Dead Emotions
Dead Emotions - Pathways To Catharsis.

Itkā iznāks tik 8. janvārī, bet var jau dabūt i-neta tīmekļos.

Ko es varu teikt, varen smeģīgs Death Metal! Kārtīgs grovliņš, i pa starpai ieķērc. Gičas un bungas gana slānī, a ko vairāk vajag.? Tā teikt viens no labākajiem ko esmu dzirdējiš iekš šī žanra.

So uz priekšu un iečeko!
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Ha, šitas bija saitā no kura kačāju:

Hey there!

I'm Markus, one of the guitar players of Dead Emotions. Interesting how quick the rip is spreading through the well-known blogs after sending out the first promo two weeks ago... ;o)

Anyway - I just wanted to let you know that we can't and won't "hunt down" you guys who spread or download our stuff. In contrary: get it and let your balls be kicked by playing the sound at maximum volume! Finally, that's what this album was made for!

However, we do of course appreciate anyone who supports us! We're not signed to a major label, so producing the CD has cost us quite much money that we had to pay off our own purses. So when you want to support us, please help us by "legalizing" the MP3s. For you we make a special price of 3,99 Euro (we accept PayPal, enabling international payments without additional fees!) for the whole CD in high MP3 quality PLUS the whole CD artwork in 300dpi for printing purposes. Simply contact me under to get this special deal, ok?

Everyone who doesn't want or isn't able to afford the 3,99 Euro, you can still help us by spreading the word, by visiting us at or and leaving a comment in our guestbooks, ok?

Brootal Hailz from Bavaria!
nav slikts, bet par labako nenosaukt, ja nu vienigi ka pagaidu variantu 2008 gadam.
manuprāt - puslīdz sviests. Nepatika!
Ko tu vispār saproti no mūzikas...
takšu neapvainojies ;)
Dveš kā pusdzīvi. Tik kaitinoša garlaicība, ka pilnīgi vai rītu sabojāja. Tā nav mūzika, bet bezjēdzīga kapāšana.
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