Bolt Thrower atceļ ierakstu
We've spent the last year trying to write songs for a new album, planning to go into the studio this summer, unfortunately, after a lot of thought, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone the recording indefinitely. We know everybody says that their new album is better than their last, but with us we really believed that. From day one we made it clear that we'd stop recording when we felt we'd written the ultimate Bolt Thrower album, we just never knew when that would be, we kind of took for granted that each release would get better and better. But we have realised now that our last release, "Those Once Loyal" turned out to be that album, and basically the new stuff we have written just doesn't match up to it. We have a lot of pride in our back catalogue, and we refuse to turn into one of the many bands (like the ones we grew up listening to) who end up releasing crap, and we're also not prepared to compromise by instead releasing an album of cover versions or a 'best of' album. Sorry to disappoint those of you looking forward to hearing new BT songs, but we always said that we would never release anything we weren't happy with or that, in our view, didn't at least match up to our previous work.

Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
kas tur raxtiits? :)
Džeki vismaz atklāti pasaka, ka nekas jēdzīgs nenāk prātā... Nu labāk tā, nekā kaut kādu savārstījumu izgrūst, ka tik albums.
Nu nezinu gan, man tas pēdējais tāda garlaicīga kaka likās, vēl štrumtīgāks par iepriekšējo, kur pāris labu gabalu tomēr bija. Ja viņuprāt šis vēl lielāks sūds, tad toč nav ko ausis ļaužiem piesārņot. Bet nafig tam vesels gads bija vajadzīgs ?
Eh, tu neko no garlaicības nesaproti.
nez, Those Once Loyal manuprāt bij tikpat labs cik IVth Crusade un ...For Victory. koroč labs bija
nu ja, es tak saku.
Tā vien šķiet, ka tas ir kārtējais triks - tikai nākamā līmenī. Skat, pēc divi mēneši tas pats taps izdots, bet tad ne1 nevarēs teikt, ka sūds, jo, redz, banda tak teica, ka sūdus neizdos - TU KO?! KARALIS *NAV* PLIKS!!! :P
Nosauks pat ''Rare & Unreleased'' piemetot klāt kakainus demo un live, pāris koverīšus utt. ...
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