Barren Earth
ievērības cienīgs projekts, kuriem oktobrī iznāks pirmais EP un 2010.gadā pilnais albums. Maispeisā var noklausīties vienu dziesmu, kura ir baigi spēcīgā - nu tā diezgan konkrēti atsit veco Amorphis. un nav jau brīnums - basu spēlē vecais Amorphis basists Olli-Pekka Laine, kurš bija līdz Tuonela. Vienvārd sakot viss kā nākas - daļu no EP producējis Dan Swano.

BARREN EARTH release "Our Twilight" debut EP in October
"The perfect blend of light and darkness. A new level of amazing has been reached!!" - Dan Swano (Unisound - KATATONIA/OPETH/BLOODBATH)

With former members of Finnish metallers AMORPHIS, plus current members of SWALLOW THE SUN, MOONSORROW, & KREATOR, Finland’s BARREN EARTH presents "Our Twilight"; the debut EP of progressive & folk textured death metal. Inspired by everything from OPETH to PINK FLOYD, & PARADISE LOST to JETHRO TULL, plus obscure psychedelic rock & Finnish prog, it’s a fine journey through the realm of melodic brutality & keyboard-soaked atmosphere.

The "Our Twilight" EP opens with the title track, a fine exploration of brooding doom metal & prog sensibilities. Following this is "Jewel", an exclusive bonus track taken from the album recording session from Summer 2009. The second half of the EP comprises of 2 tracks, the epic "The Flame of Serenity" & "Floodred" - recorded in the summer of 2008, & specially remixed for this release by Dan Swanö at Unisound, who also provides additional keyboard parts on "The Flame of Serenity".

Look out for the full-length debut album coming early 2010, containing the extended version of "Our Twilight".


Mikko Kotamäki (SWALLOW THE SUN, EMPYREAN BANE) - Vocals
Janne Perttilä (RYTMIHÄIRIÖ, MOONSORROW session) - Guitar
Sami Yli-Sirniö (KREATOR, WALTARI) - Guitar
Olli-Pekka Laine (MANNHAI, CHAOSBREED, ex-AMORPHIS) - Bass
Kasper Mårtenson (VENHO) - Keyboards
Marko Tarvonen (MOONSORROW) – Drums
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Vells, es ieraudzīju, ka producējis Dan Swano un uzreiz skrēju klausīties. Klausos, klausos, nu tas vokālists gluži kā no maniem iecienītajiem Swallow The Sun. Un tiešām! :> Skaņa tāda patīkama, moderna, es teiktu, ka oriģināla un nepārbāzta ar klišejām. Line-up gan iespadīgs un mūziciņa iespārda, jāgaida ep's un albis.
khmm, nav nemaz peļami.
....bled, ielikt dziesmu fragmentus ir galīgs coitus interruptus...
Jāsargā tak materiāls, savādāk pārdot nevarēs un bagāts kļūt a nē.
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