Wacken open air fest 2008
Хочу поехать на Wacken open air в 2008 году. КТо мне скажет, собирается ли в Латвии автобус на это мероприятие? Или кто то едет отдельно?!
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
ah ta veelvienam gribaas iron maiden dziivee ieraudziit
es gan nezinu, vai 60% WOA apmeklētāju varēs kaut ko ieraudzīt...
Eh- no Liepājas uz Hamburgu lidojot turp atpakaļ aviobiļete maksā 74 Ls- tik laicīgi jāpasūta. Pieskaiti vilciena biļeti līdz stacijai, kas vistuvāk Wacken (skatijāmies kartē, no tās līdz ciemam ir 1,5 km- var nočāpot) un to pat atpakaļceļam. Nākamogad pirmo reizi pati došos, un mēs ar vīrieti izdomājām, ka gribas nokļūt turp ātri un ērti, nevis draudzīgi un ar busu kopā ar citiem.

Ja kas- tulīt nebūšot biļešu, kādi pēdējie 5000 palikuši. Jāgrābj ciet kamēr ir.
Hehe ... vari ņemt pa 74 Ls - vari arī pagaidīt līdz e-desertā varēs dabūt pa 22.20 (tā bija šogad). Tik cenas katru dienu jāskata.
Kā tā,nebūšot biļešu,daudzi tikai Ziemassvētkos pērk?
BĻĻĒĒĒĒĒĒ!!!! OMG#$%^&*98

Dear Metalheads!

Carcass are confirmed for the W:O:A 2008 as promised!

Let the band speak by themselves:

"Well, they said it would never happen. In fact I said it would never happen. Then I noticed no one pays attention to what I say anyway and I sounded like an idiot...

Summer 2008 will be the twentieth anniversary since the release of CARCASS' first studio album. It will be fourteen years since we last played live. We've decided to exhume the old corpse next Summer at Wacken. The timing is purely coincidental - it's been a long journey to get to this point where myself, Bill Steer and Mike Amott have enough common desire again to make it possible. We're finally conceding to the demand that seems to be at an all time high and doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. Any past reasons we may have had for not wanting to do it, or thinking it was impossible, have simply dissipated in the face of overwhelming interest in us performing THOSE riffs for a generation of believers who never had the opportunity back in the day. We could say we're doing it for 'the kids' - but fuck that ! We're doing it 'cos it will be fun again to play the classic CARCASS tunes !! Of course it would seem inappropriate for us to contemplate to do this without Ken Owen, but I assure you he'll be there, and we'll push some sticks in his hands and make him play, plus we'll have a killer drummer to sit in and play HIS parts.

Myself Jeff Walker on bass and vocals, "the semi-legendary" Bill Steer and Mike Amott on lead guitar and Daniel Erlandsson, filling in for Ken on drums, look forwards to mutilating your hearing.

And if we don't do it ? Who else will overshadow the Led Zeppelin reunion ?

Ha !

Prepare to rot and roll."
trū trū
jebal acī, Carcass! jācer, ka albumu arī jaunu ierakstīs, Walkeram būs apnicis tas sūda kantrī un Stīram tas hipijmuzons:D
vot eto daa............
Psc, tie waken taisītāji tak māk katru reizi kautko izdomāt, lai liktu uz turieni kratīties >:)
Dzīvosim - redzēsim, ko vēl vāči mums būs sagādājuši.
heresy nesapratu kas ir pedejie 5000 palikushi? WOA ieejas biletes vai ari kas?
vnk nesapratu. nakamgad gan ir liela velme tikt.
nezinu gan kas speles bet tiri notikuma pec gribetu.
Vo uz Carcass es ar labprāt .............
Pēdējās 5000 biļetes, doh.

ShIz- pastāsti vēl par tiem specpiedāvājumiem! Tev kāda pieredze ar ko tik fantastisku kā puslīdz uzdāvinātas aviobiļetes?
Nu man gluži nē. Dienu vēlāk liepāja - hamburga - liepāja maksāja jau ~50 latus. Bet cilvēki, kam paspēju noziņot nopirka par tiem 20+ latiem.
Ej airbaltic lapā un vēro cenas. E-deserta cenas mainās katru dienu, t.i. var būt kā dārgāka tā lētāka akcijas cena. Pamanīsi to pēc ķirsīša sarkana, kas cenai klāt būs pielikts. Tā 20+ latu cenu pagājušo reiz bija tieši Type0Negative konča dienā :)
Pricipā visa maģija ir cītīgi sekot līdzi cenām un mēgīnāt notrāpīt uz mazāko. Ja var dabūt pa ~30-40Ls, tad domāju, ka nav ko riskēt un jāņem ciet, jo nākamajā dienā cena var būt lielāka ... nu protams, ka arī mazāka. Sanāk tāda kā loterija šitais te pasākums.
Aha, paldies par info.
Vispār WOA topicks jau bija padsmit topikus zemāk: /forum/72525/
P.S. Led Zeppelin apvienojušies ?! Tas gan ir ZB.
крч сейчас билеты стоят уже 109 EUR. билет RyanAir Рига-гамбург-Р... - еще 100 ls. Билет на концерт оплачивается через банк, сам билет присылается по почте
Led Zeppelin ir apvienojušies uz vienu koncertu, cik man zināms. Bonama vietā viņa dēls.

"On September 12, 2007, it was confirmed during a press conference by promoter Harvey Goldsmith that the surviving members of Led Zeppelin will reunite in aid of the Ahmet Ertegun education fund for a show at the O2 Arena in London on 26 November 2007, with Jason Bonham filling in on drums.[70] Tickets were made available via a lottery system through Ahmettribute.com, costing £125 / $250.[71] The website exceeded its bandwidth allowance and crashed almost immediately following the announcement, with the promoter predicting that the gig will cause the "largest demand for one show in history",[72] due to the ticket request site receiving 120 million hits, with 25 million people registering for 20,000 available tickets."
Tā neko.


It's Official: AT THE GATES To Reunite For Select Shows - Oct. 18, 2007

Legendary Swedish metal band AT THE GATES will reunite for several shows next summer. Confirmed dates so far are as follows:

Jul. 4-6 - Ruisrock, Finland
Jul. 31 - Aug. 2 - Wacken Open Air, Germany
Aug. 15-17 - Bloodstock, Derby, UK

Commented guitarist Anders Björler (currently in THE HAUNTED): "Well, it felt like the timing was right for once. We have been talking about a possible reunion for years now, but this was the first time everything fell into place. For me personally, it feels like getting closure. The break-up over ten years ago was abrupt and left a bad vibe between us that took years to get over. We have a better relationship today and a more relaxed approach to who we are and what we do. The time is right to get together and play some shows Try to catch us live in the summer 2008. It could be your last chance."


Tomas Lindberg (DISFEAR, THE CROWN, LOCKUP) - vocals
Anders Björler (THE HAUNTED) - guitar
Martin Larsson - guitar
Jonas Björler (THE HAUNTED) - bass
Adrian Erlandsson (BRUJERIA, CRADLE OF FILTH) - drums

Mani nekas vairs neizbrīna...
Gan jau vēl kādi 5 reuniuoni līdz nākamajai vasarai notiks no mirušām bandām.
moš bītli ar apvienosies?
murgoni, tas tehniski nav iespējams, jo puse no bītliem jau ir apmirusi.
pohuj. var jau uzcelties no mirušajiem uz vienu koncertu... :)
Tādā gadījumā man, lūdzu, Death. Un jā, Queen arīdzan.
Bathory.... nu tas neder, jo Quorthons jau tapat nekoncertejas :)
Bet varētu jau vienreiz uzcelties no kapa un uztaisīt "Living Dead Tour". Faniem patiktu.
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