M. Barlow atkal dzied
He, jā, tas ir tiesa - Matt Barlow, bijušais Iced Earth vokālists atkal uzstājas. Tikai... policistu grupā "First State Force Band", kas, kā rādās, metālu vis nespēlē :) (pats M. Barlow arī šobrīd ir policists)

Sekojošais teksts ir no www.metal-rules.com :

Officer Matt Barlow of the Georgetown Police Department in Georgetown, Delaware is the lead singer in FIRST STATE FORCE BAND (www.firststateforce.org). Matt is know to the metal community as the former frontman for ICED EARTH.

The “History” section of the First State Force Band’s website states that, “this innovative band was comprised of law enforcement members from different departments throughout the State of Delaware. These law enforcement members through their dedication, performed concerts several times a month to the children of Delaware using music to stress the importance of staying drug free and to stay away from violence.”

Photos of the members of First State Force Band, including a shot of Matt Barlow, can be seen at www.firststateforce.org/band.html

Source: www.bravewords.com
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