Jeff Becerra sasirdzis
POSSESSED Legend JEFF BECERRA 'Gravely Ill' - Sep. 22, 2008
Sole remaining original member Jeff Becerra (vocals) of the reactivated California death metal pioneers POSSESSED became very ill while touring in Europe. The group, now featuring Becerra backed by members of California's SADISTIC INTENT, was playing shows on the European continent in preparation for Norway's Hole In The Sky festival, which took place August 27-30 in Bergen, Norway.
Jeff has been wheelchair bound for more than 18 years — ever since he was shot and paralyzed in a street robbery. A pressure sore became infected on the trek, which was described as "a very ambitious tour" for a healthy person, let alone someone with a number of special needs, but Jeff felt compelled to follow the rigorous schedule. The infection spread to his bones, and soon he was unable to move. The band rushed him to a Helsinki hospital which then had him flown to Paris for medical care, but Parisian doctors did not want to deal with such a sick American and they had him flown to Los Angeles where he spent nearly 20 days in a hospital on a strong course of antibiotics. Jeff is now resting in his family's care until he can beat the illness.
Sasodīts. Cerams, ka izķepurosies, koncis pērn Wackenā bija graujošs. Laikam pārvērtējis džeks savus spēkus...
Sole remaining original member Jeff Becerra (vocals) of the reactivated California death metal pioneers POSSESSED became very ill while touring in Europe. The group, now featuring Becerra backed by members of California's SADISTIC INTENT, was playing shows on the European continent in preparation for Norway's Hole In The Sky festival, which took place August 27-30 in Bergen, Norway.
Jeff has been wheelchair bound for more than 18 years — ever since he was shot and paralyzed in a street robbery. A pressure sore became infected on the trek, which was described as "a very ambitious tour" for a healthy person, let alone someone with a number of special needs, but Jeff felt compelled to follow the rigorous schedule. The infection spread to his bones, and soon he was unable to move. The band rushed him to a Helsinki hospital which then had him flown to Paris for medical care, but Parisian doctors did not want to deal with such a sick American and they had him flown to Los Angeles where he spent nearly 20 days in a hospital on a strong course of antibiotics. Jeff is now resting in his family's care until he can beat the illness.
Sasodīts. Cerams, ka izķepurosies, koncis pērn Wackenā bija graujošs. Laikam pārvērtējis džeks savus spēkus...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Vienkāršakot čalis pakaļu nosēdēja ...
a ka vins uz skatuves ratinkresle vokalu izpildija?
Nu bet ar kājam tak visa ta padarīšana ir daudz patīkamāka un ērtāka,
Ja ar kāju nepiesit - gaiss no plaušām neiziet ?
Bet tu redz kā Džefam tā būšana tik ļoti pie sirds, ka arī riteņkrēsls nav šķērslis močīt. Pārspīlēja laikam gan drusku...
Bet riteņkrēslā ne to vien var darīt, reku šitā bilde jau ir klasika:
Bet riteņkrēslā ne to vien var darīt, reku šitā bilde jau ir klasika:
Invalid Thrower :D
Mjā... nu nenospīdējis čalim ar to veselību. un tā ir bijusi tikai tāda nejauša lode, ko kaut kādā mafijas ielu savstarpējā tesiņā, nejauši garām ejošais Jeff ir dabūjis mugurā...
Visu cieņu vecim, ka vēl spēja atgriezties uz skatuves!
Visu cieņu vecim, ka vēl spēja atgriezties uz skatuves!
Tai blabbermouth rakstā jau ir vēl fragments no intervijas ar Jeff, kur viņš stāsta par to negadījumu. tik nejauši tas nemaz nav bijis, cik var noprast, viņam ir stipri nospīdējis, ka vispār dzīvs palicis:
Regarding the robbery that left him paralyzed, Becerra said: "The first bullet went into my chest about six inches above the nipple, went through the lung and stuck on the inside of my spine. I put my hand up as I was going down, and the second bullet clipped the top of my ring finger off. But at least it didn't hit me in the head. So I was on the ground, and the first guy put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, and the gun jammed — luckily for me, some criminals don't know how to clean their automatic weapons."
Regarding the robbery that left him paralyzed, Becerra said: "The first bullet went into my chest about six inches above the nipple, went through the lung and stuck on the inside of my spine. I put my hand up as I was going down, and the second bullet clipped the top of my ring finger off. But at least it didn't hit me in the head. So I was on the ground, and the first guy put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, and the gun jammed — luckily for me, some criminals don't know how to clean their automatic weapons."
visu cienu dzekam, es so faktu vispar pirmo reizi dzirdu tapec brinos, bet grupa ir dzirdeeta tas toc, tikai nesmu pieversis memberiem veribu.
BoD, ja nestāvi kājās gaiss neiziet. Tobiš sēžot diafragma nespēj funkcionēt tikpat pilnvērtīgi kā sēžot.
Bļe, pēdējo sēžot manā teikumā jānomaina uz stāvot.
shitaadu joku nebiju redzeejis, imo, ka kkas taads gan neiet kopaa...
Kas tieši? vokalizēšana ratiņos? Bet viņš tak to darīja sen pirms viņu sašāva, un turpināja arī pēc tam.
Visi tie, kas dzied (-āja) pie klavierēm sēžot (ar abiem pediņiem priekšgalā) ir pilnīgi lohi un nejēgas ? Cik atceros no anatomijas, plaušas pirms dirsas tak beidzas.
Salīdzinājums. Def Leppard bundzinieks spēlē ar vienu roku, tāpēc ka viņam nav abu roku. Spēlē labi un cepuri nost tam kā viņš spēlē. Bet kurš teica, ka ar abām rokām viņam nesanāktu labāk. Tāpat ir arī ar dziedāšanu. Sēžot dziedāt var, bet stāvot sanāk labāk. (bet protams, ja tu neparezi izmanto elpceļus, preses muskuļus un diafragmu, ta pofig, kādā ķermeņa pozīcijā tu dziedi, tāpat nekas dižs tur sanākt nevar.
Ir jau drusku starpība, vai kājās dzied, vai sēžot, laikam stāvot sanāk, ka diafragmai vieta bišk atbrīvojas.
Def Leppard buņģieris kā salīdzinājums man arī iepriekš ienāca prātā, vairāk gan tādēļ, ka viņš bija bundzinieks arī pirms zaudēja roku, bet turpināja močīt arī pēc tam.
Def Leppard buņģieris kā salīdzinājums man arī iepriekš ienāca prātā, vairāk gan tādēļ, ka viņš bija bundzinieks arī pirms zaudēja roku, bet turpināja močīt arī pēc tam.
Njā, cepuri nost (gan džekam, gan grupai, kas viņa dēl atcēla pasaules turneju, līdz čali sadakterēja).
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