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Kā piereģistrēties ir rakstīts šī posta lejas daļā... Ja nesanāk darbības kas aprakstītas šī posta lejasdaļā, var vienkārši piereģistrēties šeit:
Reku sīkāka informācija, tiem kam nav pieejas SCT:

Howdy my ScT users!

Me and the others started ScT nearly 3 years ago now, and we have achieve what we set out to do, which was to be the fastest 0day site in the world. Now the time has come for me, Feeling to put my skills and ideas into another project that I'm hoping you will come and all enjoy, The project is TehConnection. I'm giving you, the members of ScT an exclusive beta preview of the site before it opens up, here are a few more details for you.

Lets be honest, starting a torrent tracker isn't very hard nowadays, it could be setup in less than 30 minutes if you have the knowledge to do so. But after the tracker in online, the question soon becomes... what is so special about this tracker?.... What sets this tracker apart the other hundreds of trackers out there?.. Is this tracker the right place for me? For most torrenters its as easy as saying ... "ScT, SCC, ST, FTN, etc. What more do I need?".

Well, all these trackers have something in common, 0-day. And all the new trackers popping up day after day.. same thing, 0-Day. The new and upcoming this is Niche Trackers and that is what is all about. It wont be uploading the standard categories, it will be focusing on something that the staff enjoy a lot, Movies. Movies, movies and more movies, this is what we are all about! The love of movies. To put it simply, Ill use a quote from Ramsay a Administrator at TC... "Imagine the late OiNK (RIP), now imagine OiNK as an all movie tracker... there you go, you have TC. A place where you can find any movie you could possibly want, or request it and have it filled within a few short hours."

Our Formats will include only of the highest quality, the following:

* XviD

* X264

* HD





and of course broken down further into genre for more optimum searching:

* Action

* Adventure

* Comedy

* Crime

* Documentary

* Drama

* Epics/Historical

* Foreign

* Horror

* Musicals

* Mystery

* Sci-Fi

* Thriller

* War

* Western

Now, some of you might be thinking, this is all good, but I need a lot of seeders and leechers! I don't want to join another tracker with 1 seeder and no leechers on every single torrent. Well guess what.. we aren't going for the "1337" status as many trackers choose to sway towards, we are about doing things BIG, so what do we do to solve this?

We Open Sign up till 50,000-80,000 users! Invite till 100,000!

But you say, even a big user base cant help with my upload speed :`(

What do we say?


We don't care what you upload speed is, but if you can bring a unique torrent to TC that the members would enjoy, then you have the right to upload and seed it as much as you want!

Well, another big issue in the life of torrents nowadays is in Security. Well look no further, we ourselves are very security minded, so we have done our best to make TC a safe tracker. We host in Canada one of the few countries in the world, where torrents are legal! In the data center we will be hosting in, they have an estimated 25-30 private torrent sites online and over 100 public torrent trackers. To top it all off, we have a secure private cage/rack available to us whenever needed! How does the cage protect us, well apart for the biometric scans and card key access you need to enter the facility, it will be located in an undetermined section of the massive datacenter.

~ So for anyone including any legal figures to determine the correct location of the web and database server, let alone access the facility is near impossible! ~

So getting hyped, huh? Well we aren't done yet!

We have worked on this tracker for months, making everything what we determine perfection. It has been programmed so that in case of any problems (god forbid) all users are 100% protected. You are what we call Untouchable!

So that's a lot for information to sustain, but hes some more facts we thought you'd like to know.

The User Classes and Promotions:

ViP/Community Staff = Teh Legend ===> Appointed By Site Operator
Uploader ==========================... Appointed By Site Operator/Administrators
Teh Producer =======================> Promoted at 16 Weeks + 1024GB Upload, Ratio over 2.50
Teh Director==================... Promoted at 22 Weeks + 500GB Upload, Ratio over 2.00
Teh Actor=====================... Promoted at 10 Weeks + 250GB Upload, Ratio over 1.50
Teh Fanatic===================... Promoted at 6 Weeks + 75GB Upload, Ratio over 1.25
User = Member ======================> Default User Class

And to finish off, we aligned ourselves with staff who know how to get things done.. staff who know how to make a difference..

Sounds awesome, how do i get an invite to then?

Simple! Follow these instructions

Here is how you can connect to TC's IRC channel: All you need is a IRC client.

* For MIRC, type: '/server'

* Or for a SSL connection: '/server

You type this in the command box at the bottom of the screen and omit the quotes.

* Then register your nick name with the following command, "/msg nickserv register PASSWORDHERE EMAILHERE" Again, omit the quotes. (You only need to do this once)

* Then type '/join #TehConnection' Again, omit the quotes!

* Then ask for an invite in the main channel smile

Thanks for Reading
Yours Truly,
The TC Team
( Feeling, SjH, Webster, Lart2150, Future, Ramsay, Seppypom, BangBangJen, Fiskars, Hockeyman, Lance04, Nuget, Wi0 , Zallycat and WizzCameron )...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
We host in Canada one of the few countries in the world, where torrents are legal! In the data center we will be hosting in, they have an estimated 25-30 private torrent sites online and over 100 public torrent trackers. To top it all off, we have a secure private cage/rack available to us whenever needed! How does the cage protect us, well apart for the biometric scans and card key access you need to enter the facility, it will be located in an undetermined section of the massive datacenter.

~ So for anyone including any legal figures to determine the correct location of the web and database server, let alone access the facility is near impossible! ~

So getting hyped, huh? Well we aren't done yet!

We have worked on this tracker for months, making everything what we determine perfection. It has been programmed so that in case of any problems (god forbid) all users are 100% protected. You are what we call Untouchable!

So that's a lot for information to sustain, but hes some more facts we thought you'd like to know.

The User Classes and Promotions:

ViP/Community Staff = Teh Legend ===> Appointed By Site Operator
Uploader ==========================... Appointed By Site Operator/Administrators
Teh Producer =======================> Promoted at 16 Weeks + 1024GB Upload, Ratio over 2.50
Teh Director==================... Promoted at 22 Weeks + 500GB Upload, Ratio over 2.00
Teh Actor=====================... Promoted at 10 Weeks + 250GB Upload, Ratio over 1.50
Teh Fanatic===================... Promoted at 6 Weeks + 75GB Upload, Ratio over 1.25
User = Member ======================> Default User Class

And to finish off, we aligned ourselves with staff who know how to get things done.. staff who know how to make a difference..

Sounds awesome, how do i get an invite to then?

Simple! Follow these instructions

Here is how you can connect to TC's IRC channel: All you need is a IRC client.

* For MIRC, type: '/server'

* Or for a SSL connection: '/server

You type this in the command box at the bottom of the screen and omit the quotes.

* Then register your nick name with the following command, "/msg nickserv register PASSWORDHERE EMAILHERE" Again, omit the quotes. (You only need to do this once)

* Then type '/join #TehConnection' Again, omit the quotes!

* Then ask for an invite in the main channel smile

Thanks for Reading
Yours Truly,
The TC Team
( Feeling, SjH, Webster, Lart2150, Future, Ramsay, Seppypom, BangBangJen, Fiskars, Hockeyman, Lance04, Nuget, Wi0 , Zallycat and WizzCameron )
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