Jaunais Slayer cd vasarā
SLAYER frontman Tom Araya spoke to MTV.com about the group's follow-up to 2001's "God hates Us All", tentatively due late July. Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Cult", "Catalyst", "Catatonic" and "Jihad". At this stage, seven weeks into recording, five of the album's 11 tracks are finished and about to be put through the mixing process. SLAYER still need to put the finishing touches on the remaining songs, but Araya expects the band will be finished with everything in the next week or so.

"This album is actually like a culmination of everything we've done," Araya said. "There's one song that I'm thinking will surprise everybody, because of the song itself. I'm not going to say why, because you have to keep that element of surprise, dude. Musically, it's going to blow everybody away. It's going to trip everyone out. It has all the elements of everything we've done. No one's going to be disappointed with this record. It's fast, heavy — maybe faster than anything we've done before. It's going to be brutal. It's what everyone expects from a SLAYER record."

A track called "Eyes of the Insane", Araya said, is perhaps the most political song on the album. The song was inspired by an article he'd read in an issue of Texas Monthly magazine.

"The song's about the effects of war on some of these soldiers," he said. "This article — and it was a pretty trippy article — it really affected me. The entire magazine was devoted to soldiers of this new Iraq conflict that's going on. The effect that the war has had on some of these kids who're coming home and having a tough time dealing with what they've seen — I mean, some of these kids are traumatized and mentally destroyed by what they've seen. The magazine also ran an entire list of the soldiers from Texas who've died. It was several pages with pictures of these kids. It blew my mind."

Read more at MTV.com
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
This will be the best, we have ever written and so on and on...bla bla bla. Ko gan citu teiksi?
ā, nu jā... tagad arī šie esot BRUTAL! Celtic Frost ir BRUTAL! Un tagad arī Slayer ir BRUTAL!
Reku, tieši pa šito tēmu intervijas fragments ar Hellhammeru no Mayhem. Džeks vaļsirdīgi atzīstas, ka pašiem Chimera albums besījis, bet cerējuši kaut ko nopelnīt, kas arī neesot sanācis:

Imhotep: If "Grand Declaration of War" was written [from] hearts then explain to me, why did you return with "Chimera" to the style of your first album?

Hellhammer: "Because we wanted to sell more!"

Imhotep: Can I write it like that in the interview?

Hellhammer: "Yes. Now, after some time, we can say we hate this album. Of course, there are particular elements which are great. In the end, it didn't work out even with the sales. Therefore we decided in next record to follow our hearts and to listen to our personal development."
pirms pēdējā punkta ", and therefore sell more."
Tāda "bad-boy" pohujista tēla spodrināšana vien ir visas šitās pļāpas.
nu ar nepacietbu gaidu to Slayer jauno albomo. Araya jau par to labi atsaucas , bet nu kas beigās sanāks? Un kas tas vel tur par pārsteigumu?
Nesaprotu šo šaubīšanos - "God Hates Us All" bija monstrāls albums, tagad Lombardo ir atpakaļ un es uzskatu, ka būs pamatīgs trieciens viņu jaunais albums!
Atliek tikai cerēt, ka varbūt būs labāks par God Hates Us All. Bet nu tāda diezgan vārga tā cerība... GHUA monstrāls albums? Neko teikt.
Nu ja, trieciens gan varētu būt :DDD
god hates us all bija spridzeklis... :)
Intaram būs trieciens zem vēdera? :]

khe, būs jāuzmet tas `god hates us all`

Nez, man God Hates Us All ļoti iepriecinaja kopš "Divine Intervention" laikiem!
gād heic as ōl!!!!!!!!!!
drīzāk jau sleijer heic jū.
Saņēmos šitās sarunas iespaidā uzmest paklausīties atkal pēc ilgāka laika to GHUA. Lūk, mans rezumē par šo iepriecinošo monstrālo spridzekli:

- 2 normālas dziesmas (God Send Death un Payback - abām 7)
- 2 vistīrākās raudzes numetāla dziesmas (Cast Down un Threshold - abām 3)
- vienmuļi aurojošais vokāls kļūst neizturams jau trešās dziesmas beigās (neskaitot intro Darkness of Christ)
- pārējais ir kaut kur pa vidu. Lielākā daļa dziesmu ir galīgi neizteiksmīgas, turklāt bezmērķīgas - tās nekur neved.
- kopā sanāk 5 balles.
Es piedalos! :)
Nu ko, pirmais gabals no juanā albuma ir ārā, te varat to dabūt:


Pirmais iespaids - drusku labāks, nekā gaidīju :)
kas i, nevienam nav ko teikt?
nekad slayer ta isti nav paticis, bet sajai dziesmai sakums riktigi patik lidz vietai kur sak dzietat, talak njaa, piedziedajum tads savads.
tūlīt būs ko teikt.Starp citu,tūlīt ienāksies arī jaunais Entombed EP.
tā... Man patīk,tikai kaut kā solo par maz..
LAbs labs tas jaunais Slayer gabals
solo, lai arī ne sevišķi izteiksmīgi (nekādi izcilie gan arī agrāk nav bijuši) ir veseli 3 šai dziesmā, šķiet, vairāk nekā visā iepriekšējā albumā kopā ņemot. Lirika gan drausmīgi banāla, bet nu priekš jeņķiem būs ok. Vispār viss tas dziesmas sākums kaut ko no vecajiem Metallicas albumiem atgādināja. Kopumā ņemot, tiešām nav nemaz slikts.

Šitas mani sasmīdināja:

mazdels, 26. aprīlī, plkst. 02:05
god hates us all bija spridzeklis... :)

mazdels, šodien, plkst. 02:51

pfff, ja jau Tev tik ļoti nepatika god hates us all, tad jau šitas i jāceļ debesīs :] aš izrauts no plus mīnus 90`tajiem
Debesīs celt nav pamata, bet nav peļams.
atrodoties debesīs pamata kā reiz nav :]
peļams nu noteikti nav!
passion of the je(w)sus :D
es jau teic - jāceļ debesīs, hehehehe īhiihiiiī
Tiko nokalusījos to singlu un neko dbesīs ceļamu nesaklausīju...
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