10.06.11 Latvia: Sun Of Nothing (Grieķija)
Sun Of Nothing (Grieķija)
(Doom/Sludge/Noise/Black Metal)
10.06 Rīga - tba
11.06 Jelgava - Balerija

Beyond black metal bleakness, post-metal ingenuity and post-punk numbness, incorporating Koreisch's cross-genre eclecticism and Godflesh's nihilistic aura, combining Shinning's catatonic chord pounding, Khanate's crawling gloom and Discordance Axis' ear crushing sonic blasts - Sun Of Nothing manage to create a sonic identity that's both personal and radical. Surpassing any easy categorization, they create their unquestionably greatest and richest release to date, adding the peak to an imaginary triptych - a memorial dedicated to the sonic violence and the inner darkness.

Debuting with the full-length "...And Voices, Words, Faces, Complete the Dream" in 2003 (following a rehearsal tape in 2002) they started to get some serious support slots but some very successful headline gigs around Greece as well. Album and live reviews were more than enthusiastic and their fan base was growing rapidly.

After a small pause they came back in 2007 with their second full-length "...In the Weak and the Wounded", gaining even more positive feedback from both press and fans. Having already shared the stage with bands such as Om, Paradise Lost, Electric Wizard, SunnO))), Septic Flesh, Burst, Black Cobra, Tombs and Buried Inside, and following their previous two masterpieces, Sun Of Nothing are releasing their third full-length album in late 2010, entitled "The Guilt Of Feeling Alive" in both CD and vinyl for the first time, out from Catch The Soap Productions.

vairāk info sekos, muti var palaist arī tagad.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Sun Of Nothing - Sink

Sun Of Nothing - The Prison You Create
baigi labs
abi Latvijas koncerti - Jelgavā un Rīgā ir Atcelti.
Sun Of Nothing - Fuck OFF >:)
Ko ta tā?
Polijā piedāvāja labākus nosacījumus, džeki negrib braukt n-tos km uz šito pusi, droši vien, nav sabukojuši datumus tālāk, attiecīgi aprobežosies ar to galu. ar milzu atvainošanos un varbūt nākamreiz beigās, protams.

raudzīs, ja piedabūs Tesa un Frailty spēlēt, varbūt viens desu cepjamais vakars vēl sanāks, bez grieķiem. laiks rādīs.
Biznesmeņi jabbanie scyko kurwa
visiem gribas nopelnīt
μαλάκας , ψωλορουφήχτρα
o, forši, man ir mīnus 5, jo pateicu, ka man patīk šī grupa, paldies mspw un 4 pārējiem :)))
sistēma tāda...
^^Nu jā , Tu jau esi pasaules naba , lai es tev pievērstu tik daudz uzmanības.
haha, jā, es esmu pasaules nabas saite :)))))))) bet nu ja tev sāk likties, ka man sāc jau pievērst PĀRĀK daudz uzmanības, piemēram, mēģini divas nedēļas ielikt mīnusu, bet rāda, ka limitiņš beidzies, tad tomēr neaizmirsti arī par mācībām un citām štellēm, tā arī nedrīkst iekavēt ;))))))))
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