Matt Barlow atgriežas IE!
ICED EARTH - Singer Matt Barlow Replaces Tim Owens
Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 17:47:53 EST

ICED EARTH's Jon Schaffer has issued the following announcement:

Hello Dear Friends!

Once again the winds of change are upon us, and this time I can say that I am very happy about the result.

While out on the European tour I had several in depth discussions with many loyal Iced Earth fans. A common theme of these discussions was how much Matt is missed. I agreed with the fans that things were not the same and that it was a very special period in Iced Earth’s history.

When I heard several months ago that Matt was going to be doing a project in music again, I was thinking about contacting him and seeing what his intentions were. I didn’t act on this because I was so focused on the writing of the new epic, and frankly, it just didn’t seem realistic.

Well, after getting out on the road and speaking with many of you directly, I decided to call Matt and see how he was doing and if he was interested in working together again. I am proud to say that he is coming back to Iced Earth and we will be getting back to work in the studio very soon.

Matt will be singing on Part 2 of the Something Wicked concept CD and we will be looking forward to getting out on tour and delivering a series of Iced Earth shows that will rival any in the history of the band. And there will be a proper DVD filmed from this period, something we’ve all been waiting for.

I want you all to know that it was you who made this a reality. I have missed Matt’s presence onstage and in my personal life in a big way over the past few years, so I appreciate your honesty in our discussions. It did help me realize the decision to move forward with pursuing this. The fans have spoken and we have delivered!

You true fans know that I’m a straight shooter, I say what I mean and mean what I say. And though I value your opinions greatly, you must believe that this is a decision that comes completely from the heart and is not motivated by anything other than what feels the best for Iced Earth. This is the way that things have always been dealt with, for better or for worse, but always honestly and from the heart.

Tim Owens is a great and talented singer and I wish the best for him and his future on a personal and professional level.

There will be more news soon as to further developments and plans. This will push back the release of Part 2 a bit. Not because we couldn’t be ready to record in time, but because of a new addition to Matt’s family in early 2008!

I am very happy to announce that Iced Earth is truly BACK!

Have a great holiday season. We’ll be in touch very soon with more details.

Jon Schaffer


Man jau Rippera vokāls patīk, bet tomēr kaut kā ierasts, ka Bārlovs, kam arī viens no labākiem vokāliem šobrīd hevītī, vairāk iederas Aisedērsā.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
neiet tam Barlowam, tikko kā kaut kur silti iekārtojas, tā atgriežas oriģinālais vokālists.
bļins, Owenam neiet:D
Nu ta beidzot šī grupa atkal būs klausāma, jo Ovena vokāls man galīgi netīk(izņemot pēdējo Iced Earth albumu). Nez tik, kā tagad būs ar Pyramaze, pa abiem projektiem ņemsies vai!?
Nu pagaidām it kā netaisoties aiziet no Pyramaze. Njā, bet Owena toč žēl. Varēja būt lieliska karjera, bet pagaidām tāda kā mauka vien sanāk...
Nav labuma bez ljaunuma - kaa vienmeer. Protams, prieks par Barlow atgrieshanos, bet Owens-am laikam buutu jaaveel tikai to labaako. PR dzhekam jau ir ljoti unikaals sanaacis - katrs ar taadu nevar lepoties. Vieniigi tas vinja pasha projekts BEYOND FEAR taads pabaalaaks sanaacis, jo speeciigam vokaalistam vislabaak, ja ap to ir taadi pashi monstri kaa vinjsh pats, bet tie dzheki, lai arii speelee neslikti, un arii debijas albums bija neslikts, tomeer ir mazzinaami. varbuut tagad, kad "Ripper" varees sevi pilniiibaa veltiit savam projektam, sekos arii krietni lielaaks izraaviens, kas arii buutu veelams.
Pyramaze is galvenokārt studijas prodžekts. gan jau viņš var darboties abos.,

nujā, bet man pēdējais IE disks, kas pa īstam sirdi trieca, bija "Night of the Stormrider" :) Arī vokāla dēļ. Bet galvenokārt mūzikas dēļ.

Owenam gan neiet, mjā. Laiks vecim dibināt savu blici.
Nu, man jau Beyond Fear ļoti patika, lai tik džeks ņemas pa turieni. Iced Eart ar Owenu ar rullēja, vienīgi pirmais albums nebija tik spēcīgs, bet pēdējie ar Bārlow ar bija tikai OK.
Nu The Glorious Burden bija visai viduvējs, faktiski pa lielām bumbām, tikai Rippera vokāls to kaut cik izvilka. Framing Armageddon vēl jāpaklausās, lai noformulētu domas, bet vispār šķiet labāks, ja nu vienīgi brīžiem ir visa kā drusku par daudz. Dzīvajā šogad WOA gan baigi stīvi bija.

Beyond Fear man arī pamatīgi iecepīja, bet arī galvenokārt vokāla dēļ. Bet cik esmu dzirdējis, arī vecā Rippera banda Winters Bane taisās ko jaunu cept, varētu moš arī tie viņu paņemt atpakaļ - ja jau gan JP, gan IE izmeta Ripperu, lai būtu vieta vecajam vokālam, tad attiecībā pret viņu būtu godīgi, ja Winters Bane darītu tāpat :D
Vakar noausījos pedējo ICED EARTH. Labs, bet nedaudz pārsteidza tas kompozīciju skaits - veselas 19!!! Bet ar visu to albūms nav ilgāks par stundu un 10 minūtēm (aptuveni). Labā power meal kondīcijā pavelk uz kādu 7 vai pat 8 no 10 iespējamām ballēm. Mūzika laba, bet līdz dažu iepriekšējo ICED EARTH albumu augstumiem tomēr neazvelk. Bet spēcīgs gan!
TIM OWENS Says He Found Out '30 Seconds' Before Everyone Else He Was Out Of ICED EARTH - Dec. 19, 2007

Singer Tim "Ripper" Owens spoke exclusively to D.X. Ferris of the Cleveland Scene about his surprising departure from ICED EARTH three months after the release of the group's latest album, "Framing Armageddon - Something Wicked Part I".

ICED EARTH mainman/guitarist Jon Schaffer issued a statement last week (Statement#1, Statement#2) announcing that the group was parting ways with Owens and was once again working with Tim's predecessor, Matt Barlow, who originally left ICED EARTH in 2003.

Speaking to the Cleveland Scene, Owens stated about his split with ICED EARTH, "I was told 30 seconds before the news hit Blabbermouth that I was let go — two weeks before Christmas. I don't think it was handled right. It's a shame it ended like that. With JUDAS PRIEST, at least the way it was handled, I'm still good friends with the band. The good thing is, I don't have to discuss ICED EARTH anymore. I can move on. I wish them luck. We're ready to go to the future."

Tim's new top priority is BEYOND FEAR, an Ohio-based based power-speed hybrid. That band's 2006 self-titled debut received some of the best reviews of Owens' storied career. The frontman says a second record is nearly written, and local fans can expect some live shows soon.

"Owens is still being managed by Wendy Dio, wife of metal legend Ronnie James Dio. BEYOND FEAR remains attached to international metalworks SPV Records. The singer may move forward with a new WINTERS BANE album and tour, if the project generates label interest; BANE bassist Dennis Hayes was dismissed from ICED EARTH along with Owens.

"I've already had a lot of offers," said Owens, who is now regarded as one of metal's top voices. "It's nice to get the support.""

Cik mīļi no Šaffera puses. Gandrīz kā tas gadījums ar Liv Kristine, kad viņa par izmešanu no Theatre of Tragedy esot uzzinājusi no preses.
"When I heard several months ago that Matt was going to be doing a project in music again, I was thinking about contacting him and seeing what his intentions were"

nav teikts arī, ka visa tā štelle tam Barlovam apniks pēc pusgada....
Nebūtu nekāds brīnums, ja apniktu, ņemot vērā, ka, pēc šiem notikumiem spriežot, 1)Šafers ir pimpis; 2)Šafers, vismaz šobrīd pielien Bārlovam, lai tikai dabūtu šo atpakaļ.
Šaferam tā jau nav pirmā reize, kad šitādus jokus viņš taisa. Ap 90-to sākumu/vidu bija viņiem tur viens vokālists, kas par kaut kādu sīku kašķi ticis izmests no bandas tikai tāpēc, ka nevarējis sadzīvot ar basistu, kurš bijis žīds, pamatojot to ar to, ka rasistus grupā neciešot, lai gan konflikts pat par nopietnu neesot bijis saucams. bet atiiecībā uz Barlow, nezinu - viņš jau tur ir bijis vis ilglaicīgākais vokālists, kuru Šafers ir praties paciest, un pēc kura aiziešanas ir izteicies par to visai sērīgi pat Owens vokalēšanas laikā.
Bet Owens jau nebūt tas neies sliktumā - tepat jau arī tika minēta viņa otrā pirms-PRIEST-u brigāde, WINTERS BANE, plus vēl arī BEYOND FEAR - lai tik raujas džekiņš! PR arī šim ir visai apskaužams - lai at tādu pieredzes bagāžu lai nedabūtu labas vietas ir galīgam "tuk-tuk" jābūt!
piedrāzt Owenu. Barlows ir daudz labāks par to spiedzošo ķēmu. ar nepacietību gaidu materiālu ar Barlowa piedalīšanos!
nez nez, abi labi.. Ķimku pirmoreizi redzēju Judas priest DVD, un puika atstāja respektiņu, kaut JP nekad neesmu klausījies. Un vakar iečekotais Beyond Fear ir garšīga mantiņa. "My Last Words".. uh! spēks! Bet runājot par Iced Earth, vienīgais albis, kas tiešām iegriež tā pa nopietno, ir pats pirmais. Baisi skaista noskaņa... Vispār jau šitie vokāli ir apskaužami. Jauda tomēr ne pa jokam.
runājot par Iced Earth, vienīgais albis, kas tiešām iegriež tā pa nopietno, ir pats pirmais. Baisi skaista noskaņa...
tātad es neesmu vienīgais pasaulē, kas tā domā...

Nu, ko, vismaz kāds prieks Z-svētkos ;)
Otrais ar griež zvērā. 3 un 4 ar ir reāli nagu maucēji
man arī otrs neganti tīk.
Bet kaut kā to Bārlovu nevaru pieņemt. un, IMHO, mūzika tad aizgāja stipri tradicionāli 80s heavy/dark power stilā.
Kamēr pirmais (un visumā arī otrais) disks bija vienk... kreizī. neparedzams un kopskanējumā baismīgi oriģināls.

Nu, vismaz tāds man likās pirms 17 gadiem, kad iegādājos ierakstu studijā (!) kaseti, jo biju no Amerikas vestajā Metal Maniacs ieraudzījis kūlu reklāmu - grupas nosaukumu un bildi.
Hm, kas tas par tradicionālo 80 heavy/dark power ? Izņemot Omen nekas tāds dark nenāk prātā.
nu, OK - parasti es par dark power tādus dēvēju (tādus kā Morgana Lefay, Evergrey, beidzamos Anfel Dust, tak kaut vai Brainstorm) - lai nesajauktu ar Edguy, Rhapsody, un tml. jaukajiem un priecīgajiem europoweriem :) Ne jau ka tas ir dark kā tāds Immortal *rrroaaaagghhh*
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