No you didn’t misunderstand about why rape is a sin. It makes no sense for it to be a sin for a man to rape his wife since a man can’t rape his wife. It’s just not logical, like stealing your own car or pocking your own pocket.

Maybe you got raped and enjoy harping on it. Well the whole world doesn’t revolve around you. Get over it, clear your head and come to God."

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