Graveworm - When Daylight's
Man nesen viens kristietis pārliecinoši paziņoja, ka Graveworm - viena no manām mīļākajām grupām - ir kristieši. Vēl joprojām uzskatu, ka viņi nav kristieši vai pat ir anti-kristieši, jo nekur neesmu atradis info par viņu piederību kristietībai (arī par pretējo nē). Vēl joprojām uzskatu, ka teksti, kas rakstīti viņu 1997. gada albumā "When Daylight's Gone" ir ar anti-kristietisku zemtekstu. Kā domājat jūs?

1. Awake
2. Lost Yourself
3. Far Away
4. Eternal Winds
5. Dark Silence
6. Tears From My Eyes
7. When The Sky Turns Black
8. Another Season
9. Aeons Of Desolation

1. Awake

Dying I scream for life
But your eyes are sleeping forever now
Wondering what's to come
I remember the light of your life
Silence shadows of life
Sleep into eternal time
Darkness revenge on earth
My tears are falling above the face

I saw the fallen angel
Kreeping from time to time

Awake jesus christ - the world must survive

A light in front of me appears
I am at the door of fear
Gone is the day and so the time
The light goes off before I cry

Awake Jesus Christ - I saw the hope

Crying the time has come
To destroy the faith on this earth
Jesus christ welcome to be
The saver of this faithless life
Destroying the darkest night
Before the sun will rise for light
Saving nature's life
The sea of blood must stoping now

I saw the fallen angel - die

2. Lost Yourself

When I awke - from my dream
Obscurity - in my eyes
Burning tears - over me
Angels cry - lifeless time

I will cry - I wish to die
Lost yourself - lost your way

Lie above the holy ground
Devotion to your life
My faith is now my second way
To destroy my inner cry
I hear your voice deep in me
Let me feel your light
Help me god, now it's time
Incarnation on earth

Lost yourself - lost your way
Lost yourself - lost your way

Cry for your life when you just became a sign of god
Follow me into the light where angels fly
Cry as I see your soul leave now the sphere of death
Death is the door to another life where time will stop

Lost yourself - lost your way
Lost yourself - lost your mind

3. Far Away

The mountains below
The flames of your soul are burning still
The sky turned black
Storms of rain infesting life
Moonlight vanishes
Darkness shadows rule the world
Coldest breeze
Frozen winds blown through the sky

(All) light is gone
Hopeless time
Daylight's shine
Far away

The monument of the past
Abyss with pain and lies
Distant crying witless life
Black horizons eternal night's
Tragedy withering flowers
Darkening in my eyes

Shining light
Gates to sky showing life
Beautiful silence
Tranquillity I have found
Was no more and so was pain
Forgotten hope
In the air and my eyes

The open sky filled with light
Heaven's love come to the world
Withering flowers swept away
Blooming trees in their place

Sunshine fades now away
Return deep coldest age

Far away see the light of the life
Far away see the light of the life

4. Eternal Winds

As I saw the world in flames
Through the eyes of eternal life
I wish to destroy the life
For every innocent (child) cry

As a sign to die

As I see the mistakes of man
I feel my anger
God will make the end of time
You cry forever

I cry - I saw
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds

Your voice screams like
The rain from sky
The end of time has come
Neither time nor a sign
Can stop this circle of death

Lost in yourself there's no way to get out
The world is burning bright
Nothingness before the end
Unreality of fear

A prophecy
Is on the sky
Over the world

I cry - I saw
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds

An image of total devastation
Characterize the world of today

5. Dark Silence

[Music by Unterpertinger]


6. Tears From My Eyes

Visions of a future that you will never see
Memories of the past
Traces of grief that you must survive
Only to feel pain again
Desolation of man is what I see now
Confusion is all around
Darkness is falling before my eyes
Losing my last hope

Tears from my eyes
Filled with dreams
Tears from my eyes
For a dying world

Suffer day and night
Slowly this world will fade away
The life decrease, my tears unseen
No one try to fear

You'll have to go through the time
To find the truth
You stare into the depth and try...
The answer disappears
Mindless thoughts before you die
Slowly you cry to leave
Inside my eyes the world cries loud
The time has come to die

Tears from my eyes
Filled with dreams
Tears from my eyes
For a dying world
I cry

7. When The Sky Turns Black

Eyes of pain - eyes of death
Death has come - life is gone
Humanity in the sphere of death
The world falls down...
When the sky turns black
When the sky turns black - black

Desperate cry (in the) infinity of life
The world destroyed by humynity itself
Life ended as the world falls down
The death is the door of life

God forgot their mistakes of life
The nature burn in time
Heaven fall silent down
The world went black when the war...

Death is the way
You find the life
Your mind will die
And you will cry

Your god shout down
The punish of time
The angel of death
Will now become

Seeing days like the time of eternal night
The world burns now the end of life has come for me
Insanity, infinity in this life of pain
Flames of sorrow deepest hate destroyed the life

Stand alone in the night
Sorrow in your mind
Tears in your eyes
Destroy your inner faith
Faces of death before your mind
Insanity for all the time
God will cry for your soul
Your heart is seeing black
Heaven of love is waiting you
Let us fly to the sky
End of life for every soul

8. Another Season

Striking over the sea
Where the night's eyes reign
Lightning awakes the sky
From the shadows of the night
Stroming ...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
I wish to destroy the life
For every innocent (child) cry

As a sign to die

As I see the mistakes of man
I feel my anger
God will make the end of time
You cry forever

I cry - I saw
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds

Your voice screams like
The rain from sky
The end of time has come
Neither time nor a sign
Can stop this circle of death

Lost in yourself there's no way to get out
The world is burning bright
Nothingness before the end
Unreality of fear

A prophecy
Is on the sky
Over the world

I cry - I saw
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds
Eternal, eternal winds

An image of total devastation
Characterize the world of today

5. Dark Silence

[Music by Unterpertinger]


6. Tears From My Eyes

Visions of a future that you will never see
Memories of the past
Traces of grief that you must survive
Only to feel pain again
Desolation of man is what I see now
Confusion is all around
Darkness is falling before my eyes
Losing my last hope

Tears from my eyes
Filled with dreams
Tears from my eyes
For a dying world

Suffer day and night
Slowly this world will fade away
The life decrease, my tears unseen
No one try to fear

You'll have to go through the time
To find the truth
You stare into the depth and try...
The answer disappears
Mindless thoughts before you die
Slowly you cry to leave
Inside my eyes the world cries loud
The time has come to die

Tears from my eyes
Filled with dreams
Tears from my eyes
For a dying world
I cry

7. When The Sky Turns Black

Eyes of pain - eyes of death
Death has come - life is gone
Humanity in the sphere of death
The world falls down...
When the sky turns black
When the sky turns black - black

Desperate cry (in the) infinity of life
The world destroyed by humynity itself
Life ended as the world falls down
The death is the door of life

God forgot their mistakes of life
The nature burn in time
Heaven fall silent down
The world went black when the war...

Death is the way
You find the life
Your mind will die
And you will cry

Your god shout down
The punish of time
The angel of death
Will now become

Seeing days like the time of eternal night
The world burns now the end of life has come for me
Insanity, infinity in this life of pain
Flames of sorrow deepest hate destroyed the life

Stand alone in the night
Sorrow in your mind
Tears in your eyes
Destroy your inner faith
Faces of death before your mind
Insanity for all the time
God will cry for your soul
Your heart is seeing black
Heaven of love is waiting you
Let us fly to the sky
End of life for every soul

8. Another Season

Striking over the sea
Where the night's eyes reign
Lightning awakes the sky
From the shadows of the night
Stroming rain from deepest skies
Dreaming moon in the dark
Moonchild cries about the world
Ending the breath of life

Another season gone
Another season come

Fall into the deepset dark
To end the age of godless faith
Fall into eternal sleep
Waiting there for your destiny
Waiting for death is all that remains
When the sky falls down with all their fear
The burning flames that rise will be
My endless pain on my way

Tears in my eyes - reflecting the shining...
Blood in my eyes - depicting the bleeding
Pain in my eyes - showing the fighting

In the cold winds of nowhere
Deep inside the dying woods
My destiny became reality
When the darkest shadow rules the world

Silent time once so full of love
Condemned to be - forgotten time

Fall into the deepest dark
To end the age of godless faith
Fall into eternal sleep
Waiting there for your destiny
Waiting for death is all that remain
When the sky falls down with all their fear
The burning flames that rise will be
My endless pain before my way

Tears in my eyes reflecting the shining
Blood in my eyes depicting the bleeding
Pain in my eyes showing the fighting

Another season gone
Another (season) I will find

9. Aeons Of Desolation

[Music by Unterpertinger, Fiori]


Ak, jā, Graveworm atbalsta arī sātanisti:
Stroming rain from deepest skies
Dreaming moon in the dark
Moonchild cries about the world
Ending the breath of life

Another season gone
Another season come

Fall into the deepset dark
To end the age of godless faith
Fall into eternal sleep
Waiting there for your destiny
Waiting for death is all that remains
When the sky falls down with all their fear
The burning flames that rise will be
My endless pain on my way

Tears in my eyes - reflecting the shining...
Blood in my eyes - depicting the bleeding
Pain in my eyes - showing the fighting

In the cold winds of nowhere
Deep inside the dying woods
My destiny became reality
When the darkest shadow rules the world

Silent time once so full of love
Condemned to be - forgotten time

Fall into the deepest dark
To end the age of godless faith
Fall into eternal sleep
Waiting there for your destiny
Waiting for death is all that remain
When the sky falls down with all their fear
The burning flames that rise will be
My endless pain before my way

Tears in my eyes reflecting the shining
Blood in my eyes depicting the bleeding
Pain in my eyes showing the fighting

Another season gone
Another (season) I will find

9. Aeons Of Desolation

[Music by Unterpertinger, Fiori]


Ak, jā, Graveworm atbalsta arī sātanisti:
Nu man gluži vienalga, ka tik pa dievu nesāk dziedāt.Un tā vispār nu kautkā neliekas, ka šamie kautkādi kristieši...
haaah ! kakaat jau var daudz !
nu ta lai pieraada ka vinji ir kristieshi .
a vispaar kaadada starpiiba !
Dieva kungs jau šajos tekstos ir dažas reizes minēts. Pat Jēzus...
Varbūt smieklīgi, bet vienkārši nepatīk apzināties, ka klausos kristiešu mūziku :D
Plnīga vienalga. Man tāds Graveworm bijis, nebijis.
Man gan būtu piekāst par vārdiem. Piemēram vakar pa teļļuku redzēju nereāli labu regeja konci, kas pēc vārdiem spriežot bija kristīgais. Nu pilnīgi poh.. ka tik muzons labs. Graveworm man gan tā - so so.
0 ir alerģija pret kristietības reklamēšanu.
ziniet bija tāda LV Pank grupa Thootsome Twang. Nu vo ritīgākie kristieši, pus dziesmaas pa dievu un jēzu... un ritīgi laba grupa, tagat vēl šad tad mēdzu paklausīties... uh, un vēl šad tad kad kas ļauns notiek iesaucos "AK DIEVS!" Baisi...
Tiešām baisi :D
Reizēm, kad sēžu uz poda, es domāju par auzu pārslu biezputru... bet tad es atceros, ka no rīta viņu ēdu ar zapti.
Lūk tas ir baisi.
Kur ir problēma? Dziesmu tekstos, kuros minēts/piesaukts dievavārds? Vai ar problēma ir iekš tā, ka tev, kā jau ĪSTAM VĪRAM pienakas, kristietība/baznīca/grē... ir vien tāda garīgās masturbacijas nodarbība, kas, protama lieta, pie kājas. Nu ko, apsveicami, esam izauguši no bērnu bārza līmeņa. No sūdčupu urbināšanas ar kociņu ar vairs prieka maz, mamma un papus ļauj alu dzert, un nerāj vairs dikti, kad nākam vakarā mājā pēc plkst 9. Vai ar problēma ir iekš sajūtas, ka, nē nu kā es varēju tā ablomīties, klausoties ne īsto, ne pareizo ne to, ko visi citi. Eu, paklau, a moš davai tajā bedrē lecam? Uz priekshu, visi lec un tu ar, ar savu viepli iekš tās sūdu čupas. Nu, kaa bij, ņammīgi?
Ak kungs, jel svētī un atlaid grēku šīm avīm, kas vilkiem līdzīgus zobus griež savā naivumā paši pret savu gribu, jo nešķīsts kapatārps sen dējis savas olas to slimajās miesās! Amen ..
For the rise of the fallen angel
Sing halleluja
The snakebite in garden of Eden
Sing halleluja
The last of the four horsemen
Sing halleluja
For the raging hate of Cain
Sing halleluja
Man absolūti vienalga, viņi kristieši vai nē, galvenais, ka mūzika laba.

p.s. Viņu pēdējais alb. man nepārāk patīk, lai gan par pirmajiem trīs (it īpaši pirmajiem diviem) es esmu stāvā sajūsmā, it sevišķi "As The Angels Reach The Beuaty". "Nocturnal Hymns" ir mana mīļākā metāla dziesma vispār...
khee...un tas aironmaidenju kaveris arii taa pavelk, taa pavelk...Angels iisteniibaa tiesaam labs, bet ar When daylights...pirmais iespaids bija...mjaam, beerninji Crematory saklausiijushies...kaut kaadaa 98. tas albums piekliida, ja nejuuk...veel slimoju ar maximaalismu...un jaunais arii nepatiik...
Tak pofig, ir kristieši, nav, viņiem mūzika ir lieliska, tas ir pats svarīgākais!!!
"Vēl joprojām uzskatu, ka viņi nav kristieši vai pat ir anti-kristieši, jo nekur neesmu atradis info par viņu piederību kristietībai (arī par pretējo nē). Vēl joprojām uzskatu, ka teksti, kas rakstīti viņu 1997. gada albumā "When Daylight's Gone" ir ar anti-kristietisku zemtekstu."

cien. darkheart

vai tu luudzu nepamatotu savas aizdomas par shiis grupas antikristietisko nostaaju ar konkreetiem citaatiem un tavu zem-texta interpretaaciju. pateicos.
Tas pats variants kas ar Tristitia. Domaa liidz :D
he he,tad jau laikam vispirms klausoties kādu dziesmu ir kārtīgi jāizlasa dziesmas lirika un tikai pēc tam jāklausās,lielisks padoms kā aiztaupīt nepatīkamus mirkļus :))
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