Venom - Metal Black
VENOM Announce Title For New Album
2005-12-01 05:39:25

UK black metal legends VENOM have confirmed that their forthcoming album will be titled Metal Black and will be released by Castle Records/Sanctuary Group in March, 2006.

According to an official press release, "Venom are again taking the goat by the horns and reinventing their own original style, and as controversial as ever, Venom bring their Black Metal music into the 21st century in the form of Metal Black, an album that harkens back to the writing style of the 80’s Venom with a powerful production to incinerate any sound system, truly demonic in every sense and with the delivery of a charging beast, this is music at its heaviest, and this is metal at its most black, this is Metal Black."

Metal Black sees band founder, vocalist/bassist Cronos, joined by drummer Antton and guitarist Mykvs.

According to a recent comment by Mykvs at "The album has a very raw feel, the intensity of the songs is awesome, we recorded the album as a live band, 3 demons bleeding for the heaviest metal we could create, and our new album will show that Venom keeps getting stronger and heavier, lay down your souls mutha fuckers, we have returned".
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Vecum vecie sasparojušies! No šitās grupas tak ir ietekmējušies metallica, antrax gan jau citas ar.
mmm...izklausās garšīgi..
ja Viesulis bet tu saproti ka mazi pupi ari ir labi, MAZI saproti, ne jau tur ta jēga paslepta, nu tu taču nesaproti, ah
kārtējā grupiņa, kas veģetē uz bijušo slavu... tas vēl nekas, bet to dara, jaunāko albumu nosaucot, mazliet pamainot kāda sava klasiskā albuma nosaukumu.
varu galvu likt ķīlā, ka arī muzons būs labākā gadījumā parodija par 80o gadu sākuma Venom. Tiesa, tas man arī maz rūp :)

Intar, vai konkrētajā pastkastītē ieskatīsies? :) Jā? Tad ir vērts sūtīt meilu?;)
Ieskatīšos, ieskatīšos :)
romantiku pie malas berni un man ari tads čujs ka šitie kas dzīvi miroņi, nav jau slikti ar savu samciņu bet, labi parliecinajamies ka obituary ir iestreguši kaut kur tumšajos aukstajos vidulaikos, un ņemot vēra ka venom nav nekad bijuši ipaši sarežģiti, nu nezinu, ta ar;i varētu būt jo nu tādos ciešos ramjos neko daudz neizdomasi.

NO OTRAS PUSES es paskatos un candellmas pedejo albumu un saprotu ka neko nevar zināt.
"kārtējā grupiņa, kas veģetē uz bijušo slavu.."

zināmā mērā taisnība, BET to var teikt par daudzām grupām-manowar, iron maiden, helloween, running wild utt utjpr
to varetu teikt par judas pimpi bet nu ne jau I maiden, nu jasaprot ka viņi mainas ar laiku, danc with death bij' pietiekoshi intereants. Pie tam naudu jau visiem vajag.
nez, es tajā nāves dejā neko extraordināru nesaklausīju-maiden kā maiden. un jā-fani albumus pērk, patīk ka nekas nemainās, ka nepievils, ka muzons būs tāds ko es gaidīju no viņiem, un viņi tādu arī taisa, un nauda nāk, un visi apmierināti, nav jātaisa tēma kā jums st.anger?
tas buus labais
psc... Antons un Mikus...
es ne tik daudz par veģetēšanu... domas par to vienmēr dalīsies, tāpat kā izpārdošanos un pouzerismu.

Bet gan par šo slaveno un klasisko albumu novazāšanu un zaimošanu, savam jaunajam (un absolūti 100% skaidrs, ka sūdīgakam un daudz sūdīgākam) albumam ielikt līdzīgu nosaukumu. Protams, ka tas ir mārketings. Man nupat vēl divi cilvēki (un nebūt ne sīki idiņi) teica, ka interesējušies par jauno Helloween disku "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part III: The Legacy" tieši nosaukuma un klasisko "Keeper" albumu slavas dēļ, lai gan par Helloween bija zaudējuši interesi vēl 90o gadu sākumā. Komentāri lieki.
nez, es tur neko sliktu nesaskatu
"Resurrection" bija pamatīgs grāvējs; negribētos ticēt, ka ar šo sekos izgāšanās.
m/ prime evil !!!!!!
un dziesma megalomania..slipping into tomorrow...ņam ņam...
0 recently conducted an interview with VENOM frontman Conrad "Cronos" Lant. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

On the subject of the detractors, fans who believe the only "real" VENOM includes Mantas and Abaddon:

Cronos: "Look, VENOM has over the years had so many line-ups, but a lot of fans say the only VENOM that actually matters, that was actually real, was Cronos, Mantas and Abaddon. You know what? I agree with them! I absolutely agree 100%. The trouble is, when we had the re-ressurection of the band in 1995 I quickly discovered that I was the only one interested in re-creating what the original band was all about. You might call that a lack of progress but for me, I just hadn't changed my philosophies towards the music, what VENOM stood for or the kind of metal I wanted to record and play live. The other guys had moved on. If you listen to Abaddon's solo record, that's where he was at — electro industrial shit. If you listen to what Mantas is doing now, that's where his heart is, in that nu-metal stuff. That was the problem, y'see. It looked like VENOM, but in reality there was only one of us really into it. For all the will in the world, and all the fans expectations of us, it just wasn't going to work. It wasn't 'Black Metal' because the original feeling was gone. A lot of the album 'Cast In Stone' I really like, but some of it, like 'Domus Mundi' — what's that shit?" Do you feel resentful that Mantas and Abaddon had lost the spirit?

Cronos: "No, not at all. They are just into different things now. That's OK. I don't get what they're doing but that's for them. It's just important that the VENOM fans know where the true heart of the band is." When did you start plotting the new album "Metal Black"?

Cronos: "First of all I had to get the right vibe, the real, original VENOM vibe. Without that there was just no fucking point, y'know? Getting Mantas and Abaddon back wasn't going to work — ever. Antton had drummed on 'Resurrection'. He's in these PANTERA-type bands so has had to really re-school himself on the concept of VENOM drumming. He studied it really hard. It's not about all the flash and fills, it's just about the awesome power of the kit. Mike [Hickey, a.k.a. Mykus] is from the 'Calm Before The Storm' era. When I contacted him and told him about the idea, of taking VENOM back to the early '80s, he was really excited because that's what he always wanted to do back in '86." Is Mike still based in the USA?

Cronos: "Yeah, so he flew over and we started rehearsing. The plan was to sort this out for ourselves first before even telling any record companies. We all wanted to find out if we could recapture the real VENOM. What we did was to rehearse for three months and we just played songs from the first four albums. That's all we did because we wanted to really get that old style back into our blood before we even thought about writing any new songs. It had to be genuine." At first a lot of people thought the album title "Metal Black" was a joke.

Cronos: "Yeah, we knew it would be controversial. Originally we were going to call the record 'Malificarum' after one of the songs on the album, but Sanctuary [the record company] said they couldn't even spell that, let alone say it. Then we just thought, 'Well, if we are going back to the old days then the title is just obvious isn't it?' 'Metal Black'. It says it all. It's been really interesting seeing people's reaction. Some have said did the lazy bastards just pick two words out of a hat? There is already a huge debate on the VENOM forums about it. It's the kind of title that will cause fights. There'll be blood and guts, believe me!" What about song titles for the album?

Cronos: "It's all familiar VENOM stuff, y'know? Nothing fancy, just straight to the point. There's 'Antechrist', 'Born in Hell', 'Malificarum', 'A Good Day To Die', 'House of Pain', 'Death and Dying', 'Assassin', 'Lucifer Rising', 'Blessed Dead'." I don't think anyone could doubt those are traditional VENOM titles.

Cronos: "What's interesting is that, in the 9 years we were away, is that none of the bands who came after us used any of the song titles we had that were unused. We had hundreds of them yet all these bands like MAYHEM and EMPEROR were all getting very fancy, like 'Insalubrious Ex Salubrious' and all that stuff. What the fuck is that shit? We always kept it very black and white."

Read the entire interview at ...
Cronos: "What's interesting is that, in the 9 years we were away, is that none of the bands who came after us used any of the song titles we had that were unused. We had hundreds of them yet all these bands like MAYHEM and EMPEROR were all getting very fancy, like 'Insalubrious Ex Salubrious' and all that stuff. What the fuck is that shit? We always kept it very black and white."

Read the entire interview at
0 vo par to man nav aizdomas, venom par maz narkojās, kāds tur metal black
hopkins, tu gribi teikt tev tas venom baigi imponē, ko?
par gaumi parasti saka ka par to nestrīdās.
"What the fuck is that shit?"

Shitais man patika. Vo taa ir attieksme! Nevis kautko kjengaaties tur "fuj kaka, kaa man besii, utt", bet vienkaarshi pajautaat "kas tas taads?"

1:0 manā labā, jesss
Ak vai! Cik reizes šitai tēmai pagāju garām, jo domāju, ka atkal kāds zaļknābis plosās, kurš pat nosaukumu pareizi nevar uzrakstīt.

Tas ir joks? Un ja ne, tad nespēju novaldīt skepsi, jo man jau dikti tas izkatās pēc mēģinājuma noplēst kāpostu lai arī par ļoti labi izdarītu, tomēr vakar... kur nu vakar, aizvakar padarītu darbu.
tā ir tas ir kāposta variants, gadījums, kad 666 = $$$

ja nopietni, es nesaprotu, par ko tu tur faun un hopkins, sajūsminies? par to ka kronos iejeemis galvaa ka ir baigais bm vecteevs vai - tipa tas ir baigi ceeli ka pie vijiem tikai black & white? lohaina attieksme kaut kaada, nu jaa ceelmetaals blekmetaals it kaa jaa tiirradnis bet esme tad kaada? tas nav ne putas, ne puvums, ne pukjukaaposts. this world is shades of gray, un ziimeeties ar to, ka mees te taa ljoti neadekvaati inverteejam kristiigo duaalismu ir vnk stulbi un nematuuri..

labi, ok katram savs bet mani besii shitaa vechu attieksme - onkas pizggec, domaa ka ir vairaak gadu, tad ir gudraaki un braukt tipa jaunaakajiem augumaa. cik bazniicas taas popzvaigznes venom ir nodedzinaajushi? antikristi atradushies, vienu jauku dienu jaunie buki jums atstaas nazi saanos tikai taapeec vien, ka nebijaat uzmaniigi. tas arii uz tevi hopkins attiecaas - es gaidu to briidi, kad paraadiisies lv sceenaa kaads dzekiicans kursh sevi sauks par "axl rose" vai "dzeims hetfild" bla tas buus baigi kaa naglai uz galvas - netruukst jau te visaadu ac/dc u.c. jefinju
Nevar saprast par ko tu poseri esi tur uzcepies? Es ieposteju interviju kuru sērfojot atradu webaa un iemetu te lai tā izgaismotu kāpec Venom izvēlējušies tieshi tādu albuma nosaukumu, a ne citadāku, tā teikt no pirmavotiem. Kur es sajūsminos par Venom? Kur tu to redzi? Vai tikai tapēc ka iemetu to infu? Un kapēc man būtu jābūt nezkapēc uzmanīgam...? Kāds nazis sānos? Kāds axl un kāds hetfields? Kautkā tu liecies tāds bezsakarīgs...

P.S. btw, pēdejais albums 'Resurrection' bija pat ļoti ok. Man īstenībā vienalga, nē, ir interese ka vecie vēži vēl grabina un pohuj ka uztaisīs varbūt arī kādu sūdu, tas viss ir kā jau teicu tikai gaumes jautājums. Nepatīk - neklausies.
Es gribu klausīties Venom, bet man ir noplīsis DC++, tāpēc es esmu drusciņ dusmīgs.
ej uz veikalu.
Nav jau tās rocības.
Bez tam man ir tikai mp3 pleijeris (vevis kompaktdisku pleijeris).
Venom, starp citu, spēlē satanic-punk stilā.
Eju uz veikalu pēc smēķa.
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