J. DeMaio gatavs mirt par met
(sorry, ka engliski):

In the April issue of Germany's Rock Hard magazine editor-in-chief and die-hard MANOWAR fan Götz Kühnemund interviews bassist/founder Joey DeMaio, taking him to task for the band's controversial "performance" at last year's Earthshaker Festival. Following are a series of excerpts from the interview, translated from German:

Götz: After the Earthshaker Festival we received a lot of mail from fans saying they don't believe a word you guys say anymore. The thing with the orchestra...

Joey. "What about the orchestra? I don't understand."

Götz: The fans feel betrayed.

Joey: "Really? That's the biggest production we've ever done!"

Götz: With a playback orchestra. Everybody knows it.

Joey: "Really? I brought in 200 musicians from the Czech Republic for a playback show? Are people really dumb enough to believe that?"

Götz: That's what people believe.

Joey: 'Then I'm sorry, I find that silly. Ask my mother: I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm not so stupid as to bring in 200 orchestra musicians from another country to sit on their asses and pretend to play. That's ridiculous."

Götz: There are technicians that worked at the Earthshaker Festival that say it was all fake.

Joey: "I don't care what people say. The important thing is that the orchestra played. That's the truth. It makes no difference if people believe something else."

Götz: It's silly when you do a ten minute drum soudcheck in the middle of your set, like at the Earthshaker.

Joey: "I know, but when our fans pay good money..."

Götz: ...to hear songs, not a soundcheck!

Joey: "...and I can't hear what I'm playing on stage and give the fans the best possible performance, I owe it to them to fix the problem. I'm a professional."

Götz: But the sound wasn't any better afterwards! You wasted valuable time.

Joey: "No, I didn't. I did my best to solve the problem. Okay?"

Götz: I believe you wanted to show that you had absolute control over everything.

Joey: "No, I wanted to show the fans that they're more important to me than my own life. And if I have to do a soundcheck to prove it, that's what I'll do. I don't play with instruments that are out of tune, I don't play with bad equipment and I don't play with bad sound. I did soundcheck on stage for two hours just so we could play one song perfectly. If people don't like it that's not my fucking problem."

"I believe in the fans, I believe in metal more than anybody you've ever met. And you've known me a long time. I've never pissed on you even though you constantly do it to me. And I don't stab the fan in the back. And another thing, Götz: I'm prepared to die for metal. Are you?"

Götz: Well...

Joey: "Are you prepared to die for metal? Have you ever thought about that? Are you prepared to die for metal?"

Götz: No. I prefer living.

Joey: "But I'm ready! I'm ready to die!"

Götz: Great.

Joey: "Do you want me to prove it?"

Götz: And how would you do that?

Joey: "Do you want to come on stage in Dortmund and shoot me?"

Götz: I wouldn't go that far.

Joey: "Why not?"

Götz: Because I'd prefer it of you'd just play good music.

Joey. "I make good music. I write the best music that I can write and I play the best music I can play. Okay?"

Götz: Okay.

Joey: "I'm prepared to die, remember that. And when you're ready let me know. Write that! Write that I'm ready to die for metal and you're not!"
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Manowar forši, bet DeMaio kungs kārtējo reizi parāda savu cirvismu. viņš tēlo un izliekās jeb tāds ir po žizņi?
"I wanted to show the fans that they're more important to me than my own life. And if I have to do a soundcheck to prove it, that's what I'll do."

LOL :D Bet vispār izskatās, ka džeks varen noskaities uz intervētāju, ka tas uzdod neērtus jautājumus :)

Kur Artuurs?
No metal-rules foruma:

so all we need to do is find someone who is ready to KILL FOR METAL, introduce him to Joey and VOILA! Problem solved.

Joijs DeMaio ROCKS jeah!

bet vispar kas pa bulshitu nevar but intervija par earthshakeru apriilii hehe vins tik pagashgad juunijaa bija :DD

njaa nu protams zhurals vispar meesls ja uzdroshinaas taadus dolbajobus kaa tas g00tz saukt par die-hard Manowar faniem un taadas mulkibas printeet.. nemaz nesaakshu te iztirzaat gandriiz viss vinja murgojums ir totaals bulshits

piezimeshu ka pac biju eartshakeraa un pietam pirmajaa rindaaa takaa zinu kas un kaa tur bija
Man domāt, ka runa ir par ŠĪ GADA aprīļa numuru. Ir tāda prakse, ka aatiecīga mēneša numuru izdod iepriekšējā mēneša beigās.

Bet galvenais šajā rakstā ir ne tik daudz tas, vai orķestris spēlēja vai ne, bet tas, ka, J. DM pēkšņi maina sarunas tematu un sāk gvelzt kkādas aplamības :)
Tāds āpsis
intar tev laikam ar angleni ir probleemas... un kads tur nahuj temats ja tas kroplis dirsh virsuu totaalas aplamiibas
hellgar... nu tu jau laikam zini ja ka loxs esi un tev pa seju vajag...
Artuur, pasaki vēl tikai ka Demaio tur pilnīgi sakarīgi runāja.
jep ;] vinju nepamatoti bezkauniigi apvainoja, vienkarshi taapat, cik ilgi to vareeja turpinaat, Joeja "beigu runa" ir pat ljoti sakariiga un es vinja vietaa riikotos taapat, vinsh interviju sniedza saviem faniem un fani to saprot...
Kas tev liek domāt, ka man ir problēmas ar angleni?
" And you've known me a long time. I've never pissed on you even though you constantly do it to me"

es tevi nekad neesmu čakarējis nafig tu čakarē mani. nu ko tu uzdod man vienmēr tādus jautājumus uz kuriem man nav sakarīgas atbildes?:)
Artūr, un tu fano par tiem dolbiņiem??? Davai mirstam reizē, cerībā, ka izdzīvos metāls un Āfrikā nomirs 2 afro amerikāņi un vēl 3 nēģeri no vecuma?
1.... 2.... 3.... akktion!
intar citeeju :

"ka, J. DM pēkšņi maina sarunas tematu un sāk gvelzt kkādas aplamības"...

uni :

Joey: "No, I didn't. I did my best to solve the problem. Okay?"

Götz: I believe you wanted to show that you had absolute control over everything

taa izskataas peec normaalas intervijas bled ?!

Götz: There are technicians that worked at the Earthshaker Festival that say it was all fake.

Götz: The fans feel betrayed.

Götz: With a playback orchestra. Everybody knows it.

taadi apgalvojumi piederaas sakariigaa intervijaa ?!? es Jouija vietaa jau buutu tam kverplim muuli saskaldiijis, cienu vinju veel vairaak par to kaa vinsh izgaaja no situaacijas. Vinsh pateica to kas vinjam bij jaasaka, paareejais tai intervijaa ir totaals meesls un merkjtieciiga ManOwaR nomelnoshana.

btw izskataas ka barinjam neandertaalieshu ir probleemas saprast izteicienu Mirt Par Metaalu... nu vismaz censhaas nosleept savu tupumu ar pliekanu humora izjuutas simuleeshanu
cilveekam kas par Manowar neko daudz nau dzirdeejis peec shiis intervijas vareetu rasties negatiivs prieskshtats par Manowar ja nevien DeMaio monologs. Bravo Joey!
Es jau nekur neapgalvoju, ka tā ir baigi sakarīga intervija. Bet es neteiktu, ka tā vietā, lai normāli atbildētu uz jautājumu (kaut arī neērtu un provokatīvu), sākt kaut ko stresot par miršanu metāla vārdā ir afigenna cienījams veids, kā iziet no situācijas.

Es saprotu JDM izteicienu, tikai es viņam diez ko neticu. Tas ir apzināts populisms, zinot, ka neviens viņam par bazaru atbildēt neliks. Bet nevar jau sagaidīt, lai neandertālieši, kam Manowar ir dieva vietā, uztvertu kaut ko ar Manowar saistītu kaut cik objektīvi.
jaa tu tiktieshaam angleni laaagaa nerubii

"No, I wanted to show the fans that they're more important to me than my own life. And if I have to do a soundcheck to prove it, that's what I'll do. I don't play with instruments that are out of tune, I don't play with bad equipment and I don't play with bad sound. I did soundcheck on stage for two hours just so we could play one song perfectly. If people don't like it that's not my fucking problem."

"I believe in the fans, I believe in metal more than anybody you've ever met. And you've known me a long time. I've never pissed on you even though you constantly do it to me. And I don't stab the fan in the back

shinii daljaa vinsh atbild uz visiem iespeejamajiem jautaajumiem kas shaada rakstura intervijaa vareetu buut, kapec ljaut par sevi rakstiit 5 lpp suudu ja pietiek ar 1/2 !?...

paskaidro kaa tu saproti "mirt par metaalu"
man liekas, daži drīzāk nerubī to lietu, ko angliski dēvē par Common Sense.
un Manowar ir pozeri, jau pastoties viņu live konci, sametās nelabi - tur ir vairāk pozēšanas nekā mūzikas un visādas nekam nevajadzīgas vijobkas.
hahah tr00metalists ble atradies
vnk Manowar ir true pozeri.
hahahah Artuurs fano par tizliem pozeriem!!!
fanošana jau pati par sevi nav nekas slikts, a šite jau ir ārprātīga pielūgšana
vai bezmerkiga nodirshana
a tu pats neko neko nenodirs bezmērķīgi ne ? :D "death tāds un tāds, black vajag iznīdēt , grind vispār nav mūzika" un tamlīdzīgi teksti no tevis nav retums
Tas ir tāds intervēšanas stils. Smieklīgi, ka kāds to ņem nopietni. Lai dzīvo Bils Zebubs & The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds

parak metala grupa ir atpakaļ

Arising from an electric Hell
Usurper casts the decibel spell
Annihilation of the false and weak
Metal shall inherit-death to the meek!

On a mission of vengeance
In the name of metal
For the glory of metal

Your fate is worse than death
Surpassed by your rivals


Bringing the demise of this mainstream shit
Skulls will be broken,throats will be slit
Shitting on the posers,making them pay
Bringing back the true metal ways

On a mission of vengeance
In the name of metal
For the glory of metal
Taught by the masters

pagriez skaljaak un dziedi liidzi
Sen nebiju lasijis TM, sita zina ir smiekliga gan. Bet nu ko - Manowar jau nav ipashi inteligenta grupa, kas ir, tas ir. To jau var saprast pec tekstiem kas nemainas jau gadus 20 un visu laiku vardini kaa "power, steel, might, kill, king, crown, wind utt" tiek parkartoti vien tik dazadaas kombinacijaas. Ir gadijies pavadit 2 stundas cienitaa Joe De Maio sabiedribaa un jasaka ka taa kaa ir rakstiits, tads vins arii ir. Bet no otras puses, lai kads vins tupaks un poseris buutu, vins ir sarakstijis duchiem metal dziesmu, ko zin un pazist visas pasaules metalisti, un ko dziedas lidzi jebkuraa metal burzinaa. Tadaa zinaa Manowar viennozimigi ieliek praktiski visam metal grupam pasaulee. Par ko arii es vinu cienu, jo vins neizliekas un teica taa kaa vins arii domaa. Vel plus ir ka Manowar vienmer sper pakalu dzivajaa ariidzan.
Usurper arii ir laba banda, ieteicams albums no kaa Intars izkopejis rindas Kill for metal.
ble tolji sist tolji nesist, nevar sapraast hehehe
aaah smiekliigaakaa trulaakaa pozeejoshaakaa degradeetaakaa iedomiigaakaa suuda motociklistu grupa pasaulee. tieshi taadas ir paredzeetas prieksh FANOSHANAS :D phe imbeciilji
juu vot tev gan pa muti daudz un dikti kverpli brrr
ja a ko taa?
apdirs Manowar, par to pienaakaas, taada kaartiiba
Tas jau ir kaut kāds urlisms, nea? Kad vienīgā argumentācija ir sitiens pa muti. Nu bet no tā taču nekas nemainās - vai urla kādu dauza vai nedauza, viņš tāpat paliek urla! Un, ja tu nosistu visus, kas domā, ka Manowar ir lohi, viņi tāpat paliktu lohi.
redzi sheit ir taads pashpaarliecinaata augstpraatiiga infantiilisma liimanis ka uz normaalu argumenteetu diskusiju nav ko cereet, takshto ar lohiem pa lohu modei - pa seju !
esmu gatavs uz argumenteetu diskusiju.

es uzskatu ka manis nosauktie epiteti grupas virzienaa pashi par sevi jau ir argumenti. :D:D:D:D
par to cik vinji (epiteti) ir patiesi un pamatoti bazaram nevajadzeetu buut jo nu tas tach beernam skaidrs..
argumentee varbuut kaapeec jaasit cilveeki par to ka vinji nav tik pat aprobezhoti kaa tu. e?
zakjiit taakaa es sha skrienu prom un ienakshu mosh tik riit pecpusdiena apirms dzershanas tev ir dahuja laika lai kaartiigi pamatotu, "pac par sevi saprotams" neskaitaas, taakaa davai davai vardinju pa vaardinjam, za bozar otveechaajeem
nuja aizbeeg taa arii neko nepasakot. laikam juuties gatavs mirt metaala vaardaa ko?
duh da i lasiit nemaak, kur nu te vel ar tevi diskuteet, phe. pa seju sishana paliek speekaa
man gan shkjiet ka vieniigais ko tu vareetu ir pasist kulakaa no sishanas sfeeras :)
bļe kāds var palīdzēt? nevaru atrast to linku ar smuko Adams un Demaio 70 gadu disko bildi?
o, viss ok, atradu pēc tslēgvārda :disko:

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