Intervija as Viirastus
4. decembrī, klubā “Melnā Piektdiena” notiks black metal mūzikas koncerts “Under the Black Metal Siege”,
šinī sakarā arī pāris intervijas par tēmu

Intervija ar Ingwar no grupas Viirastus.
By P3 team

(tulkojuma nebūs, esam par slinku)

1) The biography of Viirastus states that your original intention was to create
music in the style of Xasthur, which is actually kind of a cult band in the
depressive/suicidal black metal circle. How come you changed your mind?
When we started our band, we wanted to play something that we like. That time I
was fan of depressive black metal. Also I wrote one song in that style, but it
just didn't fit. We decided not to write music inside any borders – and result
is Viirastus. Our music seems to be primitive, monotonous, etc... We just play
music we like and don't care about other opinion. Thats not because we are too
true for that, but it's because we want to express our feelings.

2) What does Viirastus mean? And what are your band' s lyrics about? Who writes them?
Actually I don't know this world in English (maybe specter?) – if it does exist.
Viirastus is something like hallucination that flashes once before our eyes. Our
lyrical theme varies, we don't sing about satan nor pagan stuff. Mostly it
contains words about dark feelings, hate and sorrow. Lyrics are written mostly
by me (I write the music also), and something comes from our drummer “Sajatus”

3) Do you consider Viirastus as a part of underground black metal bands? If so,
then what is your motivation for that?
We don't consider us as a part of something. We just are underground. Our
rehearsal may look even silly for someone. Sometimes we have put lights to
minimal and used fog machine. So we can feel us as a part of music.

4) What are the main influences of Viirastus music and lyrical themes (I assume
they may change)? And have you been insipired by the black metal scene in
Our main influences are ourselves. But I also can tell, that we are inspired by
black metal, but not only norwegian. I can tell only that our one guiding light
is Mare from norway – not the music, but the feeling of that music.

5) This year Varg Vikernes was released from jail and now he has prepared a new
album for the pubilc. Do you have any opinions on this?
Hope to hear some good music.

6) What do you and your band expect from the gig in Riga?
Good atmosphere.

7) What can the audience in Riga expect from your performance the 4.december?
I can only tell you that we don't play very long and suggest listening/seeing
us. Nobody knows, where/when we will play more. I can promest, if people listen
to us carefully, then they may find the point we are playing it.

8) What are the future plans for Viirastus?
To play music we like and spread our word.

9) How do you find the black metal scene in the Baltic states? Does it have
potential for the new bands to grow big? Is there enough support?
There is potential. I think that in near future young people find out that all
metalcore riffs/music are the same. So they will get tired of it and will
search for something good. If black metal has something to offer them in that
time – then it may be a revolution.

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