Cretin: Dan -> Marissa
Vocalist/guitarist Dan Martinez of the Bay Area grindcore trio CRETIN was interviewed for the July 2008 issue (#45) of Decibel magazine (web site) about his decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery, essentially erasing his entire past as he set out to find the woman he always was.

"From the age of 13 on, any transgender feelings I had were lived as a fetish or a fantasy," explains Marissa (as Dan is now known). (At the time of Decibel's interview, Marissa is seven months into being a full-time woman, meaning the government recognizes her legal sex change with a new driver's license, social security card, medical records, etc.) "It was never more than wearing pantyhose or whacking it on the Internet, really. At the same time, I was imprisoned in a sense — a woman trapped in a man's body. I am significantly different now. I don't want to deny my past, but at the same time I'm sad that I lost my girlhood."

As supportive as he is of Dan's decision to begin a new life as Marissa, CRETIN bassist Matt Widener admits he has a hard time hanging out with her sometimes because he hasn't been able to separate Martinez's two identities just yet.

"It's especially hard for me, because I saw [Dan's] face mature from boyhood to manhood," confesses Widener. "I know every feature of that face, so when I look at Marissa sometimes, I still see Dan because I have all those old memories — memories I refuse to give up. She's not Dan as a woman, though. She's a completely new woman."

CRETIN's live guitarist Matt Harvey hasn't known Marissa for as long as Widener by any means, but he does have enough memories of "eating pizza, watching horror movies and talking about chicks" with Dan to toughen the mental transition between the two. "It's kinda trippy," admits Harvey. "You have an old friend, but you're starting from scratch in a way. I feel weird about it in my own head — not about Marissa; about the dynamic — but once I see her, I'm like, 'Obviously, you're not Dan. You're a woman. Duh.'"

Once Marissa turns 33, she will be eligible for the sex reassignment surgery (SRS) needed to replace Dan's penis with everything but ovaries. Anatomically speaking, Marissa will appear to be a woman but unable to reproduce. Further breast and facial surgeries are also planned to make the physical changes even more pronounced.

As for where she's at emotionally, Marissa classifies herself as a straight woman (Dan never identified himself as homosexual either) who's been attracted to men since the hormones truly kicked in.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Graindkors ...
šitas par godu pidaru maršam? :P
Homoseksuālisms man kaut kā liekas pieņemamāks par dzimumu maiņu. Bīstama un stulba operācija.
Nu nez, ja jau tik tiešām tai prātā ir viss ačgārni, var jau būt, ka nav slikts risinājums. Tik nez vai ir mūsdienās gana droši iespējams noteikt tādu diagnozi, lai varētu būt kaut par 99% drošs, ka vēlāk šitāda operācija nav jānožēlo.
Jebkurā gadijumā tas izskatās normālāk par spalvainu vecu kleitā :D
Prikiņ, tu tusē ar kōlo džusi - tur sex un visas lietas un tad šī pasaka viņu sauc Jānis ....
Gerisona kungam no Dienvidparka arī veica tādu operāciju...i mean, nogriež čibriku un uztaisa tipa ārēji kaut ko līdzīgu vagīnai. bet kā ar klitoru, lai sekss būtu bauda? nu kaut kā liekas, ka nevar no veča uztaisīt 100% sievieti - varbūt tikai ārēji. jebkurā gadījumā tu būsi džeks bez čibrika..
he, tai Kretīnu grupai pat teksts par tēmu ir bijis
"I put the lipstick on his face
And make him wear a dress
He cries and carries on so much
Mascara makes a mess

We have a fashion show
He models mommy�s clothes
Teetering in heels
He learns to strut and pose
I make him tuck his stuff
Back between his crack
He stumbles when he walks
Until he gets the knack

Daddy�s little girl
Daddy�s little girl
Slipping hormones in his food
He blossoms into womanhood
Daddy�s little girl
Daddy�s little girl
His breasts begin to swell
Is he Michael or Michelle? "
Kas tur par brīnumu - gan jau šis pats Dan/Marissa to tekstu arī rakstīja.
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