Moonspell news
MOONSPELL is working on the follow up to the largely acclaimed Memorial yet untitled, and they are pre-producing it in Portugal with Waldemar Sorychta (Wolfheart, Irreligious, Sin, Memorial) this November from the 16th to the 30th.

Studio is booked now for January 2008 at Antfarm in Denmark with Tue Madsen who worked with the band on the re-recordings of the EP and the demos. Under Satanae collected ravishing response and review everywhere and it even charted in their home country (number #12) where they played a one off show in Lisbon Coliseum whose setlist was comprised of all titles of this release to 3500 surrendered fans.

All the shows this year have been postponed in order to allow the band some time to work on their new opus. "It..'s still hard to say which direction it will proceed but so far there are great, great songs, full of mystical power and crushing atmospheres. A few classical Metal elements have been added to the songs, Black Metal and Gothic are also influences that are very important and we just want to take Memorial a step up but without loosing the enthusiasm of discovering and applying new elements to our music. The lyrical content is very fierce, spiritual and mostly pagan in the way it will be an really connected with the Earth and with the fact she is indeed a woman..." Words from the band themselves.
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Var ievērtēt 2 jaunus gabalus
''Night Eternal'' riktīgi labs, ''Scorpian Flower'' tāda liriska atkāpīte. Gaidam albumu!
Nu i aktivitāte te panesusies, visi drukā aut ko vislaik.
Būtu tikai priecājies, labi, ka tautai ir vēl reāla interese par mūziku un seko līdzi jaunumiem !
A kas tur tāds tai "Night Eternal"? Diezgan truls gabals, manuprāt.
abas jaunās dziesmas pa pirmo,neliek vilties. man patīk.
tiri ta neko...moonspell faniem jau patiks....citiem diez vai...katra zina ar siem gabaliem jaunus fanus vini diez vai piesaistis.....
Beidzot arī šamiem iznācis DVD Moonspell - Lusitanian Metal.
Jā, DVD būs obligāti jāievērte, atceros jamie jau 2004. Metalmānija prasīja publiku atblastīt, jo rakstot DVD. Tad nu beidzot...
Novilkts ir. Skatīts vēl nav.
jā, man arī ir novilkts, bet vēl nav sanācis laika noskatīties. Tāpat ir novilkts arī Opeth Roundhouse Tapes, bet baigi čābīgi, ka baigi daudz jaunie DVD iznāk DVD9 jeb Dual Layer diskos. Mana vecā Filips sistēma tādus neņem pretī, a uz kompja skatīties ar stereo skaņu nav tas.
Es vai nu apšņikāju līdz DVD5 (izmetu menu, neinteresantas intervijas vai slaidšovus) vai arī uz diviem DVD5 ierakstu. Ja baigi labs, tāpat oriģinālu nopirkšu.

Divslāņu matricas jau vecāku DVD pleijeri nelasa, turklāt lētāk uz 2 DVD ierakstīt. ASrī drošāk.
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