Orphanage - split up
Dutch gothic doom/death metal band ORPHANAGE have officially split up. The group's statement on the matter reads as follows:
"From recent internal discussions it appeared that there was too much irritation and a lack of mutual trust to be able to make a new ORPHANAGE product by the high-quality standards that the band has been known for throughout the years. An end has come to 11 years of 'innovative gregorian celtic groovy melodic doom death metal.' We've had a great time. A lot of special moments are in our hearts forever. We were there, YOU were there.
"Please send the news to all that have supported us in all these years, in what form whatsoever. Doesn't matter if you read this for the 100th time, just be sure that we want to thank YOU ALL!!!
"No ORPHANAGE without you; everyone that visited our concerts, that listened to our music, those who have worked for us, worked together with us, those who have shared the ENERGY with us . . . . forever: THANKS!!!"
ORPHANAGE's fourth full-length album, "Driven", was released in April 2004 via Nuclear Blast Records.
"From recent internal discussions it appeared that there was too much irritation and a lack of mutual trust to be able to make a new ORPHANAGE product by the high-quality standards that the band has been known for throughout the years. An end has come to 11 years of 'innovative gregorian celtic groovy melodic doom death metal.' We've had a great time. A lot of special moments are in our hearts forever. We were there, YOU were there.
"Please send the news to all that have supported us in all these years, in what form whatsoever. Doesn't matter if you read this for the 100th time, just be sure that we want to thank YOU ALL!!!
"No ORPHANAGE without you; everyone that visited our concerts, that listened to our music, those who have worked for us, worked together with us, those who have shared the ENERGY with us . . . . forever: THANKS!!!"
ORPHANAGE's fourth full-length album, "Driven", was released in April 2004 via Nuclear Blast Records.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
a man kitajoza (vai kads tur krustojums) vienalga nepatika!:)))
nu, dzīvajā ir redzēti, man jau patika...
nepaies ne gads, ka buus apakal ar jaunu come-together-blablabla
yap, tas pats kas ar emperor tagad
Stulbie pidarasi,besii aaraa... :((((((((((((((
Intars pēdējā laikā uzņēmies sev tādu kā misiju... Eh, es nesaprotu, ko tie stāri var ņemties ar to gaudulīgo taisnošanos, kāpēc tā un šitā. Pasaka čau un miers. Bet nē... vajag taisī copy/paste no citu grupu raudāšanas. Kuri vispār bija tie kropļi, kas to aizsāka??? Vaidzētu iedot pa muti.
"gregorian celtic groovy melodic doom death metal"
svētie tārpi!!! kas tas tāds?!!
"gregorian celtic groovy melodic doom death metal"
svētie tārpi!!! kas tas tāds?!!
Kāda tur misija. Ja uzeju kaut kādas ziņas, kas man liekas ka var arī te kādu interesēt, ta iepostēju. Es jau Bigijam teicu, ka vaidzētu kaut kur redzamā vietā ielikt pāris linkus uz metāla ziņu lapām (tur tipa blabbermouth, bravewords...), lai nav bezjēgā jādublē.
nē, es domāju tieši par ":(((((" tipa tēmām. Skaties, ka tevi nesāk ienīst.
man labāk Intara ziņas, nekā Nefolka jaunumi
Pagapagapaga. Cik tad es tās ":(((" tipa tēmas esmu ietaisījis? Cik atceros, šitā ir vienīgā.
evry rose has it thorns....
Ko tur traci celt par Orphanage? Nu nav jau tā labākā grupa.
Piekrītu, bet zinu, ka dažam labam te it labi gāja pie dūšas, tāpēc arī darīju zināmu šo vēsti - lai jau pabimbā.
Kāds tu ļauniņš..hihi
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