De Mysteriis Dom Sathanis
After Varg Vikernes (the ession bass player on this recording) was convicted for the murder of Euronymous, Euronymous' parents demanded that the album not feature the bass parts by Vikernes. Hellhammer promised to remove the bass tracks from the recording and re-record them himself. However, he did not record new bass parts, rather, he simply lowered Vikernes' contributions in the final mix.[citation needed]
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Court struggles prevented the release of De Mysteriis dom Sathanas for several months after it was completed; Hellhammer was ordered to replace Varg Vikernes’ bass parts with his own, but contrary to popular belief, he left them intact and simply lowered them slightly in the mix. He has been quoted as considering it fitting that murderer and victim should play on the same album. De Mysteriis dom Sathanas was finally released in 1994, and has often been cited as one of the greatest black metal albums of all time.
Vikernes had been arrested for his complicity in some church-burnings, and while he was trying to stonewall the police, Euronymous began making rather public pronouncements that directly implicated Vikernes. He was released, but not cleared of the charges. Vikernes then discovered that while he was in custody, Euronymous had been giving away free copies of Burzum albums to people that came into his Oslo record store called Helvete. Euronymous already owed Vikernes and his mother, Lene Børe, a few thousand dollars to finance the recording of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas on top of the now nonexistent Burzum royalties he couldn't pay for. Not only that, word apparently got around to Vikernes that Euronymous was planning on killing him after consulting a psychic in Oslo that claimed Euronymous himself would be killed if he didn't take steps to rectify the situation. The specifics of the antagonism between the two are completely obscured at this point, so attempting to discern the whys and wherefores is a fruitless task. What matters is that one day in August of 1993, Vikernes and Snørre Ruch (aka Blackthorn of the band Thorns and a session rhythm guitarist for Mayhem) went to Euronymous's apartment and when they left, Euronymous was dead with more than 30 stabwounds in his body. Vikernes eluded suspicion for a brief period of time, but was eventually arrested after someone he had belittled as being a "less intelligent" lackey and "just this anonymous male guy...a real zero" gave the police information about Ruch, who immediately cracked under pressure and gave them Vikernes. Vikernes denied killing him at first, but when it became clear they had pretty substantial evidence implicating him, he admitted it while claiming it was preemptive self-defense. When he was found guilty of the murder (as well as several weapons chrages and some of the church arsons) and given 21 years in prison (Norway's maximum sentence), he laughed. To this day, he agrees he committed the crime and that he probably ought to be in prison for it, but that he should have been convicted of the Norwegian equivalent of either manslaughter or second degree murder. At least he admits it.

As you can probably imagine, all of this put the release of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas on hold. With two members dead, one in prison, one still pissed off, and another in Hungary, Hellhammer had to basically pick up the pieces on his own and release the album. When Euronymous's family discovered Vikernes had played bass on the record, they demanded that it be removed. Although it's widely claimed that Hellhammer complied and rerecorded it himself, Vikernes says that Hellhammer didn't even know how to play the bass and that he just turned the volume on the existing bass track down. Considering he's been in jail since before the release of the album, I'm not exactly sure how he knows that.
The Mayhem, "De Mysteriis Dan Sathanas" album: as You might know I played the bass on this album. I am not credited as a bass player on this album simply because Euronymous' parents told Hellhammer that they would stop the album if he tried to release it featuring both their son and me. So Hellhammer told them he re-recorded the bass line himself, which was a lie, and then simply removed my name from the album cover - solely to satisfy Euronymous' parents. (Contrary to popular belief, there has never been any conflict between the Mayhem guys and me, not even after the "inconvenience" with Euronymous.)

I once said that this album reeked big time, because the vocals ruined everything, but the truth is that I had only properly heard the vocals on "Freezing Moon" when I said that, and I think "Freezing Moon" reeks big time, but the vocals on the other tracks is perfect. The reason I think "Freezing Moon" reeks is simply that I was used to Dead's vocals and his way of singing, and I never wanted that to change. Attila, the session vocalist for this album, was more concerned about his "artistic integrity", and didn't want to sound just like Dead, so (unfortunately) he wanted to do his own thing.

So I think this album is great. It is highly original, not least because of Hellhammer's inventive drumming, and I would say that all that was positive about Euronymous is immortalized by this album. Hellhammer's drumming makes the album special, but so does the guitar riffs, that Euronymous was mostly responsible for (although Hellhammer, Necrobutcher and even I have made some riffs too).

I have never even read the lyrics on this album, or seen the album cover, but I still dare say this is one of the few Black Metal releases I think highly off and would actually listen to, if I had the chance. Why on Earth do people even bother listening to other Black Metal albums when they can listen to albums like this one? A good album to me is an album you never grow tired of, and I think this album is such an album.

labi, ka par Vikernesa basu esi ielicis trīsreiz. Pārliecinoši. Bet, protams, šis albums ir izcils. Agrāk klausījos katru dienu. Paliku jocīgs.
Mjaaa, es arii par shito grasiijos balsi nodot...nav tas originaalaakais viedoklis, bet neko dariit
Mjaaa, es arii par shito grasiijos balsi nodot...nav tas originaalaakais viedoklis, bet neko dariit
Uruk-hai, funerallady! Sen neesi manīts/-a ;)
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nu i nahuj forumu :D
nu i nahuj kompi un to blekku, izej pagozies saulītē, pabaro baložus >:D
labāk paklausies Aborym ;)
labi, vēlāk, man ir kkāds pusnokačāts albūms, jāsaņemās jāpabeidz un tad jāpauž savs verdikks
With no Human Intervention un Generator m/
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eee. vienk pameklē dc vai torrentos, nav tie retākie albumi.
Generator stipri labāks par With No Human Intervention.
Iepriekšējie Aborym albumi gan diezgan sūdīgi.
Bet par Mayhem labāki visi.
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