Turisas gitaarists avaarijaa..
Loti beedigas zinas, loti bedigas... Georgam laikam Rigas koncerts iespejams bija pedejais dziivee... loti veletos lai man nav taisniba... :(((

09.11.2005 – Turisas guitarist Georg Laakso traffic accident

Dear friends,

The last two weeks have been an extremely hard time for us and we hope that you understand how difficult it has been for us to come out with an update on Georg's condition. There have been days when the situation has appeared to be very dark, as well as days bringing good news and glimpses of hope. Georg's condition is now somewhat stable, but still extremely severe and the risk of different complications is still evident. The following part will give you more information on what actually happened and how things have moved on since then.

The accident took place two weeks ago, on the night between Thursday and Friday (27.-28.10.) when, for a reason still unknown, Georg's car swerved off the highway, crashing through an elk-fence before coming to a halt 60 meters farther ahead. The first reports on the accident did not come in before early Friday morning and the first police patrol was at the scene around 8 am. They, however, did not notice the unconscious Georg who was lying on the ground approximately 5 meters from the vehicle. Neither did the following patrol which came to the scene later in the afternoon to add some more police tape in the fence as a signal to the motorists passing by that the police had already been there. Georg was reported missing on Friday afternoon. It was not before 6 pm Georg's brother found him at the scene of the accident and called the emergency number. When Georg was lifted up from the ground his heart stopped beating. At that point he had been lying unconscious on the icy ground for some 12 hours minimum, and his body temperature had gone down to 20.1 °C. No other persons were involved in the accident.

Georg was rushed to Hämeenlinna Central Hospital and later in the night transferred to the intensive care unit at Meilahti Hospital in Helsinki. During this time the nursing staff kept his heart beating by hand for well over four hours. At Meilahti Hospital he was connected to a heart-lung machine and heart operation was started immediately.

During the last two weeks Georg has gone through several operations on his heart, abdomen, feet etc. His body temperature has been raised slowly up towards normal, which has brought up some problems with his right leg not heating up properly due to bad frostbites. He has shown marks of consciousness throughout last week, and has been awake for short periods during the last days, but is still kept under anaesthesia and heavy narcosis most of the time. His heart is now somewhat working on its own, but his breathing is still controlled by a respirator, and there are also problems with his kidneys. Apart from a few broken ribs and a minor fracture in his jaw, the crash did not cause notable external damage. Recent scans have not shown any signs of brain damage either, but at this stage that is still far too early to speculate on.

We would like to express our gratitude for all the kind words and thoughts you have posted in our guestbook. Your concern really means a lot to us and has given both us and Georg's family a lot of strenght during these hard two weeks. We, together with Georg's family, wish that you continue posting your thoughts and greetings in our guestbook or on our forum, as all your posts have been, and will be in the future as well, forwarded to the hospital staff who are reading your greetings directly for Georg. We would also like to thank you all for the extremely tactful manner in which you have received these heavy news not declining to any level of rumours or speculations. We will keep you posted on how things move on again as soon as there is something new to tell.


The members of Turisas
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Drūma vēsts :( daudz tie mūziķi pēdējā laikā smagi cietuši avārijās.
Droši vien puisis pie stūres aizmidzis(esmu izjutis kā tas notiek,kad šoferis mieg ciet, toreiz kad braucām no Obtest konča, mums vispār Dieviņš stāvēja klāt tad) a tas ka atrasts 6m no mašīnas norāda uz to ka nav bijis piesprādzējies(te man nekas nav piebilstams, katrs dara kā grib, katram tiesības nosisties) Ceru, ka vismaz paliks dzīvs.
Draņķīgi:( Īpaši jau tas, ka cietušā veselības stāvoklis varētu būt daudz labāks, ja viņš 12 stundas nebūtu gulējis neviena nepamanīts :(

kaut kāda nolaidība ka neviens nepamana ka džeks 5 metrus tālāk guļ, būtu atraduši iespējams nebūtu tik traki..
Kaadi tik visaadi briinumi pasaulee nenotiek..
a es tak ar šo sadzēru... bija jautrs tēls...
Hei...,nu nevajag tak vinju jau glabaat..
Tad tomēr, Hopkins, tu tos somus neienīsti tā līdz galam, lai gūtu no šādiem rakstiem sadistisku prieku.
Man ar nav saprotams, kā var visu dienu nepamanīt, ka džeks guļ turpat 5 m attālumā no auto. Jebkurā gadījumā, novēlu atveseļoties pēc iespējas drīzāk.
Fauns, vispār es jau neesmu tiešām tik slikts, un es viņu zināju personīgi arīdzan. Jā, ja jau tie policisti nevar ieraudzīt šoferi kas mētājas blakus mašīnai, tad jasaka, ka tie gan ir idiņi kas tur strādā.
hmm...kas tad mums te..avārija jā..mašīna smagi cietusi, cilvēku kabīnē nav, priekšējais stikls izsists. aha..varētu būt ka izlidojis pa logu ārā..tā tā,pa labi..nekā nav tik krūmi, pa kreisi tikai lauks. hmm..nu ja piecēies un gājis stopot lai tiktu uz mājām. mājās nav, ja? izsludinam meklēšanu..pazudis bez vēsts..matainais..iespēj... ka met. pardon man manu cinismu
During this time the nursing staff kept his heart beating by hand for well over four hours.

pie mums tā būtu?
Kautkāds ārprāts. :/
nu es ceru ka vinam vis labi, enzinu ,pedeja laika tads lidzjutiigs esmu palicis, neiznu,varbut tas ir alus nevis es, un amnisauc alus, bet varbut dzer un brauc
Skatos, neviens par tālaāko notikumu attīstību nav pacenties informēt, tad nu izplatīšu nu jau pavecas (14.12.05), tomēr labas ziņas: Georgs pamazām atkopjas. Esot pie samaņas, patstāvīgi elpo, nieres atsākušas darboties utt. Nu jau droši vien ir ārā no intensīvajiem. :)
Par šo negadījumu jau bija piemirsies, kad nupat atcerējos un sameklēju informāciju par to, kā tad šim tālāk gājis. Ziņa jau paveca gan. Principā, klasika: ir 2 ziņas - viena laba, otra slikta. Labā ir, ka Georgs ir dzīvs un liekas arī dzīvesspara pilns; sliktā, ka visdrīzāk visu atlikušo mūžu viņam nākises pavadīt ratiņos un sadzīvot ar dažādām komplikācijām...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Category: Music

Georg Laakso, the guitarist of Turisas, who was badly injured in a severe car-accident in October 2005 has left the band.

"Nearly nine months has passed since the accident took place, and after six years in the band, I have now come to the point where I am forced to leave Turisas.

I have been diagnosed with spinal cord injury which has an effect on all the functions in my body. In practice it means that nothing from my chest and below is working properly or at all, and I am now tied to a wheelchair - most likely for the rest of my life. Unfortunately my fingers are not working either and it is very unlikely that I will be able to play the guitar - or any instrument for that matter - ever again. To avoid sounding too gloomy I would like to point out that considering the circumstances I should have been dead many times already. Thanks to hard rehabilitation, zest for life and persistency I have already made some progress and I am slowly re-learning the basics of life. I have a hard battle of my own ahead of myself, but battles are meant to be won.

I would like to thank all of you for the support you have given me during these hard months. All the letters, cards and greetings have gladden my heart enourmously. A big thank you to everyone of you! I would have wanted to inform you much sooner, but my constitution and the unclarity in things have made it impossible for me to give any kind of a reasonable statement earlier than now. I know that also this is still pretty vague, but I am hoping to be able to give you more information when things first come clear to myself. There is no such thing as giving up!"

Ja jau ir tādi kā Riks Alens un pat Džeisons Bekers, tad šaubos vai ir kaut kas, kas spēj tiešām atturēt cilvēku no mūzikas. Ja tiešām ir gribēšana, tad atrodas arī iespējas.
Zināma taisnība jau ir, tomēr šitas "Unfortunately my fingers are not working either" neizklausās pēc labiem priekšnosacījumiem veiksmīgam ģitārista karjeras turpinājumam...
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